Maret 2023 - heartkokok

Minggu, Maret 26, 2023

Thank You Very March
Maret 26, 20230 Comments
Terima kasih untukmu yang sudah mau bertahan, 

Aku sering mempertanyakan dan berfilosofi dengan diri, memikirkan...
Beberapa di antara kita sangat sederhana dalam mengartikan perjalanan panjang dalam pencarian jati diri. 
Beberapa terus-menerus mempertanyakan akan makna hidup yang sedang dijalani. 
Beberapa hanya mengikuti arus yang membawanya hingga ke suatu titik tertentu dalam hidup. 
Beberapa malah cenderung menyesali atas keputusan demi keputusan yang telah dahulu ia ambil hingga akhirnya menjadi seseorang yang seperti sekarang. 
Bahkan beberapa ada pula yang enggan peduli, seakan kehidupan adalah suatu proses yang butuh dinikmati, karena hidup itu ya cuma sekali. 
Atau jangan-jangan, acuh tak acuh karena tidak mengerti sebenarnya apa yang tengah ia kerjakan, tanpa tau dan tak mau tau apa arti sebenarnya. 

Di antara banyak hal tersebut, kita semua berada dalam posisi yang tidak mudah.. 

Untuk itu, 
Untukmu yang sudah berada sampai titik ini, terima kasih ya. 
Terima kasih karena sudah mau berjuang dan bertahan, walau kamu harus menjalani hari-hari yang tak mudah, diliputi beragam masalah yang membuat resah. 
Terima kasih, karena mau terus mengurai senyuman di antara berbagai dentuman. 
Terima kasih, karena terus mau memperbaiki niat untuk membawa kebermanfaatan, meski ego dan rasa malas hampir merenggut semangatmu. 

Ada seribu alasan untuk berhenti dan mengakhiri apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan sekarang, namun aku harap kamu memilih untuk tidak menyerah.

Apapun itu, terima kasih ya karena sudah mau bertahan. 

Aku tahu, jika ada beribu alasan yang membuatmu tetap berusaha untuk melakukan yang terbaik, meski kamu belum tentu nyaman. 

Aku pun tahu, ada kalanya gejolak dari dalam diri yang membuatmu ingin pergi, memutuskan untuk tidak lagi bertahan. Namun, jika nanti itu terjadi, aku harap kamu memutuskan dengan bijak, yaa.... Meski begitu, aku juga akan terus berterima kasih. 

Terima kasih karena menuliskan surat untukmu di masa depan, tentang pelajaran bulan Maret ini, 
Thank You Very March ya, untuk kamu yang tetap bertahan. 

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Senin, Maret 13, 2023

You're Fine Just The Way You Are
Maret 13, 20230 Comments

Dear myself

I want you to know that actually, your only real competition is yourself. There are your last year, last week, or even yesterday versions of you. Or maybe that looked back at you in the mirror this morning. They are the benchmark, the comparison, the standard which you should ever measure yourself against. Because you have to know that the goal is to be a little bit better every day and grow into the best version of you. 

I hope you have the courage to choose yourself, over and over. I hope you have the courage to move forward, not backwards. To choose growth over comfort, to choose possibility over the past. I hope you know how worthy you are of everything you've ever wanted, even if an unkind heart has led you to believe otherwise. Your soft heart deserves to feel loved and chosen, not just today, but every day. I hope you wake up each day feeling hopeful and encouraged, knowing that you're so capable of every single thing you want to do, big or small. 

Darling, you're fine just the way you are!



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Rabu, Maret 01, 2023

A Sense of Pure Affection
Maret 01, 20230 Comments

Hoarding a piece of feelings at a time.  

What is it like? 

Even though it won't be revealed, I'm sure our pure affection will definitely reach the person we're aiming for. 

....... Even if it's late or not in our reference of time.

In terms of feelings, happiness becomes an innocent thing.  

Often we ignore the feelings that are owned by ourselves, because we are more concerned with the feelings of others.

Sometimes we enjoy pain and sadness.  

These become part of the feeling of anxiety if something bad happens to that person. 

In fact, sometimes the ego is defeated, "As long as you are happy, I'm okay."

From the moment the feelings echoes in the mind, we could be blinded by it.  

Logically goes, but is completely defeated by feelings.

If it's like that, whether we like it or not we are willing to sacrifice, willing to do something as long as the person can live a good life.


Even though the feelings isn't mutual, are we sure we are sincere?

Initially, it is undeniable that the sense of belonging always arises.  

The feelings of wanting to be together.  

The desire to continue to be considered there.  

The fondness of wanting to be used as a reinforcement. 

Stage of Being Sincere

However, there are those who reach the stage of being sincere.  

She believes that basically, everything she does is to give happiness.

 ''It is more happiness to give, not to receive!"

Maybe we think that as a giver of happiness, there will surely be times when she will get bored, right?  

That's right, the giver of happiness will feel boredom.  However, if she is sincere, the giver of happiness will not think too much about reciprocity.

The real test of sincerity is to see whether a person will help you even if he knows he will get nothing in return. The truth is anyone can help when there’s something to gain; but to help when there’s nothing in return shows true love & a beautiful heart- Mufti Menk

The giver of happiness becomes someone who is good, continues to help, and is certain because there is a basis of feeling.  But, when she is sincere, and stops giving happiness, it doesn't mean she is tired and reluctant to be a source of happiness for that person. 

About Priority

It could be, she has found someone she prioritizes more.  Because of that, this feeling shifts to the person she thinks is more deserving of it.

And once again, as long as you are happy that is fine, but as long as yourself are happy, has it ever occurred to you?

Well, let's consider for a moment, before we give something good.  

As long as you are happy, but I do not suffer

   Also Read : Happiness Starts Within

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