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Selasa, Juli 18, 2023

People Come and Go, that's life!
Juli 18, 20231 Comments

People drift in and out of our lives

We now say goodbyeーtomorrow perhaps will say another hello. 

As long as we're alive, we may experience new encounters, breakups, and endings. We're connected by relationship—whether acquaintanceship, friendship or love. 

Most of the relationships we have with people will end, whether through growing apart, an argument, or death that will tear us apart. Well, that's life, eh?

People come into our life; they walk in and out for one reason or another. And that's life! 

Some encounters may come in unexpected ways. 

Either it's a blessing or a lesson. 
Maybe everyone serves a different purpose in our lives. 

We didn't realize until then, that those people are meaningful, having an impact that could have such a big effect on our life.
And we can call it a blessing. 

Some are just coming to give us lessons. 
The heartbreak we feel is there to make us stronger. 

They come because we need to learn something; to cope, to love sincerely, to be patient, to grow, etc. 

They teach us something new about ourselves. 

Well, some may just pass by even without us noticing them. 

Our lives are made up of so many people. 

Sometimes we don't realize that we actually keep a little bit of each person we meet. 

However, people tend to underestimate their impact they have on others. 

For examples, I'm still listening to the song I once thought I hated, which was recommended by my friend; I'm still using the same skincare that was given by my acquaintance; a stranger suggested I buy a wireless Bluetooth that I used until now.   

When  people become parts of our lives, some parts remain long after they leave. Maybe it's a fleeting memory, favorite songs, recommendations, or habits that we just can't seem to get rid of. 

Even if the people don't stay, the memories do. 

Our sincere hearts don't want to let them go. 

It's often said that some people will stay, but they will eventually go. 

It hurts. 

You and I have perhaps experienced a lot of pain and loss when people leave our lives. 

In some cases, it will be a very traumatic experience for people, as the idea that we had a deep bond with someone we care about. 

And when that person decides to walk out of our life, we feel abandoned. 

And we could understand that these kinds of grief aren't the same. 

We don't meet people by accident. 

I believe that people don't meet by accident.

They come to us for the time being, and when their time's up, they need to go to another chapter of others people's life. 

At least, we all know that many relationships can change or end dramatically. 

So, we should wonder if it's worth using up our energy trying to understand other people's reason for going?

Instead, we can think that although people will not stay forever, they come across to help us grow. 

Their presence creates a lasting remark on us forever. 

There are so many memories that lie within ourselves from the people in the past. 

And it's somehow comforting to know there are so many lives you're still a part of that you have no idea about. 

There are some fragments which are entangled with all the people we've met. 

I hope that I can leave a lasting piece of myself in the people that I've loved and have loved me. 

Reading Time:

Kamis, Juni 22, 2023

Ketika Kamu Lelah...
Juni 22, 20230 Comments

Apakah kamu sedang lelah?  

Coba beristirahatlah sejenak.... 

Ketika kamu lelah, lihatlah langit, lalu tersenyum. 

Jika dalam menjalani hidup adakalanya terasa sangat berat, sehingga tak kuasa membendung tangis, maka beristirahatlah sebentar. 

Terkadang beban itu perlu dilepaskan sebentar, tidak untuk dipikul terus. 

Seringkali saat tubuh lelah, kita lebih mudah untuk mempertanyakan hal-hal yang seharusnya tidak perlu dipertanyakan. Membuat pikiran yang kalang kabut menjadi lebih kompleks. 

Berpikir dan terus berpikir, tentang masa depan, terbayang masa lalu, tapi sering melupakan masa kini. Masa kini yang seharusnya menjadi hadiah, karena today is a present. 

Jika saat ini kamu sedang mempertanyakan akan hal berat yang menimpamu hari ini. Beristirahatlah...

Mungkin lebih baik jangan terlalu mengharap kegembiraan pada hal yang belum terjadi. 

Berikan sedikit ruang untuk rasa kecewa.

Selalu lebih baik untuk mendapat kejutan daripada merasa kecewa. 

Di sisi lain, jangan terlalu takut pada hal yang belum terjadi. 

Sebab hal-hal yang aku takutkan belum tentu semenakutkan yang aku pikirkan. 

Dan, sesuatu yang menimpaku tidaklah tanpa alasan, meskipun aku belum tahu alasan itu sekarang. 

Karena setiap kejadian akan memberikan sebuah pelajaran. 

