Yasmine - Mengejar Batas Demi Cinta - heartkokok

Senin, Agustus 11, 2014

Yasmine - Mengejar Batas Demi Cinta

Who's that actually? Have u known her?
Yasmine is not the real name of actress or famous people but it's the name of character and title in the movie.
Huft, I was late to come to a workshop which has relation with Merpati Putih this afternoon. Yeah, it was because I met with alumni who are my Mami and Papi in Lion. Whua... Mami May and Ahi Muchin... I miss you. Maaf lahir batin ya..
Well, talking about the workshop there were really some actor, actresses , and others reakted with this movie. It supposed to be Reza Rahardian there , but it's okay unless there was a beautiful girl named Lyana Yus from Brunei and a handsome boy named Roy.
Moreover, she is chosen as the min character at her 17. So, can u imagine that this cool movie's making was started since four years ago. Hem.... a very wonderful job.
We can see the achievement of this movie is good as it won a best movie in Asia. Woww  ..
Soon, in August 21st 2014 we can see this movie at our beloved bioskops. Afterward we can know is the movie becoming the top issue in Indonesia? Is it will be a popular movie? Just wait then.. 

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