Malming romantis =O punya orang sih - heartkokok

Sabtu, Mei 17, 2014

Malming romantis =O punya orang sih

5.17.14( edited)
Oah..  nguap nih..
yaiyayalah.. what time is it ?? U must sleep, Fen! Oh NO
He.. he.. now my enemy is still in my room. Wkwkwk
okey... actually I'm so tired today because I had so many things to do.
Cuman cerita yah. One of my friend is so sweet. His girlfriend is having her birthday today.  Then, he wished Lion n Dolpphin to help him celebrate his girlfriend' s birthday. Wkwkw..
aku kpan? ☞ dalam hati.
Yuhhu bnget nih, ada mawar, kado,  brownies,kue tar n sebuah lagu that is "All of me". Wuih, it's so romantic. I like it.  Nah, as usual kalau ada momen pasti foto. Kebetulan nih ada anggota Biru yg bawa kamera. Wuih, amazing. Biru n merah foto bareng.
yeah after that we just sing the song by guitar with some members of Lion.
But this is my own story. Ehmm... next post aj lah. Ini khusus untuk ini aj ya.

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