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Minggu, Januari 03, 2021

Soto Semarang
Januari 03, 20210 Comments

Kalian tim nasi dipisah atau nasi dicampur?

Soto menjadi salah satu masakan khas Indonesia, pastinya kaya akan rempah-rempah. Meski, makanan kesukaanku adalah sate, tapi soto turut pula menjadi bagian dari menu yang aku sukai. Bagiamana tidak, wong setiap pulang kampung, di rumah selalu disediakan soto. 

Dari beberapa jenis soto yang pernah aku coba, semuanya memiliki kemiripan, yakni sebuah makanan berkuah, yang ditabur bawang dan berisi irisan daging. Hehe.. Meski nanti tergantung kombinasinya, soto pun berubah nama sesuai bahan-bahan yang dimasukkan. Jenis soto pun beragam, ada Soto Semarang, Soto Kudus, Soto Bogor, Coto Makassar, Soto Medan, Soto khas Banyumas (aku lupa namanya), dan maaaasih banyak lagi. 

Perdebatan tetap pada, nasi dicampur dan nasi dipisah. Kalau geng tim Soto Semarang, pasti sudah sangat kenal dengan nasi dicampur kan?

Lebih daripada itu, soto sangat menyegarkan. Kala dingin, hujan, soto menjadi masakan yang sangat istimewa. Tentunya apabila disajikan secara hangat. Menurutku, soto juga menyimbolkan sebuah budaya yang dimiliki daerah asal soto berada. Bumbu rempahnya yang khas, menjadi sentuhan yang lembut bagi lidah pecinta makanan lokal. 

Reading Time:

Selasa, Desember 29, 2020

Desember 29, 20200 Comments

 Tahun 2020.. 

Haha penuh dengan kejadian yang benar-benar tak terduga. Setidaknya tak terduga, karena memang belum kita alami sebelumnya. Nyatanya, alam sudah memperingatkan kita sebelumnya bukan? 

Aku ingat guru agamaku dulu saat smp, beliau menyampaikan bahwa sesungguhnya kehidupan di bumi ini adalah tentang 'balance' atau keseimbangan. Kalau udah ga seimbang, berarti ada yang tidak beres kan?

Padahal awalnya aku kira bakal jadi tahun yang begitu menyenangkan. Aku kira bakal bisa jalan-jalan bersama teman di beberapa tempat, yakni menjalankan koasisda di beberapa daerah. Dan selanjutnya ujian kompre di hadapan dosen dan teman-teman, di ruang yang menegangkan itu. Haha.. 

Memang, manusia memiliki keterbatasan untuk melihat jauh ke depan. Tapi, coba saja jika kita lebih baik ke alam. Bukankah alam sudah menyediakan banyak hal?

Berkaitan dengan itu, pandemi merupakan sebuah ujian dan cobaan bagi kita semua. Pandemi membuat kita belajar menahan ego kita sebagai manusia, yang notabennya merusak, ingin memiliki segalanya. Pandemi yang membuat kita harus lebih peduli pada sekitar, orang-orang sekitar, para pekerja, pemimpin, masyarakat secara umum, dan kepada hewan serta lingkungan yang membutuhkan sinergi di bumi ini. 

Sumber: Jakarta Post

Bukan juga soal itu, nyatanya memang bagi diriku pribadi, di masa itu.. aku langsung saja memutuskan untuk pulang, dan berada di rumah. Maklumlah, jika dipikir-pikir aku akan begitu pusing dengan tidak melakukan apa-apa di kosan. Jadinya aku memilih untuk di rumah saja. 

Banyak hal pait, dan manis menjadi satu. Ada tangisan, ada tawa, ada luka. Yang semua-semuanya mewarnai tahun 2020. Di sekitarku saja, banyak orang yang dirugikan setelah pandemi datang, banyak putus kerja, jualannya merugi dan banyak kejadian lain.

Namun ada beberapa hal, yang membuat manusia menjadi lebih baik. Dan profesi dokter hewan menjadi sesuatu yang dilirik. Meski, masih tidak terlalu ramai. Aku yakin betul bahwa profesi dokter hewan merupakan salah satu garda terdepan dalam pencegahan penyakit zoonotik (penyakit yang dapat menular dari hewan ke manusia atau sebaliknya). Namun bukankah, jika profesi itu penting, akan banyak yang sadar dan membuka peluang ? Yap, harusnya seperti itu. Mungkin saja peluang itu, belum menjadi 'kesadaran' pihak yang berwenang untuk perlu memiliki dokter hewan di pemerintah/ perusahaan/ daerah mereka. Semoga saja, kedepannya menjadi lebih baik. 

