All praises to Allah. It was spectacular.
Well,we had done such amazing event in this month. Actually, Cozy Night change name becomes Friendship Night. Whatever the name, it was so good by Lion House ASBI Sampoerna Academy Bogor.
Ehm? ? ? # Oh my God . Melet, melet :p that is my job. What is that actually? *gajelas
Ok. Calm down,please. I'll share to you what happened in that crazy night, ehm.. I mean cozy night.
Wow, actually we didn't expect to be first house who will held cozy night. The time is so fast you know? We have to prepare anything to get the first impression to my junior what should be in cozy night. However, we (12 grader ) still can involve in this CN. Ok, just straight to the point.
This forth cozy night of Lion House was led by Rezky. All the members of Lion House should being the part of this CN. No Exception ;-)
Oh, my God. I don't even think that this CN will my last CN in this school :-( Moreover, we have challenge to make it better than before to be one of the best memories here.
So, we had some preparation. We decided to make Tv Singa Part 2. Then, we made so many videos as it was a channel. Ehm,, what do u think?
Yuhhu.. eventually the day was coming. October, 11th 2014.
Before the Show |
I was so nerveous cause I would perform in one of the event. Ha..ha.. can u guess what? I became
Feni Rose in Melet , Mengupas Fakta Pake Karet. Hi..hi. .. that was embarasting. No, ehm.. I mean it was amazing as it made me become feni the Meled :-P #Oh No.......?*#&@%+$ Ho..ho.. it was not only about that. I also became of the actress in the vidoe of this melet. yuhhu.. #sok banget deh. It told about rahasia mempunyai banyak istri dari Syech Dzakir. Whoa? ? ? Yeah, eventhough at first we show to people about ambigous thing, like tahan lama, besar, merangsang, kuat, and etc but then it's not like what u think. Those all about
Parfum Kiloan. Ha..ha.. pokoke lucu kalau lihat videonya. Nanti deh kapan2 kalau memungkinkan, I'll show u later.
Capture from Video Syech mudzakir |
There was also combination of
CHSI (Catatan Hati Seorang Istri) and Marsha and Jeber. Next was
advertisement of grade 10 → Djarum 76 and Larutan Penyegar . Grade 11 → L-Men and grade 12 → KukuRama Energy, Rosa!
EH, jangan sembarangan nuduh kalau kami
gak kreatif. It's little bit different with the real one. Jadi kami itu sedikit mengubah kontennya yang bertujuan untuk menghibur semua siswa. Contohnya nih punya kelas 10 yang ditambahin : ini, sapu (Rafly), sapu, jadi nyapu pake sapu. Next yang kelas 11, L-Men by Sarmini. Jadi , mereka menggunakan Andin sebagai tokoh Sarmini yang banci, kemudian minum L-Men jadi kuat. The Last is grade 12. Kami mengubah iklan menjadi KukuRama, Rosa! (Pacarnya Rama)
Dj Lita DLita and Zaky DZaky
Pokoknya yang di bagian ini aku gak nahan lihatnya. Di sini ada mbak Naganu Minaj yang memenangkan top chart ke- 2 dalam agu Anaconda. Di sini agak geli gimana, tapi lucu buangetttt,.. huh... sukses deh . Nih liat di bawah ini. Sampai tutup mata gara- gara gak nahan lihat videonya Nganu Minaj.
In addition, the first chart is Lego House. Lagi-lagi cowok-cowok Lion atau Lionel bikin heboh dengan videonya. Kali ini tidak seperti bayangan kebanyakan orang yang berpikir bahwa video di top chart 1 akan lebih nyleneh dari yang Anaconda. Tapi, di sini video Lego House yang pemeran utamanya Caludya, Andien, dan Adji ternyata Sooo Sweeettt. Yuhuu..,
Jadi nih, ya teman- teman . Semua acara yang di Cozy Night Lion menjadi topik pembicaraan yang heboh di kalangan ASBI bahkan sampai ke security.. #mungkin aja ya,,, ;)
Pokoknya manteb banget lah. Samapi-samapi yang jadi performers jadi mendadak terkenal semua.
Yahya, The Operator |
Lion House after FINISH :D :D |
Look at their face ! Laughing
Me at Melet :P
Performance of Grade 10
Udah pasti kalau habis cozy Nigth itu falsh mop, Treasure
Rezky, The Leader