Mapple is a Singkong's Leaf in Indonesia - heartkokok

Senin, September 01, 2014

Mapple is a Singkong's Leaf in Indonesia

Hai..hai... see me again in this blog, Feni in the future ;-). 

So, Feni or I call you Fe+Ni = Baja it's not alay but alloy. Hem... you must have very serious spirit if you haven't go abroad in your day! ! !

What do u mean? I think u will say like that. So, what year now in ur day? Ha..ha.. (  ha.ha. ha :'( actually I'm talking to myself in the future. What I will be than?)

So, now you had been studied in a very wonderful place which gives you very bad and happy situation. Therefore you must have a lot of experience to be told to your children. Eh...

Ok, well. It's all about love... so love is.. no no no. Wait. It's not love but leaf. :-!  Huhhh so far?  Yeah, firstly in the first sight you will think that it's a -singkong- leaf. But it's not. It's a mapple leaf.

Maybe meine Vater, Mutter, Geschwister, Onkle, Nichte,  oh God what's next?  I have to recall my Deutsch learnen. I forget it......
Ok ..whatsoever it is., they will think that it is like a singkong's leaf. I like the taste of that leaf of mom's cooking. So delicious .

So feni, what is the motivation? I'm sorry . So, you have to know that you have serious willingness to go abroad now in 2014.

How if you can go there? At least you always keep strugling and keep praying . There will be many dors which open in front of you.

Ehmh.. i also keep praying I'm always  led by Allah to catch my dreams. Let my dreams become true after so many nightmares that I face.  Aamiin.

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