Kita pun yang semula tak masalah dengan jarak, dipaksa harus lebih berjarak. Kita menutupi mulut dan hidung dengan masker. Bak sedang dibungkam. Kalau-kalau kita terlalu bangga diri, kalau-kalau di masa lalu kita dengan mudah menyakiti orang, kalau-kalau dulu kita tidak menganggap keberadaan orang yang ada di sekitar kita. Setidaknya, hal itu menjadi beberapa hal yang bisa aku petik dari situasi ini. Dalam diam, kita perlu memperhatikan sekitar, memerhatikan hal sederhana namun sarat makna. 

Oiya. Berbicara tentang pandemi itu, melibatkan banyak pihak. Dan berarti ekonomi memang memiliki peran yang kuat. Entah itu dalam pengambilan kebijakan, atau dalam hal mental. Setidaknya itu yang aku dapat dari berbagai media. Namun, ada juga kelelahan mental yang terjadi akibat seseorang tersebut, mendapatkan perlakuan yang tidak baik dari orang lain, kelelahan akibat sering bermain gadget, atau karena terisolasi sendiri sehingga jarang bertemu orang. 

Kejadian pahit manis tersebut, menjadi semakin lengkap ketika aku yang termasuk lulusan 2020 sedang dihadapkan pada transisi dunia kampus ke dunia kerja. Mungkin, aku dan beberapa lulusan 2020 sedikit kesulitan memiliki pekerjaan. Bahkan bukan hanya mencari, tapi menentukan pekerjaan apa yang sekiranya cocok buat kita juga penuh pertimbangan bukan? Belum lagi ada tuntutan sana sini. Haha.. duh 

'Pentingnya ONE HEALTH' Sumber: Unair News

Lagi dan lagi, sebetulnya manusia memang cenderung was-was. Khawatir boleh, ya katanya jangan berlebihan. Karena kita tidak tahu apa yang terjadi di depan, masih dirahasiakan. Jadi, bisa mengusahakan dan bertawakal sebaik-baiknya kann ? 

Ungaran, Desember 2020

Aku yang sedang dan terus belajar


Reading Time:

Sabtu, Desember 26, 2020

Menuju DokHe
Desember 26, 20200 Comments

 Serpihan rentetan yang memiliki alur maju, ya maju karena dari dulu hingga kini, menghasilkan sebuah kisah yang sangat berarti.

Menjadi dokter hewan, calon dokter hewan, atau seorang dokter tapi dokter hewan?

Aku ingat betul, waktu itu aku hanyalah seorang anak ingusan yang mencoba menelaah peluang untuk dapat memasuki perguruan tinggi lewat jalur undangan. Alhasil, sampailah aku di titik awal yang menjadikanku bisa sampai di titik lain, yang akan menjadi titik dari sebuah awalan baru. 

Aku menangis sesenggukkan, sesaat setelah pengumuman ujian kompre di Kamis, 17 Desember itu. Aku menjadi rombongan pamungkas, hari kedua sebelum hari terakhir periode ujian dilakukan. Sebelumnya aku memang merasa tenang, karena merasa memiliki “banyak waktu” untuk mendengarkan ujian teman atau mengulas pelajaran yang sudah aku baca sebelumnya. Tapi, yang namanya ilmu pasti tidak ada habisnya. Semakin aku membaca semakin aku merasa kurang. 

masih sembab 

Yang aku rasakan sesudah pengumuman itu adalah, sebuah rasa yang entah itu rasa lega atau rasa tidak terduga, atau justru karena aku tidak bisa menjawab secara maksimal. Aku tak tahu betul, tapi yang aku rasakan dalam gaungan pikiranku saat itu adalah aku benar-benar tidak menduga aku bisa sampai di titik ini. Benar-benar tidak menyangka. 

Jadi ingat, dulu aku pernah hampir putus asa, saat sebelum memasuki masa sma. Aku lebih memilih memasuki sekolah swasta, alih-alih bukan negeri yang dulu ada wacana menuju RSBI, alias sekolah berstandar internasional. Dampak yang nyata bukan sistem pembelajarannya, tapi bayarannya. Sehingga aku pun tak tega untuk masuk ke sekolah negeri ber RSBI itu. Tapi, dukungan dari berbagai pihak, dan yang terpenting dari bapakku, yang mengatakan akan mengusahakan semaksimal mungkin akhirnya memberanikanku mendaftar ke sekolah negeri yang katanya RSBI itu. Namun, keadaan juga menjadi tak terduga setelah ada pengumuman bahwa ternyata aku masuk ke sekolah swasta bertaraf internasional dengan beasiswa, tapi aku harus merantau ke Bogor. 

