Worry and Hurry - heartkokok

Minggu, April 10, 2016

Worry and Hurry

Sometimes I feel that time goes fast. I frequently face so much worry in my life. I strees something out in my mind even the thing that I'll face is not really matter. Why? Actually If I do it, then it will finish. The point is if I don't really get into it, then I jusy keep in my mind, and bump... All the things in my day will become bad even the smallest one.
I need the energy to build my strength, a strong believe that everything will be okay. I just need to do that work carefully, on time and with the best effort. If I put more effort in the work, I think I will not feel so much regret as I can soon improve the false one. I know now that typing in to do list what I want to do is the best answer for what happen to me.If I do that,then my energy to do the next work will increase, unless if I really in lazy condition, or 'PW'.
Somehow, I should make a change in my life, how I can be an agent of change if I can't change my self then?

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