My October Reminder - heartkokok

Rabu, Oktober 05, 2022

My October Reminder

  [ Believe in new beginning ]

> I want you to remember that it's not too late to do something. It's not too late to start a dream. To make a new friend. To discover a new passion. To realise that you are worthy and you deserve the same love so freely give to others. To put yourself first. To fill your cup each day. To find new love. To discover the beauty of small moments. To start again. To learn something new. <

... and prepare for the things you pray for because sometimes the delay is your preparation. ''

Sometimes.. '' The best people come unexpectedly and the connection is always real...

::: I hope you remember to think beyond your comfort zone from time to time and never forget the importance of growth. I hope you remember that progression isn't always easy and sometimes the things that scare you will actually get you a lot close to where you want to be. :::

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