Memang, banyak ketidakpastian yang berujung sebuah kepastian yang selalu kita idamkan. Kita tidak tahu skenario apa yang Tuhan rencanakan. 

Dan, saatnya aku pun meluapkan semua emosiku di situ. Beruntungnya aku, dikelilingi oleh orang-orang baik. Teman-teman yang baik. Saat aku menumpahkan emosiku, aku berada di pelukan mereka. Dan memang, mereka lah sejatinya yang menjadi salah satu sumber kekuatanku untuk terus maju. 

Entah itu dari teman-teman yang mendukungku saat di asrama, saat di tingkat persiapan, saat masuki dunia baru di fakultas dan saat aku menjalani koas. 

Ehm.. masih ga nyangka banget bakal sampai di titik ini. Aku, yang masih ingusan ini dan menurutku masih perlu banyak belajar ini akhirnya berhasil menggapai satu dari sekian mimpiku. Mimpi menjadi seorang, yang semoga saja membagakan keluarga. Sedikit cerita saja, bahwa ku adalah anak pertama di keluargaku yang menyelesaikan pendidikan hingga ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi. Karena sebagian besar menyelesaikan hingga tahap smk. Semoga saja, lebih banyak lagi yang dapat mencapai pendidikan tinggi. 

Meski menjadi sebuah awalan baru, tak dipungkiri, aku pun selalu dihadapkan dengan berbagai kebimbangan untuk meniti karir. Tapi aku rasa hal tersebut wajar bagi para lulusan baru. Tapi lebih bagus lagi jika di jauh-jauh hari sudah memikirkan strategi yang bagus, sehingga sesaat sesudah lulus sudah dapat menentukan arahnya masing-masing. 

Semoga, yang disemogakan diaminkan oleh semesta. 

Pssst.. ada bonus Buku Album PPDH FKH IPB Periode I 2019/2020 

Reading Time:

Minggu, Juli 19, 2020

Do you Realize?
Juli 19, 20200 Comments
Sometimes, the sun is too hot
And people tend to forget
That there is the wind
Still bring the coolness

Well, again. Sometime we don't realize what we already have instead what we haven't have. Sometime we don't understand what is really going on, until we get enough after something that happened have a good benefit on us. That's natural. 

But, are we too reckless if we just let it happen? Are we too greedy if we want a happiness? 

Loosing something means that we're learning to keep what we already have. Sometime we should feel the opposite to know the meaning. 

Maybe I was to busy catching up the butterfly? Until I didn't realize that there is a bee that actually sticking up? 
Maybe I was too busy waiting the star when I already can watch the moon? 

So, had I already looking for something here in myself, here in my side? 

For same reason, we can't really push someone to catch up the building of the house that's already going on, meaning we can't push someone to be with us, until we didn't realize that actually there's someone who's in his silent, helping us, talking about something meaningless until something meaningful.

That there's someone who really care for us, who want to hear all of our sorrow. 
That there's someone who can make us laugh easily,
That there's already someone that never expecting us to always give update what we're up to, but always ready if we're asking for helps. 
That there's someone who will remind us that our choices are matter, always want us happy, and only want to stay in our side. 

Do you realize?
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Sabtu, September 01, 2018

Tetaplah Jadi yang Terbaik
September 01, 20180 Comments

Klinik Nada-Tetaplah Jadi yang Terbaik
By Denis Sutrisno 

Buktikanlah kita bisa menjadi satu
Saling menguatkan tiada yang memisahkan kita
Semangatku semangatmu kita bagi bersama
Melewati menjalani hari yang indah ini
Menjadi cerita yang sangat berharga
Bahagianya kita
Berjanji untuk selamanya tetap bersama

Segala rasa yang kita alami
Harusnya kita pun saling mengerti
Tak ada yang berbeda meski tak sempurna
Karena cinta kita abadi selamanya
Ada kalanya kita kan saling menyebalkan
Terkadang juga kita kan saling membosankan
Saling membantu bukti sebuah persahabatan
Sungguh bangga kawan
Tetaplah jadi yang terbaik

Menjadi cerita yang sangat berharga
Bahagianya kita
Berjanji untuk selamanya tetap bersama

