
Rabu, Oktober 09, 2024

Oktober 09, 20240 Comments
The invisible string will eventually connectedThrough times... Through patience... I will keep my hope up to be able to meet youI trust my gut That I can feel your presence'Cause your voice keep echoing in my head ThatYou also wait for me, Right?  It needs trials, errors, and unexpected outcomesUntil it becomes linearUntil two wandering soulsMeet at the right timeIf I meet you, I bet I'll sayWhy we couldn't...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Jumat, Agustus 16, 2024

Little Things That Aren't Little
Agustus 16, 20240 Comments
I was a bit surprised. Not so long ago, I got a reminder in my calendar, 『Try a thing you haven't tried, go to a place you have never been』Little did I know that my unconscious minds were programmed once I wrote that reminder in the first place. I didn't remember exactly when I made that reminder. Surprisingly, it becomes a sign for me to always live my life. Well, it's not only about fame, wealth, or materialistic things. It's...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Minggu, Agustus 11, 2024

I Just
Agustus 11, 20240 Comments
I just want to be lovedWhat I want is to be a special person for someoneIs it too much?I wish I could be just enough no, not for everyone,only one for youCan I find this someone?The one who makes me feel where I belongLike sunshine, star, and moonThe one who can dance with; sit in silence with; eat withThe one that makes me feel lovedThere is a desire to wish for a love who feels like coming home after a long tripAnd I want to be a home for...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Sabtu, Agustus 10, 2024

Agustus 10, 20240 Comments
Where am I? It's true that I don't know where exactly I am going or what kind of roads I will take. I can't know where this journey that I am now will take me. The story unfolds. When you're asking me, where am I in a day, a week, a year? I could barely answer it, because I don't know what is going to happen to me. It's similar to how I feel every day in my work, I can't really tell what cases I will face in each appointment. This...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Rabu, Juli 24, 2024

カリムンジャワ(Karimunjawa)に 行きました
Juli 24, 20240 Comments
カリムンジャワ(Karimunjawa)に 行きました今日は私の『カリムンジャワ(Karimunjawa)』での旅行(りょこう)に ついて 書きたいと 思います。先週、『カリムンジャワ』旅行に 行って いました。カリムンジャワ島は ジャワ島の 北(きた)に 位置(いち)します。その旅行は 四日間ぐらいでした。木曜日に、友達が ジャカルタ(Jakarta)から 私の町まで 来ました。名前は ディナさんです。私たちは 長(なが)い間(あいだ)会(あ)って いませんでした。「お久しぶり」とディナさんに 言いました。そして、二人で一緒(いっしょ)に ジェパラに 行きました。ジェパラには 友達がいます。名前は サラスさんです。サラスさんの家に 泊(と)まりました。貝(かい)と魚を食べました。その食べ物は めっちゃ美味しかったです。 金曜日の朝に フェリーで ジェパラから カリムンジャワまで 行きました。5時間 ぐらい かかりました。海の真ん中で怖かったけど気持ちよかったです。ホームステイに...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Rabu, Juni 26, 2024

There is Always Hope
Juni 26, 2024 2 Comments
Here I stand in the port area where I just stand stillThe wind, gently touches my soul I could feel the gentle waves kissing the shoreWhispering hello and goodbye "We might be laid back in terms"I have nothing to lose when I continue to believe that one day I will grasp it.I will achieve something that I've been dreaming of. The more I know, I think there's no place to escape or run . We all need to face the challenges, and there's...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Senin, Juni 03, 2024

Juni 03, 2024 2 Comments
Life presents challenges at every level.If you have found a great supporter already, don't forget to thank them.何回でも・・・  ずっと応援するからね!No matter how many times... I'll always support you!If you haven't found one yet, go look for support, and find help. And please be your own best supporter.In frame : ちいかわ/ Netflix A friend recommended me, and I liked it right away. The simple stories and awesome characters, also the high level of...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Minggu, Juni 02, 2024

We'll Figure it out
Juni 02, 20240 Comments
Confusion can linger for who knows how long. We are still in the process, maybe making small progress or feeling stuck on certain points. Whatever it is, trust the process.We are striving to reach certain goals and values, defining success, failure, happiness, and fulfillment as part of being humans. It's a beautiful way to approach every trial and error. To make it feels right, to adjust within society, norms and religious aspects. This...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Selasa, Mei 28, 2024

To This Girl
Mei 28, 20240 Comments
To the incredible girl who's standing up there, If no one is no longer telling you how awesome you are, I will. You're just absolutely awesome just the way you are ♡The way you perceive the world reflects your unique outlook. Kindness radiates from your presence and the way you interpret the world. Every time I had doubts, I realized that pretending to be strong all the time was impossible. The passionate girl I once...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Senin, Mei 27, 2024

I Wonder
Mei 27, 20240 Comments
Time flies,I've seen sorrow and happiness come and go. I've seen people walk in and out of my life. I've seen seasons changing over time.Gradually, I've come to think of mistakes as something that let me grow. I've come to think about the correct amount of worry let me prepare for the next challenges. I've come to think the past is something that can't be changed, the future is something that I can't see, and my present...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Jumat, April 26, 2024

A Long Journey
April 26, 20240 Comments
The SeekerI want to start a trail for a personal journey in search of the meaning of life.As part of the journey of life itself, I also know that this search will not reach its final point until the end of my life.Imperfection is also a true characteristic of me, who is an ordinary human being.  Maybe there are many biases that I only want the truth for, but I hope there are also many meanings that I can use as a guide in facing various challenges...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Rabu, April 10, 2024

Distant Thing
April 10, 20240 Comments
I'm waiting without expectationWith no clue of your arrivalWill you come my wayOr have the will to just passing byI know you're not foreverWith imperfections and charmsWhich built youBecome YOU I think I like distant things,I like the stars, the sky, I like the moon, I like you. I find solace in youIn the warmth of your presenceIn the depth of your soulIn the way you make me feel wholePhoto by Maruoka SenseiWith bonus of Tanka...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Selasa, April 09, 2024

April 09, 20240 Comments
It's been this long, been here again, But falling once more. The eraser doesn't seem to work well;I can't seem to erase all the good feelingsI once had for you. さくら by Maruoka SenseiI still grateful for this loveJust I can't compel the falling petalsTo defy gravity's pull. 'Cause Do you know what I afraid more than being in one sided love? It is being betrayed. *片想い (かたおもい/ カタオモイ) : Unrequited Love&nbs...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Sabtu, Maret 09, 2024

In a Fast World
Maret 09, 20240 Comments
In the fast-pace world, I walk slowly. I walk in a quiet place, dealing with life. I do what I need to do. Yet, I'm still dreaming. Because dreaming and believing are what keep me alive.I walk in slow motion. In a way that only I and mystery know the answer. I choose to live with numerous "It's okay". With a life that consists of patience and  gratitude. It doesn't mean that I live freely or strictly.You may...
Reading Time:
6 Min

Jumat, Maret 08, 2024

How If There's No Goodbye
Maret 08, 2024 2 Comments
I always wonder why, that the word "Goodbye" Must have 'good' on it. Where's the 'good' in goodbye? I heard that before life, soul will gather together and will reunite in the world. Did it happen to us? But why it can't last? Your picture君なくて誠に多太の桜哉Kimi nakute / makoto ni tada no / sakura kanaWithout you ー the cherry blossoms just blossomI've been waiting for the time until I truly forget about us. I thought it's easier...
Reading Time:
6 Min
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