"Percayalah, di saat kamu ikhlas dengan keadaanmu, disitulah Allah SWT merencanakan kebahagiaan untukmu, Allah SWT mampu mengubah situasi paling terpuruk menjadi momen terbaik dalam hidupmu." - K.H. Maimoen Zubair


"There's always something greater"

Reading Time:

Selasa, Juni 06, 2023

Hey June, Let's do Our Best!
Juni 06, 20230 Comments

Hey, you!

How are you? 

Is there something that burden you?

Uncertainty oftentimes put ourselves into two condition, between good and bad. Yet, sometimes what we define good isn't something really good, and vice versa.

Uncertainty also a kind of unpredictable things which may happened in the future. Yet, we can always learn something from the past.


Because there's a higher power who control it. 

Cr: Hospital Playlist Season 1

There's one thing that being an animal doctor should also be thought of. We can't tell our patients with certainty.

"We will do our best".

And is it a nonsense?
Yes, unless you really mean it. 

As veterinarians, we wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to providing the utmost care for our animal patients. While we cannot ensure specific outcomes, we are unwavering in our commitment to delivering the best possible treatment. 

Our expertise, knowledge, and experience drive us to continuously enhance our veterinary skills. We should also value our open communication with pet owners, ensuring they are well-informed and actively involved in their furry companions' healthcare journey.

Hey, June! Let's do our best!!

Reading Time:

Kamis, Juni 01, 2023

A Jovial Encounter
Juni 01, 20230 Comments
Life is full of surprise. 

Life has a beautiful way of introducing us to unexpected people who leave a lasting mark on our journey. These individuals arrive like a gentle breeze, stirring our souls and challenging our perceptions.

They are the strangers turned friends. The encounter that bloom into profound connections. Their presence is a reminder that universe is full of delightful surprises. As they bring new perspectives, shared laughter, and moments of profound growth. 

Their presence is a reminder that universe is full of delightful surprises.

These unexpected people enrich our lives, reminding us that true connections can be found in the most unlikely of places. And that the most extraordinary relationship often arise from the most ordinary circumstances. 

And these could describe my sincere grateful of our jovial encounter. 

Little did I know that it would blossom into a jovial friendship. 

Across oceans and continents, our letters danced with joy, weaving tales of shared passions and dreams. Distance became a mere illusion as our words bridged the gap, bringing solace and companionship. 

And the world seemed brighter, knowing that a cherished friend was just a letter away.

With each letter, a burst of excitement filled my heart. As I embark on this journey of connection, I pour my thoughts onto the letters, knowing they will be received with anticipation and warmth.

With each exchange of heartfelt words, our connection grew stronger, like vines entwining in a secret garden.

It fills my heart with happiness to receive each response, as they are like precious treasures, little packages of joy that brighten my day.

We shared stories, dreams, and snippets of our lives. 

The exchange of letters brings such delightful feelings, reminding me of the power of connection and the happiness found in sharing thoughts and experiences with another.

Through the mystery of our distant correspondence, we discovered kindred spirits in one another, creating a haven where laughter and understanding thrived.

These reminded me that true friendship know no boundaries. And the joy of connection can be found in the most unexpected places. 

I hope that these sweet memories continue to sparkle like precious gems, reminding me of the power of unexpected connections and the joy that can blossom from the simplest of encounters.

甘い記憶 Sweet memories... ♪

Reading Time:

Sabtu, April 29, 2023

Unrequited Love
April 29, 20230 Comments

Being honest about our feelings to a person, especially if you're a girl hasn't always been easy....

The possible reason can be, the feelings we feel is often subtle, just in the form of facial expression, act of kindness, or the opposite, being harsh to the person. 

If we're being lucky, we can have the same frequency with that person. What might be happened is often the worst case. 
That person didn't know our true feelings, or they knew but didn't have the same feelings. 

But for me, there's nothing to do about being a guy or a girl when we talk about this. 

If we're having a feelings to someone, we can express it. 

I was hesitance too when expressing my feelings.  

However, I soon realized that my fear of rejection was holding me back from potentially meaningful relationships. 

Somehow I think that we shouldn't leave things unsaid... Well, somebody said that "... you can't leave things till tomorrow because there might just not be a tomorrow."

I always experience rejection many times, the person didn't have the same feelings as mine, and it was stung.
I was disappointed and questioning myself. 

Looking back on these experiences, I realized that unrequited love is a normal part of the dating process. 

Not every crush or connection will lead to a relationship, and that's okay. 