Back to Reff

-Terimakasih kepada kak Denis dan Klinik Nada yang telah mempersembahkan lagu yang spesial ini kepada FKH 52. 
Setelah Intravena 52, kemudian kami menemukan jati diri kami yaitu sebagai Griffin. Tibalah kami dalam tahun terakhir berjuang menjemput gelar sarjana, sebelum nantinya melanjutkan perjalan menuju PPDH/ koas. #WelcomeTingkatAkhir
FKH 52
Aku saat ini sedang merasakan bahwa kekuatan dari tiap lirik tersebut sangat membangkitkan semangat kami, sebagai 52. Banyak hal yang kami lalui sebelumnya hingga sekarang ini. Banyak tantangan, cek-cok, kehangatan, kepedihan, kecerian yang selalu mewarnai hari-hari kami. 
Aku sangat suka dengan lirik 'Ada kalanya kita kan saling menyebalkan, Terkadang juga kita kan saling membosankan, Saling membantu bukti sebuah persahabatan, Sungguh bangga kawan, Tetaplah jadi yang terbaik'. Dalam lirik tersebut seakan mengisahkan bagaimana sebuah pertemanan itu berjalan, terkadang marahan terkadang saling jail, saling membantu, saling membutuhkan sama lain, dan seperti pesan yang ingin disampaian kepada kami semua, Tetaplah jadi yang terbaik. Ya, kami ingin menjadi yang terbaik atas usaha yang kami lakukan. Dengan kata-kata mutiara tersebut aku dan mungkin Griffin lain berusaha untuk terus belajar dan berkarya untuk memberikan yang terbaik, dengan dukungan dan doa kolega semua. 

Reading Time:

Jumat, Desember 15, 2017

Desember 15, 20170 Comments
Why this really disturb me. I actually cant stand to always prevent myself not thinking about you even for a while. I really need to take a deep breath, than I reduce my pain because this feeling. I after this become so much selfish. My heart beat really fast. I know you, but do you know me? I do care to know what you are up to. If love is cruel for me as I just being a one sided lover? Cant I just syncronize it to become resonance, between you and. This can't still be called love.

You know that I'm so much hurt. You had been in my side for very little while. But I just cant bear that I fall into you. I do not think anything else. What I believe is just that you were on my side that time.
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We got a Tremor!
Desember 15, 20170 Comments
That day was a Tuesday!!

In Tuesday we got a practicum for IBUV. Commonly, It teaches us how to do surgery. Well, most of us suddenly got a tremor on that day! Why???

So, here is the story.
We had an exam to do suture in a chicken meat. One person got one needle and for suturing. We had to do 10 variation of sutures. Each of the suture would be given 5 minutes to finish. We must to get around 4 simple sutures, the other sutures were varied.


We got that tremor.😥🤒

I've been interviewing more than 10 of my friends and what is their reaction?
100% of them were also tremor.🙄

Actually we just got shocked because that was our first time to have this kind of examination. We were also worried if we couldn't finish the suture as the time given.🤗

Having another incredible experiences as a vet students? Share to me 😀
Reading Time:

