Some people observe other to be our battle, instead of that we can change our mind that we should try to think that they are actually our inspiration not our enemy in the battle. Don't say that we are stupid if we compare with Einstein, well actually that's true :D. It's better to say that how could be Einstein to be that smart? I can be more than me right now then. So, if we think like that we will try to make ourselves better everyday. I mean we still grateful with Allah but never give up to do our best effort. How about the result? We know that the combination of niat, dua and effort equal to result, right?

Based on my experience, person is tend to worry if in the future she will not success. Failure will come since it will teach us to be better and we can learn from our failure. Even Bill Gates, a successful person ever feel sad because of failure. Then, successful person is the one who is never give up to try. What should do if we find ourselves in the middle of big problem? Do you have problem? Yes, I'm. Every people have their own problem. However, we can live with it and day by day we can fix it.
Next, I just want to remind my self, that I shall not to look other behavior in learning and imitate it. I have to learn base on my style. If they are good in something, then I have to make it as inspiration, whether we want to learn the way they face the problem, the way they study hard, the way they close to Allah and communicate to others or the simple thing, the way they think positively. I also always remind my self if I have a friend who is good in both academic and non academic, then she/he also a good leader and the point is she/he always do prayer constantly, I will happy and pray that Indonesia needs this kind of people. I mean that it will be great if this person become a leader who will make Indonesia better, rather to alway think that why always them who are great in something.
So, don't look people as our enemy in the battle, because when we are greater then them we will be arrogant and if we are bad it will make us ungrateful.
This. Is. Great. Seriously. 😻