It's important to remember that rejection doesn't define our worth as individuals, and that there are other people out there who will appreciate and reciprocate our feelings.

"Unrequited love is the ultimate test of the heart; it takes strength, resilience, and courage to love someone who doesn't love you back."

Of course we may feeling sad if our feelings towards someone is not reciprocated. 
Everyone deserves to be loved, right?

However we can't force other feelings towards us. 

Since I've been experienced that kind of feelings many time, could I say, "Am I get used to it"?

Sometimes we don't understand why you do certain things even when you know you're never going get back. 

Hahaha, but I believe that "If you truly love someone, you can wish for her/his to be loved and cared for."

Totally agree on that, even if it's painful, but it's painfully beautiful.

    Also Read A Sense of Pure Affection

In conclusion, being honest about our feelings can be empowering. 

It's important to remember that honesty is an essential part of any relationship, and that it's okay if our feelings are not reciprocated. 

By being open and honest, we can grow and learn about ourselves, and ultimately build stronger and healthier relationships in the future. 

We can also gain confidence and self-respect by taking ownership of our feelings and expressing them in a respectful and mature manner.

A magic poem I found on ig. 

Love exist in so much more than a romantic partner
Love is everything around you and I hope you learn how to open your eyes to that
I hope you find love in every aspect of your life
I hope you find it lucked into early morning sunrises and the smell of your favorite places
I hope you find it strung between the laughter you share with friends
I hope it bounces off of you when you hug the people you care for
I hope it swells within your rib cage
Whenever you hear your favourite song or discover something that moves you
I hope you fall in love with growth and change and the messiness and the beauty of making mistakes
and becoming exactly who you want to be
I hope you find love in places that were once devoid of it in places within yourself that you could have been softer to, kinder in the past
because if there is one thing I have learned it is that love is so much more than a human being who holds your heart

Reading Time:

Minggu, Maret 26, 2023

Thank You Very March
Maret 26, 20230 Comments
Terima kasih untukmu yang sudah mau bertahan, 

Aku sering mempertanyakan dan berfilosofi dengan diri, memikirkan...
Beberapa di antara kita sangat sederhana dalam mengartikan perjalanan panjang dalam pencarian jati diri. 
Beberapa terus-menerus mempertanyakan akan makna hidup yang sedang dijalani. 
Beberapa hanya mengikuti arus yang membawanya hingga ke suatu titik tertentu dalam hidup. 
Beberapa malah cenderung menyesali atas keputusan demi keputusan yang telah dahulu ia ambil hingga akhirnya menjadi seseorang yang seperti sekarang. 
Bahkan beberapa ada pula yang enggan peduli, seakan kehidupan adalah suatu proses yang butuh dinikmati, karena hidup itu ya cuma sekali. 
Atau jangan-jangan, acuh tak acuh karena tidak mengerti sebenarnya apa yang tengah ia kerjakan, tanpa tau dan tak mau tau apa arti sebenarnya. 

Di antara banyak hal tersebut, kita semua berada dalam posisi yang tidak mudah.. 

Untuk itu, 
Untukmu yang sudah berada sampai titik ini, terima kasih ya. 
Terima kasih karena sudah mau berjuang dan bertahan, walau kamu harus menjalani hari-hari yang tak mudah, diliputi beragam masalah yang membuat resah. 
Terima kasih, karena mau terus mengurai senyuman di antara berbagai dentuman. 
Terima kasih, karena terus mau memperbaiki niat untuk membawa kebermanfaatan, meski ego dan rasa malas hampir merenggut semangatmu. 

Ada seribu alasan untuk berhenti dan mengakhiri apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan sekarang, namun aku harap kamu memilih untuk tidak menyerah.

Apapun itu, terima kasih ya karena sudah mau bertahan. 

Aku tahu, jika ada beribu alasan yang membuatmu tetap berusaha untuk melakukan yang terbaik, meski kamu belum tentu nyaman. 

Aku pun tahu, ada kalanya gejolak dari dalam diri yang membuatmu ingin pergi, memutuskan untuk tidak lagi bertahan. Namun, jika nanti itu terjadi, aku harap kamu memutuskan dengan bijak, yaa.... Meski begitu, aku juga akan terus berterima kasih. 

Terima kasih karena menuliskan surat untukmu di masa depan, tentang pelajaran bulan Maret ini, 
Thank You Very March ya, untuk kamu yang tetap bertahan. 

