Grafiti = Gayana Urang Sunda - heartkokok

Minggu, April 12, 2015

Grafiti = Gayana Urang Sunda

28th of March, 2015.
 H-15 (sbenarnya H-16 tpi yg sehari buat istighosah ^^ ) Hi..hi..! See me again in this beautiful moment.
It's not usual when 12 graders have homework in their narrow time to face final examination. Yap.. It happens. Me and my friend have a project in art class making a gravity which take a theme from Sunda. We can have any theme based on our creativity, and because we are live in West Java, we should relate it with Sunda.
Me and my classmate have to submit it by next week, but actually the teacher only gives us a week because we just do it after UAS ( school final examination).
My groups are Baiq Zilvia Juliatri ( Via ) , Imroatul Maghfiroh ( Firoh ) , Vito Rizki Imanda ( Vito ) and Surya Dwi Fachrozi ( Surya ).
So, we decided to make Gayana Orang Sunda " The Sundanese style " .

and I just published it at 12th of April, 2015. Then I just want to tell you that tomorrow I'll face National Examination. And through preparation and du'a that I made, I believe in Allah that I'll get paid off for what I've done and Allah will give easy and best result. Aamiin.

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