Agustus 2022 - heartkokok

Rabu, Agustus 31, 2022

A Quick Reminder
Agustus 31, 20220 Comments

Just a reminder that there's so much more 

that we still don't know about ourselves 

and that's what makes life so beautiful. 

Next, you could find your next favourite musician 

or fall in love with someone you haven't even met yet. 

You might see a new shade of green

 that will become your new favourite color 

or you could become obsessed with a new food 

that you thought you once hated.

We change as life goes on,

We grow as life changes,

our experiences shape us into a new person.

It's beautiful, 
it's absolutely beautiful... 

-Inspired by a post on instagram

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A Maple Leaf
Agustus 31, 20220 Comments

Welcoming Autumn!

Bersiap menuju bulan September, Selamat datang musim gugur!

Tunggu, tunggu dulu, tidak ada musim semacam itu di lho di Indonesia, hahaha 

Kalau ngomongin tentang musim gugur, pikiranku langsung tertuju ke daun Maple. 

Kenapa gitu?

Maple, menjadi sebuah daun yang entah kenapa aku kagumi sejak di bangku sma. Sebenarnya aku tidak terlalu mengetahui filosofi di balik itu semua sih. Yang aku tahu, kalau ngomongin tentang musim gugur ya..identik dengan daun ini. 

Sebelum aku memikirkan tentang filosofi atau keterkaitan maple dengan musim gugur,  aku menyukai Maple karena murni Maple, sebuah daun yang memiliki banyak warna, terutama warna merah kecoklatan yang berguguran saat musim gugur. 

Maple, memiliki karakter kuat yang membawaku larut di dalamnya. Lalu apa sebenarnya filosofi di balik daun Maple?

 Baca juga Leaves, left, and Lost 

Menurut pendapatku pribadi, dan imajinasiku pribadi, daun Maple memiliki sebuah kehangatan, arti dari sebuah pengorbanaan, dan mimpi. Seakan daun Maple menyeruakan perasaan semangat untuk mengejar sesuatu yang kita harapkan, entah itu mimpi atau sebuah perasaan cinta. 


Oiya, daun Maple menjadi sebuah simbol di bendera Kanada, tetapi sebenarnya aku ga ngehubungin sama sekali ke sana.. Hehe. 

Berdasarkan berbagai sumber di internet, aku baru mengetahui kalau daun Maple memang dijadikan sebagai simbol cinta. Selain itu, Maple juga menggambarkan keseimbangan dan panjang umur. Oleh karenanya Daun Maple menjadi simbol kekuatan cinta, uang, dan panjang umur. Hem... 

Hehe yaudah deh, terlepas antara makna daun Maple berdasarkan imajinasiku dan beberapa arti lain menurut sebuah kisah, aku tetap mengagumi daun Maple. 

Kartu post bergambar Daun Maple itu diberikan oleh temanku, yang dulu saat sma dapat kesempatan untuk pergi ke Amerika selama satu tahun. Sekitar 7 tahun lalu tepatnya. Saat aku membukanya lagi saat ini, aku kembali lagi menyelami mimpiku yang ada di doanya pada kartu pos tersebut,

 ''.. semoga kamu bisa melihatnya sendiri..''. 

Perasaanku sebetulnya bercampur aduk, antara senang dengan harapan yang didoakannya, serta rasa sedikit sedih karena belum bisa melihat daun Maple secara langsung :')

But, to life is to dream!

Masih boleh kok, teruslah bermimpi. ^^

Maples in Japan (photo by M.) 

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Minggu, Agustus 28, 2022

Anticipation Letter from a Pen Pal
Agustus 28, 20220 Comments
I first heard this app from my friend, she said I could write a letter to somebody out there, with a pen pal. 

This app is bringing back the concept of the past, that we could send a letter to a pen pal friend, plus our message is anonym and will be delivered in several minutes to hours even days, depending on the distance. 

That's one of my first impression, until I tried to use the apps and found some friends.

The idea of exchanging letter is really good, we can talk freely without afraid of a judgement.

It's different from another social media. We can have deeper connection as we don't look other people from their appearances, nationality, religion, and races. In contrast, we try to listen their way of thoughts, how they see the world through their point of views. 

....and every letters are written with heart. 
It's easy to read, but when we want to pour our ideas into writing, is a challenging one!!\\

It's also hard to find a pen pal. 
You know when someone is exchanging letters, the sender and receiver should find something in commons. So the conversation will flow, again and again. But again, the name of this app is Slowly, why not enjoying it slowly?