Selasa, Agustus 29, 2017

Kumpulan Anak Ambis FKH
Agustus 29, 20170 Comments
Well... well... almost a half year ago, which was my time before entering my faculty (yeah actually it was my second year but I just enter my faculty because I had to attend first year preparation program in my college) I thought that it will be a tough life attending as a veterinary student, yeah it still true anyway. But, the thing is that I fully cover my head with an idea that all the things there will be boring. Oh, I think I will stuck in the bottle!!
My judgment is absolutely untrue. Again, I mention the song, a gift of a friend by Demi Lovato. It's like the power by the help of our friends are very meaningful. Until we die, we are realize that we can't do something without help. Then I must rewind it why I can say this t***h thing ;)
Going in the class that always serious with the lesson is not good I think. Fortunately, Allah knows that I need a replacement of power nap in the class by giving me friends that can make me laugh in the middle of the lesson. It encourages me to be more awake and focuser with the lesson from my lecturer. It's not stuck until in the class only. Well, it continuous in the group with sometime creepy joke.. wkwk. First, I'll mention my group named "Kumpulan Anak-anak Ambis". I think I no need to translate it in English, haha if you ask me maybe I'll ask google to translate it anyway. Can I mention your name guys? Okay, I hear that you permit me to do it :)
So, in this group there is our king, ehm.. yes his name is King Algio. He's from North Sumatra and I'm sure that you can ask him to play a band because he master in guitar. Sometime he will mention that there will be no Quiz before the experiment or whatever, and sometime he is true anyway.  Next, there is Naufal Karmawan who we call Opal from North of Jakarta. I confuse how to describe him, maybe he has an elastic body because he is very good in dancing, and you know what? He sometime act unpredictable things, typo, and yap, making us laughing. wkwk. Then, you will see a smart student with high GPA but easy to get angry sometime. Sorry, Odi. I don't mean that, wkwk.  He is Odi Prayoga from West Sumatra. He is also very cute and always spamming in a group. Huft,,How many ex-girlfriend that you have, Odi? :p . Another boy is Ibnu, M. Ibnu Nahrawi from South Sulawesi. He is tall and always treat people smaller from him with an act of hitting. If you small like me, then he must be trying to hit you. He is kind hearted, sometime isn't clear what he do and I don't know. wkwk.. Wait, we still have another boy in the group. He is Ridwan Syahril from West Sumatra. This religious person is really calm, sometime also doing unpredictable thing, and mention us in Instagram. Well, I'm so sorry Ophi because I forgot to mention your name. Ophi or with long name, sorry if I miss in writing your name, Mas Taufiqurrahman come from Makassar. Do you know the type of politic person? Yeah, maybe I can say that he slightly into it. He is very clever, and sometime you will stop and prefer to silent  if you have a debate with him. Sound interesting!!
Now we will move to the girls. First, there is Dina Shabrina. I confuse what to mention where is she from because she had been in Makassar, Cianjur and now she live in Banyuwangi. Well, she is little bit "tomboy"  but beautiful and very active. Haha I think she is trying to be an elegant woman. Nice try beb!  She loves martabak so much, well she also good in guitar. Don't be so hard to let your ex- boyfriend Din.. wkwk. Then, there is 'Nona manis dari Timur' who is Annisa Magvira from Ternate. Vira is a person with unique voice and pronunciation. She is very exotic with her skin and her red lips :D. She is funny and sometime she mention her boyfriend that I don't know the truth :p. Now, the last person is Novita Nurhamidah who is now having LDR with her boyfriend. uuuuu... She is sometime saying loud thing in the class when all people is silence and it will make us laughing. Well, when there is a camera, she will reach it and take a selfie with it. Ooh no!!
Well, actually it's not all their characters that I mention here. Well, anyway we often using the word 'herpes'  as the replacement of 'heran' or amazed with something. I think if I write here it will not be funny as the real one but at least it can be a memory for me. then, not only that, we also use the word 'mentarik' as the replacement of 'menarik' or sound interesting. Oh no, we still have another word that only us who know it :p.
We are close friend, but this will not making us having Peaceful Friendship. It's getting worst. Sometime we still bully each other if there is a person saying 'I haven't study' but we will mock them with 'you are liar', you must have studied before! Or we keep mocking on someone who has complicated relationship with others, etc. But, we are supporting each other to have good score in exam by studying each other and pray :)
Hello, so this week we are having such a great challenge that must we pass before we have our holiday which is Final exam. After I look at the schedule, hem.. well yeah it is little bit unfair because we will have exam everyday from Tuesday to Thursday plus a practical exam of embryology and an online practical exam for basic of nutrition. I forget, tomorrow actually we will have two exams for virology, written and practical but this subject is collected in one time exam, so I'll have two kind of paper tests.
With the group of Kumpulan Anak Ambis, we often go to a place named Surabi Riweuh, our favorite place to study together. Actually we can study alone, but some people will prefer to study together by having discussion. But off course back again, some people will need additional time to study alone. There, we have discussion about the materials that are going to be used for exams. But you must know that, as we declare our selves to be the ambitious one, but in fact ...... NO!
The situation that you can imagine here is not like in the quiet place or library when all people are very serious. Sometime we only stuck in one slide or two slide of presentation because we must repeat the explanation when there is somebody doesn't pay enough attention toward the explanation or the discussion. Yeah!! Most of our studies are explained by Odi. But sometime, I feel sorry to him because we often shout him out if the explanation is not loud enough or not clear enough. Well, thanks everybody who also being a instructor for all of us :)
Talking about that I just remember a moment before final exam which is Odi's birthday. There's nothing interesting here because we failed to make a good surprise. Anyway you just enter your 19th birthday, wish you all the best professor Odi!!