Reading Time:

Senin, Maret 13, 2023

You're Fine Just The Way You Are
Maret 13, 20230 Comments

Dear myself

I want you to know that actually, your only real competition is yourself. There are your last year, last week, or even yesterday versions of you. Or maybe that looked back at you in the mirror this morning. They are the benchmark, the comparison, the standard which you should ever measure yourself against. Because you have to know that the goal is to be a little bit better every day and grow into the best version of you. 

I hope you have the courage to choose yourself, over and over. I hope you have the courage to move forward, not backwards. To choose growth over comfort, to choose possibility over the past. I hope you know how worthy you are of everything you've ever wanted, even if an unkind heart has led you to believe otherwise. Your soft heart deserves to feel loved and chosen, not just today, but every day. I hope you wake up each day feeling hopeful and encouraged, knowing that you're so capable of every single thing you want to do, big or small. 

Darling, you're fine just the way you are!



Reading Time:

Senin, Februari 27, 2023

February's Note : Good Things are Coming Soon
Februari 27, 20230 Comments

February is a month of love, they say. 

It is a moment to show how you love others. 
It is the time to shine your spark to the loved one. 

How about pouring a little spark, a truly beauty to yourself? 

Let's see how you already been grateful for the life you have. 

Enjoy the moment for a while, let's learn to appreciate little things in life. 
That's when you know you're living in a moment. 

And....  Evaluate what actually you want in life? 
I know you have abundance lists of goals. 
Some people say, people are never feel enough.

I know sometimes you hate how the world is not fair for you. 
The rules which applied to the one who own money and who don't are different. 
It's just it is. 

Surely, if it's meant for you, it will be given to you if not, then there must be something better for you to receive.

I'm sure, a good thing will coming soon. 
If it's meant to be, I believe it will not going to be far from you. 

Reading Time:

Sabtu, Februari 18, 2023

A Short Escape Travelling to Solo
Februari 18, 20230 Comments

A Short Escape and A Sudden Decision

Do you prefer to make a sudden decision or get fully prepared before you travel?

Well, sometimes I describe myself as a decisive person because I tend to decide something very briefly. That was the time when I had a mood to get some fresh air. I called it "A Short Escape and A Sudden Decision" for my past experience travel to Solo and its surrounding. 

Keraton Mangkunegaran

I was reflected about my sudden decision to go to my friend's place just about my current life lesson, which is said, "Sometimes when you least expect it, good things happen". That's about the time when I wanted to hang out somewhere not far from my town but not too close, also with a small budget :). And... woala! I felt happy for that short trip. 

Go with The Flow

I asked a friend whether she could have a day off on the day I planned to visit her house. Unexpected thing had happened, she had a day off at that day because there was also her friend who would going to visit her home, the same time as mine. What a coincidence!

For make a long story short, there came the time when I was with my friend riding a motorbike from Ungaran to Klaten on that day. That was my first experience to travel there by motorbike.  I didn't feel wore out because my mind was full of curiosity during the way there. 

Klaten - Solo - Karanganyar 

After almost two hours, finally we arrived safely to Klaten. Now, there were four of us. A good conversation just come out naturally, even though I was the oldest of them all. I was happy as they just speak to me casually. We talked about our jobs, Campus flashback, current relationship 😅, and many things. For some time, we had no idea where to go. Let's eat good foods first! Hahaha.

Fried Gurame or whatsoever (I don't remember).
Very delicious

However, because we had been there, it wasn't complete if we didn't go to 'Umbul' to go for swimming. Actually, there is a famous place to go, but we weren't going there. It's much worthy then the famous one I guess. So, lesson learned. In this kind of situation, it's better to trust a person originally from the village.

Umbul Besuki

Next, our destination was Keraton Mangkunegaran. I love to visit a place like this. 

Some pics we captured at Mangkunegaran 

It didn't end up just yet. We still had one tourist destination to go. That was fantastic because we need to travel for around 2 hours. What? I had no idea but we're all agreed that's why we decided to go. The location is situated in a mountain side, which is very steep and slippery road I could say. The temple is one Hindu Temple, yea I could feel the feeling of little Bali, hahaha. 

Candi Cetho

I Least Expect It and Good Things Happen

I don't really expect anything from this trip. I just want to go somewhere and enjoy my day off, let's say I don't want to stuck in my bed all day hahaha. However it turned out to be one of a good trip. Another lesson learned: "Don't put to much hope because it will hurt you so much, because sometimes when you least expect it, good things happen."