The feeling when I could find a matching friend, after I write some letters will become a mixed feeling. 

For example if there's a notification, 'You have an incoming letter" my heart is pounding, I'm really happy. 

I'm wondering is he/she will become one of my pen pal for good? 

The anticipation letter make us curious and excited just like waiting our online shops packages. Moreover, we couldn't just sent the letter, and in a second the receiver will reply, no... It needs a patience for the sender to wait for the letter to arrive, then wondering... 

Is he/she will replying back? 
What should I write for the reply? 
Did I talk too much?
Is he/she still activate the account? 

And eventually sending a letter with this worries. 

But feeling happy again if the notification arrives. 

""" Arriving in 15 hours """ 

That's make this app really special. 

When I read Slowly stories (from other users), they said this app give big impacts for their life. Some people did really inspiring or supporting each other, exchanging languages, their daily life, and cultures, even meet up each other, and many more. 

Even tough I was calculated as a new user, and still received only some letters, I'm sending my sincerest thanks to the developer and also my pen pals out there. 

'Thanks for making such a great app'
'Thanks for reading my random stories'
'Thanks for replying me back and send me your stories'

I like writing (for example this blog 😅), 

The feeling when I write my letter is like having a friend to talk with almost about anything. The difference compare when I write for my blog of course, I have somebody that will reply my stories, answer my questions, making a joke sometimes, and I could have wider perspectives from stranger that live in different part of the world and still anonymous (unless we both agreed to share personal information). 

We can travel across the world just by writing letters!!

Well, is a good apps worth a try. To be noticed, it's not a dating apps that you might be imagined, it's a place to find a virtual friendship in non-romantic ways (it's still possible if you could find one). 

Happy writing! 



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Sabtu, Agustus 27, 2022

25s Insecurities
Agustus 27, 20220 Comments

Quarter-life crisis they said, uh? 

Reaching the age of quarter centuries, branches of mind, stressful working condition, friends' successful stories, high standard of life from influencers, cultivating into one point, 

I N S E C U R I T I E S 

Nowadays, insecurities have become the most spoken topic, especially for youth generations. As it really happens in my surroundings, when exploring social media, you'll find some feed that would post about this topic.

Why do we feel insecure?

Well, I'm not gonna talk about somebody else's, I'm gonna talk about what I really feel. 

After struggling for formal education until I graduated and maintaining to get my job, here I am, talking nonsense in this blog. Actually I'm not good at discussing it, or I just haven't found a person to discuss it, no idea. But, it's really dancing in my mind, so I think it's the time to write about it, preventing it from exploding in my mind. hahaha. 

Well, they said that 'Privilege' matters. Some people do have this privilege for their life, some do not have such a thing. 

I do agree with that, to be precise we're having different beginning to achieve something. So that, different processes, and different finishes. You may not agree with that kind of 'privilege' thing, eh?

If we're talking about it, we should actually realize that, we're not defined by certain ages to be called a successful person, am I right?

Maybe when you're becoming one of the 'Sandwich Generation', that's still striving for earning money to pay your family's needs, you got the job, but you can't be such a decent person that is already married with their loved one, having their own houses, and business. They could make some other side jobs, travelling overseas, in contrast you're still busy with your own life. 

If it's counted and seen only from one perspective, then you could say that life is unfair, isn't it?

Then something called, insecurities will be the right term to define your mood. 

But, is that so?

  Also read Perfect with imperfections

I should admit that, sometimes I do feel insecurities strike my head. That would make myself become a loser, having low self-esteem. 

However, I choose to not feel that any longer

I do feel that, but I should see something from a different point of view (Still trying to do that). 

In my opinion, we should recognize our feelings, admit that, and accept that. If we already recognize ourselves better, we could take another step to get up. 

The key of all the things is we should be more grateful and loving ourselves. 

Stargazing a future :D

'' Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion and respect to your own journey.''  - S. Menutt

We want everything to be perfect, we have abundant willingness, high expectation on something, but how if 

We choose to embrace all that we have been and are with love, acceptance and tenderness?

By loving ourselves, we can take better care of ourselves. We then know how to begin to accept our true self, not blaming all the failures that we made. And we will gain more because we know how to improve ourselves with patience, compassion, and we know the best for ourselves because we have our own path, our own timing, our own journey. 

Taru wo shiru mono wa tomu. 

I am content with what I am.

Also read I am content with I am. 


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