continue to the next session. Hem.... I think we have a lot of stories while we are studying together. We have new member in the Group. Hai Irda who come from South of Sulawesi! Well, if we are talking about the rank of ambitious people in the group, then first rank must be Irda as the winner. She comes from Class A. Some people will believe the myth that class A and B are opposite. In class A, we got hem.... the real ambitious one while class B the vice versa. I think it's not a myth but it's happen in all generation of FKH IPB. Do you also feel that. Sorry, Irda I forgot to talk about you. Irda is a cute person and I was wondering why she always stick in Vira? Herpes. hahahaha. Well, I definitely believe Vira has a magic there. wkwk, no. I'm kidding. They are actually live in the same house and the same room. Also, they are coming from same region. Irda is really awesome because when the first Irda come to our discussion group, she did flipped bottle very well. Then, we declare that Irda is the boss of Kumpulan Anak Ambis. Welcome Irda!
Fyuh.. suddenly that I remember if I still have some final exams. Okay, next I wanna tell you that there is a broken heart man in our group. I don't want to mention it because you will know it wkwkk. Okay, actually I amazed when he chat the group what should he do when the girl that he give much attention doesn't ignore him. All suggestion came from us but back again, it all depend on what will he do and the girl's feeling. I hope you can get her heart! Try harder,bro!
to be continued in another time I guess, with different stories....when I have my spare time 
Come closes the biggest event of our batch, may be big.hoped. and yeah it was big enough :) 
Lately, I felt that they are more likely to have conversations about ex-boyfriend♡  Hahah... some of them had various story about it. And yet, they didn't share whole stories. 
When in the conversation about love, even I'm not master on it, I'll listen it carefully and pretend that I understand it all. But if you will ask me bout my own, I'll starting to get confused. Wkwk
Well, in 18th of February we were having inauguration night. There, some of us were wearing nearly same type of outfit as it was mentioned. It was nice to know king that very charming at the stage. Awww..
 Updated on July 17th 2017

Hai, guys!

Enak pake Indo keknya.

Wah - wah sesungguhnya Allah menciptakan makhluk itu berpasang-pasangan. Terus indikasinya apa nih?

Grup yg semula bernama Kumpulan Anak Ambis ini berubah nama menjadi Anak TerJomblo gara- gara temen kami yang satu ni sudah putus. Dulunya sih sebutannya Novita gematulJannah yg mengandung unsur nama pacarnya. Eh sorry nov kecepluussaan. 🤗 Lantas ngga langsung berubah sih namanya. Tetep itu di hpku. Hihi. Tapi grup Line kami berubah jadi nama itu.

Bayangkan saja grup berisi 12 orang itu semuanya jombs- jombs ceria. Baru saja aku mau mengusulkan nama lain menjadi Kejora: Kelompok jomblo Ceria tapi semua pun menolak dan mengaku sudah tidak jomblo. Vira ngakunya ditembak seseoranglah, Dina ditembak Opal lah dan novita ditembak Ibnu lah. Percaya gak? Gak kan? Hihi

Well, ketidakjelasan, ketidakarahan obrolan kami, keambisan yang terpendam, hingga pertengkaran yang direncakan semakin menjadi- jadi. Huft jadi bingung pun saya. Sebenarnya yg memprakarsai pertengkaran tidak jelas tersebut adalah opal dan dina. Mereka berantem dengan menggunakan tebak gambar. Beuh.. macam punya IQ 160 keatas semua pada. Wkwk

Well, aku rindu tempat itu. Tempat saat kita belajar bersama. Tempat kita mendengarkan penjelasan ujian. Pengamen yang banyak. Uang habis buat beli ayam yang rieweuh. Sampai kadang es teh pun abis karena tempatnya sangat ramai. Ya, tempat tersebut adalah Surabi Rieweuh. Nulisnya susah ih!

Sekarang kenangan tersebut pindah di tempat Wisma Arofah dimana ada Ibnu, odi, Opal dan dua orang kelas Ba-Hagia lain, yaitu Iwal dan Iqbal. Duo I ini merupakan orang yang kalem, tapi semenjak berada di wisma itu mereka tertular virus ketidakjelasan dari kami semua. Nah loh? Kami semua?

Tahu ngga gengs rumah itu campur lho cewe sama  cowo!! Oh No!! Tentu bukanlah. Mungkin karena saking seringnya kita main di sana serasa tempat itu adalah gubuk kami kedua setelah kos san masing-masing. Di situ ketidakjelasan lain dilakukan.

Bakwan!! Lho kok tiba2 ngomongin bakwan sih pen? Hehehe. Iya nih. Sejak rumah itu berdiri, cielah. Bakwan merupakan menu favorit kami saat berkumpul. Katanya sih si Dina yang jago banget bikin bakwan. Heumm.. sedap memang.

Kok aku lupa ya mau cerita apa lagi.. hihi. Sebenarnya ketidakjelasan yang terulang tersebut kurang lebih sama. Mungkin alurnya yang berbeda gengs. Ouch sungguh terlalu. Oiya, kemarin kita sempat jalan- jalan ke Gunung Kapur. Sebenarnya sih ada beberapa yang udah ke tempat lain cuman ngga komplit. Kalau momen di gunung Kapur kemarin itu lumayan komplit pasukannya.