Reading Time:

Sabtu, Januari 21, 2023

A Gentle January Reminder
Januari 21, 20230 Comments
A life changing... 

You know that things are sometimes getting complicated when we're getting older. 

Why would that happen? 

We realized there's no exact structure about life because there's nothing in life is ever served on a platter. It's different with the pattern of our past, when we graduated at elementary school, we must continue to junior school, after that enter to senior school and so on. 

The abstract of the things. Be it the place you work at, the people you work for or the things you wish to achieve in life. 

Just like the "sometimes" we face in our everyday life. 
From finding new friends, to keeping old ones. 
From finding who you are, to being comfortable with it. 
From finding answer to some questions, to questioning everything we know. 

We also realize that when we grow older, everything we get in life comes at the cost of you asking for things, fighting for them and eventually putting into effort. 

So choose what you want to fight for and choose what keeps you sane. 
Listen to yourself and the ones you love. 
That's all that matters. 
That's all you're fighting for. 
Reading Time:

Selasa, Desember 20, 2022

Happiness Starts Within: Bahagia itu Tercipta Karena Diri Sendiri
Desember 20, 20220 Comments

“Hidup itu lucu, ya
yang dicari, hilang
yang dikejar, lari
yang ditunggu, pergi
sampai hati kita lelah dan berserah
saat itu semesta bekerja
beberapa hadir dalam rupa sama
beberapa lebih baik dari rencana” Nkcthi

Bagaimanya ya agar kita bisa bahagia? 

Resep kebahagiaan itu sebenarnya apa sih? Tiap hari kita disibukkan dengan dalih mencari kebahagiaan. Sering lupa waktu. Sering termakan waktu. Nyatanya, kadang kehidupan mengajarkan betapa kebahagiaan itu sejatinya tidaklah sulit untuk dicari. Karena kebahagiaan itu bisa timbul dari diri sendiri. 

Kita merasa bahagia karena kita sendiri yang menghendakinya. 

Lho, kok gitu sih? 

「From now on, I can be who I want to be」
『 Ha... Is that so? 』*Gudetama

Awalnya, aku juga ga paham (dan masih belum paham bener juga sih. Hahaha) kalau kebahagiaan sejatinya telah hadir di sekitar kita. 
Dulu sewaktu kecil, kita cenderung menjadi orang yang dicintai. Semenjak dewasa kita pun terkadang masih ingin dicintai, hingga terkadang sulit untuk menjadi orang yang pertama mencintai. Sehingga sering pula kita ingin mencari karakter yang kita inginkan dalam diri seseorang. Padahal cara yang tepat adalah menciptakan karakter tersebut pada diri sendiri. 

Well, namun tidak melulu harus tentang cinta. Kebahagiaan juga dapat kita rasakan segera setelah kita saat kita dapat menghirup napas dengan bebas. Pernah merasakan betapa sumpeknya saat kita dilarang melepas masker pada saat pandemi?
Kita telah dibekali kesehatan dan kebahagiaan oleh Sang Pencipta. Nikmat dan karunia tersebut merupakan segala anugerah yang perlu disyukuri agar kita bahagia. (Ingat itu ya, Fen!). 

Sewaktu kecil dulu, kita seringkali bahagia karena hal-hal kecil. Misal, saat bisa naik sepeda setelah jatuh kesekian kalinya, saat berhasil membuat layangan, saat dikasih uang jajan lebih, bahkan bahagia hanya karena disamperin di rumah untuk diajak main teman.
Kebahagiaan sepertinya nampak sangat dekat. Karena pikiran kita belum banyak dituntut oleh banyak hal di sekitar, dan kita memang bahagia karena hal sederhana.

Lantas saat dewasa, mengapa kita menggantungkan kebahagiaan kepada orang lain? 

Aku jadi inget kisah di film NKCTHI dan drama Be Melodramatic, kalau kebahagiaan itu kita yang nentuin, bukan orang lain. 

Seketika aku berpikir, benar adanya bahwa kita memang tidak bisa menggantungkan orang lain atas kebahagiaan kita pribadi. Kita bahagia karena kita memang yang menghendakinya. Meski, saat nanti jika punya pasangan atau anak, mungkin kita bakal berkata bahwa 'aku bahagia karena mu'. 

Memang benar adanya, bahwa kehadiran orang-orang di sekitar membuat jiwa kita menjadi tenang, membuat tentram, dan akhirnya kita bahagia. Lalu, bagaimana jika ternyata tiba-tiba orang itu pergi? 

