Hi, I would like to announce to you a very good news. I had a chance to ask several questions to Husein. I knew him from his YouTube channel.
Who is he?
So, I was very interested with some of his vlog in YouTube. He’s one of the YouTuber. I also curious what he does in Indonesia also why he can speak bahasa.
So here it is. It is a beautiful country in Central Asia which is surrounded by Afghanistan, China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. He knew Indonesia since 2013 when he almost graduate in his high school, as his friend suggest him to study in Indonesia. Otherwise he had another plans to study in cuontries like Russia, Turki, England and other countries. He decided to choose Indonesia because he like the nice people and nice weather here. Then, his decision make him to study in one of public university in Bandung.
Bahasa is known everywhere. It is also easy to understand and learn about it. Husein proved that Bahasa is easy to study. By the time, he can speak Indonesia fluently. He just learn it with his friend around his community. Moreover, Indonesia known as the best places for foodies. He told me that he ever tried strange food here also some spicy or another Indonesian foods. For him Rendang is the best one. I just again found that Rendang is worth to be the food in the world. Give me some, please :)
Indonesian people, we are lucky to be in Indonesia. His arguments strengthen that Indonesia has a lot of beautiful places that really nice to visit. He make me again, grateful that the combination of nice people with nice views can make Indonesia become very rich.

As I said in the beginning that he is a YouTuber so just check this ss. With his video he want to spread kindness with his ways and easy to accept and understand by people. Like his motto on his ig bio : Let your actions talk for you! So inspiring!
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