Gunung kapur yang cantik itu menjadi saksi kerempongan Dina dan Novita untuk mendaki. Hihi. Sedangkan yang paling tangguh adalah si Vira. Harus begitu ya memang. Biar tidak berbohong sama postur.ups sorry!

Udah deh aku mau nanya ke mereka apa ya yang harus diceritaken. See you soon!

28th of August 2017

Akhirnya ada update- an yah guys setelah sekian lama di grupp anak ambi yang ngga ambis ini. Yaps, benar sekali. Ada sesuatu yang baru loh.

Kali ini, telah datang seseorang yang sangat sering menggemparkan FKH dengan bersin granatnya. Bersin Granatnya ini sangat terkenal di seluruh penjuru FKH. Gak kalah juga sama ketawanya yang menggelegar di seisi kelas. Bayangin aja guys, saat- saat dosen bergurau dengan hal hal yang harus kita telaah dulu, dia udah nyerocos dengan gelakan tawanya. Jadilah dia terkenal di mata dosen tersebut. Eits, eits, ini ngomongin siapa sih? Dia itu, adalah mantan ketua Vetcom. Dia itu putih. Asalnya dari Sumatra Utara, seproduk lah sama King. Dia namanya Morgan. Lebih tepatnya Vincent Morgan Leonardo. Nama yang indah bukan? Semoga yang kita harapkan sama seperti ketika kita mlihat rupa aslinya. Cari aja di FKH sendiri! He.. he.. Well, Vincent. Selamat datang di Grup yang ter-tidak terjelas kami. Jangan menyesal!!! wkwkwk. Okey aku sudah punya nama lengkap Vincent, Vincent Leonardo D'Caprico. :p

@iqbal aaaaaa iqbal siapa itu iqbal? Artis bukan sih? Eittssssss... 

Yah kecewa anda. Ternyata bukan. Dia mungkin nyamar guys, sebenearnya Iqbal itu komikus terkenal. Eits.. lalala sebenarnya ngomongin siapa sih? 

Beliau adalah Iqbal Sambrora, kalau di hapeku sih namanya Iqbal Sambalado..hehe. Sering banget nih aku ngeliat dirinya muter- muter gajelas. Ada gara- gara kunci yg ketinggalan lah, hape lah, eits kalau pacar kayaknya ga ketinggalan yak wkwk. Iqbal berasal dari Lampung, sejenis sama Novita. Soal kesabaran bisa tuh kita belajar dari beliau. Aku heran kadang tapi, sebenarnya gantungan baju di kamarnya gasalah, tapi dianya terlalu memaksakan alhasil semua bajunya menggunung di belakang pintu wkwk. Welcome to the Jungle Ballll!!!

Reading Time:

Sabtu, September 03, 2016

My Summer Adventure : Sawasdee 19 Thailand
September 03, 2016 2 Comments

Click here for more photos https://goo.gl/photos/YRdDZgf8YgfNuPmB8

It is the main thing that I should have to get into that place, Thailand. I can't tell the detail about that, but I'll try to deliver it some.
Me, Feni is only a daughter of a farmer and an ex-laborer in garment. I can't have many chance to be able to soaring high, unless I dream it. That day, visa is the most important thing before I start the journey. Well, I couldn't have many chance to get there, Royal Thai Embassy.
The first time I went there wasn't success because I didn't bring my recommendation letter. It is like a pressure for me as I should struggle in the week of final exams went there and asking for the letter. Fortunately, I have two friends along my journey who was also facing similar situation and know about what is our feelings.
Why?? Big why is coming either from myself and my surrounding. The program that I join is like volunteering activity to teach English for students in rural area. In my previous school, I had an experience to be the part of Community Service, similar like this activity. Then, I also have another volunteering experience in my campus. It is like good activity whether to help them or to improve our soft skills. And a simple thing that I think is wonderful that, we can make them believe that whoever can have dream high. Then, I decided to join this program. It was quite hard to me. I should maintain many plus and minus. And me, I ever want to quit but yeah, I keep going till the end.
Exam would ended soon. Most of people had gone to their hometown. I really wanted to go to my hometown in that time. Especially that time was Ramadhan, a special month in Islam where people have to fasting during the day of Ramadhan. Usually people will gather with their families in the end of the month.
I was alone in my rent house near campus. However, I still can find my friend two days before my journey to nowhere.
Heart beat fast. I never had experience like this before. I could not imagine that I'll go overseas. This is my first time to do that, even for having first experience to have flight.
The first three days, there were Incoming Preparation Seminars (IPS). In this project, I join with AIESEC LC-Chulalangkorn University (CU). But in this IPS, LC CU and BU (Bangkok University) were combined together. LC BU was the place where we had those three days IPS.
The building of the campus were really luxury. I really impressed by the uniqueness of the buildings. I think that is one of the reason why this place is used for shooting a movie or video clip. Well, I ever seen of the shooting. And I don't really know who were that people who get shot, but they are handsome and beautiful.
Wonderful experience with all of them. In that night, I was having cultural night in the event named Global Village. All the members of the country at that time were performing dance from each of the country. Instead of that, we were also having a stand which display something traditional from their country. For example like in Portugal, because of the country is very famous with the football, they show us about the football players' shirt. Then, we can find and try a lot of foods from all over the world. Then, there were also some souvenirs which can we get freely. For me, I was with my friends from Indonesia. Surprisingly, I was not alone there because the number of EPs come from China and Indonesia are the biggest.
It is not like in Indonesia where we can easily find a mosque or masjid to pray. But then, we can pray in the top of library building. FYI, we still have Ramadhan in that time, but I don't really feel the atmosphere as there were still time for having breakfast and lunch. Again, this is challenging, I should proud of it that I still can stand with that. In the last day of IPS, we were going to a place inside the Student Activities Center. In this place, we can find small place named Meditation Room. Amazingly, there were Sajadah and Korma in that place. Maybe some people in this university are Islam. Who knows?
In those three days of IPS, I’ve gained knowledge that so important for my next journey in the province. We learned about what should and shouldn’t, culture shock, language, and what should we prepare for our journeys also the simulation of teaching. In the end of IPS, we as the Sawasdee 19 LC CU was first came to Chulalangkorn University and to Siam Square. Again, the building of this university is also very awesome. The different with BU is that, CU just like traditional building in Thailand.
After that, the journey to the province start. We went there by bus. In the next day, we had arrived at one of the school, and this school is going to be the center of everything, including the next agenda which is Evaluation Day. There, all director or our host family would come to the place to pick up us. Before that, there was briefing about the project from the committee. I whispered to ensure myself that I can do it, I can make it, and I can face the new journey which I don’t know what will happen the next!!
In the province, I’ll have another friends come from China. Her English name is Julia but her Chinese name actually is Ziqi Yuan. I am calmed after know that because I’ll not alone in foreign country. Then, we already met our host fam. The first time we went there, we already invited to eat in a place there. This was incredible, since the first time, they had treated us well. Unfortunately, I didn’t eat because I am fasting, but no problem for me, I could see they eat and having chit chat tough.
In this place, I realize why Thailand can be exporter of rice to other country. It has a lot of rice field along the road which I can see during the journey to the village. After I arrived home, my host fam led me to the bed room, which is together my room and also Julia’s during this project. The accommodation is good for me as we have one bathroom in bed room.
The first day in the school was little weird for me. I and Julia must introduce our self in front of all the students. Yeah, I was speaking in front of people who don’t speak English. And in that first day, I was also trying to introduce myself in Thai Language. Then the first class was begun. At the first, the students were so silent. Here, in Baantakhiankuiwittaya School, it such a long name anyway, I teach student in primary school from grade 4 – 6. Then, I also teach secondary from grade 1 until 3. At first, I really could not understand what they were talking about. I always tried using body language, picture and for sure, using digital dictionary.  As the time goes by, I little bit understand what they said. Well, it was not that simple to teach secondary student because they are not like primary student that have good interest in something like game, picture, and singing or dancing. In addition, they are very tall. However, it is not going to reduce my spirit to make them know English. This is challenging for me.
Surprisingly, when there was a festival in the school, I and Julia became the people who stand and wearing traditional clothes. This festival was leading us from the school to the temple. That was my wonderful experience as we were like special guest for them. Moreover, here I do not only teach them English. I also become a student of traditional music, handmade and art. 
Since I began this volunteering, I do not even realize that I was giving them something. Oppositely, they gave me something. I learned from them how to speak Thai, I learned from them to have good spirit in learning something, I learned how to be generous to clean the place for our school, the place where we spent for learning, I learned how to respect when we live in different country, different religion also different language. This experience make me become braver that before. Yes, this is gonna be the start of my future journey, to help people to help make better environment, to create better world!

After long time and I got news that my face was on that page, so excited! on March 2017

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