Mungkin, memang rumit. Tapi, sederhananya. Bahwa kita lah yang menentukan bahwa diri kita berhak bahagia, kita sendirilah yang membuat diri kita bahagia, karena kita menghendakinya. 

Happiness comes from within you. You'll never find it by chasing relationship, money, jobs, beauty. Happiness always starts within

Dan, kebahagiaan itu sering terjadi karena kita melakukan, atau aktif, seperti aktif memberi, aktif mencintai, dan aktif berbagi. 

Kalau kubuktikan ya, memang saat kita 'aktif' kita tanpa sadar menghendaki diri kita untuk bahagia. Bahagia atas senyumnya, bahagia atas urusannya, dan bahagia atas pilihannya. 

Hehehe.. gak kok gak sulit. Kita tetap bahagia dengan hal-hal sederhana ⁠♪

Reading Time:

Sabtu, Desember 17, 2022

It'll All Be Alright
Desember 17, 20220 Comments

 For a while it was a hot sunny day

    I ordered a glass of Iced Chocolate

    Then came the rain 

    ''Little bit cold, huh?"

    I decided to put on my jacket

    I drunk my Iced Chocolate

    I forgot about the weather

    I just continued to sip on my Iced Chocolate

    Increasing my mood was my only intention 

Life's just like that. 

It happens to be a high up and a low down. 

The tremendous feeling somehow just struck us without any sign. 

It's just temporary. 

Everything in this world is just passing by. 


It's good to admit our feeling. Our sadness. Our happiness. Our emptiness. 

.... And we can pile up again. 

On a day, I was curious about Ninja, so I ended up to watch a YouTube video. But then, surprisingly I got really good words from him, 

"I believe life has its ups and downs. If you're at your worst, you can only go up from there. For those who are doing well, try to maintain that. Make sure not to come down. But there will be times things get tough. So try to figure out a way so that you don't fall too hard. But if you come down, you'll eventually go back up. And when you're up, try to prepare for when you fall so it won't as bad. "


‘Cause The Sky Has Finally Opened
The Rain And Wind Stopped Blowin’
But You’re Stuck Out In The Same Old Storm Again
Let Go Of Your Umbrella
‘Cause, Darling, I’m Just Tryin’ To Tell Ya
That There’s Always Been A Rainbow Hangin’ Over Your Head
Yeah, There’s Always Been A Rainbow Hangin’ Over Your Head

It’ll All Be Alright

🎵 Kacey Musegraves - Rainbow🎵

Reading Time:

Sabtu, Desember 03, 2022

How were you in 2022
Desember 03, 20220 Comments

Happy New Year  (Soon)!

Um... How were you in 2022 anyway? 

Let's take a look on this little story first ^^

Please, the photo actually wasn't focused on me, but this cat (of course we have known it😆, the cat (not you) is so cute ) 

Before I begin, I wanna entertain you with this funny story.

Once upon a day, a quiet day. I was at my work, in the smaller hospital branch. 

Someone was approaching me who was standing in the pet shop to check on something. 

🐥 : Does this pet shop also have a vet?

 🐵 : Yes, miss. 

🐥  : Is the vet still here? 

🐵 : Yes, sure. 

🐥 : Is it a woman or a man? 

🐵 : A woman, 

      (after a long silence)  ..... actually it's me ☺

🐥 : Oh sorry, doc. I thought it wasn't you because you're too young. 

🐵 : ☺  (in my deepest heart : I'm not young anymore (btw, I'm also not that old) but well, thank you) 

Hahaha. How was it? Was the story entertaining you enough? 

No, not yet. We need more! 

Hahaha. Yeah. Maybe later yaa-----

Actually I'm so sad, knowing that this year will end soon. It was like, I haven't done many things.  I still need to do this and that. 

However, I'm really grateful for what I've been through this entire year. 

☑ Do you know, future Feni? That you're really trying hard (But you need to work and play harder for the following years). 

☑ You need to know that consistency is a difficult thing but once it's already becoming your habit, it just flows. 

☑ There is massive information out there, you need to filter that and evaluate yourself before you receive too much. 

☑ Keep making time for the things you enjoy!

☑ Sometimes it's okay to feel both (:(

Well, ... It's hasn't ended just yet.. 

The story is always to be continued... and you need to know that, you are deserved to spread love and to be loved 💕

Happy New Year 🎊🎆


Reading Time:
