It was my memory when I first entered my senior high school. Once upon a time, all parents are gathered in one place. Then, they were asked to write a letter for their students. The letter then will be kept by the teacher, and it was returned around exam week in year 3.
I was so motivated and touched by this letter even if the sentences which were written by my father was simple. In every words there are so much message that I can get from him.
Pae, yeah I call him Pae which is typically Javanese people also do that. My father is not a man who always work in the office and spending time in front of computer, but I know that he want the best education for me. My father is just a man who is rarely to speak but his pray is always uttered in his praying.
How can I not be touched every time I'm thinking about him? He is very spirit for his work. I proud to be your daughter, to be the daughter of the farmer. I know that sometime it is hard to ask some money .. hahah.. just kidding. But I know that you've already try your best. Even if you already do the work for one plant, especially paddy. But you are not like others. You also try to plant another plants such as cardamom, vegetables, banana, "Sengon" or so on. It is not effective to only wait the result of paddy's harvest that's why you do it. Because you have to send money for your little girl in Bogor, and keep the life for your family.
I always love you,Pak. Hope that this little girl can make you proud.
I remember you, now in this midnight Pae. Thanks for everything. I have the best education now in IPB. I live in a rent house, not much but good. I can go to school by bicycle. I always attend in a class with AC in it. I use microscope by myself. I know what is it called by microbiology, physiology, anatomy and so on. I learn them. I learn with great people, lecturer and great environment. To you who always work in the field, thanks for hopping the best for me but sorry for anything and sorry for how I cant speak this romantic letter for you directly. Wait me in home this Ramadhan ^^
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