The cheerful person who will accept my sincere thanks is you.
You're one of people that deserves that.
You're one of my best friend.
I always have no other intentions when looking for platonic relationship.
It didn't like I want have some benefit from certain people.
I want to connect with various friends from various backgrounds so that I get to know wider knowledge.
And.. hoping that I can be one of the supporter of their life.
I also am very open about friendships.
Photo by M |
Because the connection I crave is not depend on shallow things.
Even though only small amounts of friends, hoping that the universe can let me to meet with friends who we will get to know to each other, sincerely.
I'm very grateful I found such a wonderful friend like you.
Since then, the encounter make me cheering up for the moment I met you, in our jovial encounter.
Such thing is the prove that you're so precious.
It's like that a new best friend has entered my new life, even though with our distances.
Until then,
I didn't realize that I can fall in love with you.
Why should I?
Despite several differences, why?
It's hard for me to get away from this feelings.
I have no idea where it's started.
I have no idea how impossible it's but... I did fall for you.
Oh you know how I miss you when you're not around.
You know my flaws, my hard life, and my bad jokes (but you're still laughing anyway).
Oh you,
I wish I knew how to prevent my feelings..
Oh let me know how to unlove you...
The hardest part of acceptance is to let you go.
I still want to be your forever best friends for good.
I don't want to lose you.
Shall we be friend again ?
but I promise that this time I'm not going to fall in love with you...