We'll Figure it out - heartkokok

Minggu, Juni 02, 2024

We'll Figure it out

Confusion can linger for who knows how long. We are still in the process, maybe making small progress or feeling stuck on certain points. 

Whatever it is, trust the process.

We are striving to reach certain goals and values, defining success, failure, happiness, and fulfillment as part of being humans. 

It's a beautiful way to approach every trial and error. 
To make it feels right, to adjust within society, norms and religious aspects. 

This is where the standpoint "This is my first life" comes in. 

「It's my first time being a daughter, a citizen, a parent, etc.」

The exact things that we know is, we're capable any of the challenges as we know that we're having those based on our stages of life. 

Don't be afraid if you're having no ideas about what's that all about. 
Just be like a traveler, who is aware of unexpected things but aware of the destiny he will reach. 

You don't need a perfect plan to start. Sometimes you just have to begin with what you have and trust that you will figure things out along the way.

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