
Selasa, Desember 20, 2022

Happiness Starts Within: Bahagia itu Tercipta Karena Diri Sendiri
Desember 20, 20220 Comments

“Hidup itu lucu, ya
yang dicari, hilang
yang dikejar, lari
yang ditunggu, pergi
sampai hati kita lelah dan berserah
saat itu semesta bekerja
beberapa hadir dalam rupa sama
beberapa lebih baik dari rencana” Nkcthi

Bagaimanya ya agar kita bisa bahagia? 

Resep kebahagiaan itu sebenarnya apa sih? Tiap hari kita disibukkan dengan dalih mencari kebahagiaan. Sering lupa waktu. Sering termakan waktu. Nyatanya, kadang kehidupan mengajarkan betapa kebahagiaan itu sejatinya tidaklah sulit untuk dicari. Karena kebahagiaan itu bisa timbul dari diri sendiri. 

Kita merasa bahagia karena kita sendiri yang menghendakinya. 

Lho, kok gitu sih? 

「From now on, I can be who I want to be」
『 Ha... Is that so? 』*Gudetama

Awalnya, aku juga ga paham (dan masih belum paham bener juga sih. Hahaha) kalau kebahagiaan sejatinya telah hadir di sekitar kita. 
Dulu sewaktu kecil, kita cenderung menjadi orang yang dicintai. Semenjak dewasa kita pun terkadang masih ingin dicintai, hingga terkadang sulit untuk menjadi orang yang pertama mencintai. Sehingga sering pula kita ingin mencari karakter yang kita inginkan dalam diri seseorang. Padahal cara yang tepat adalah menciptakan karakter tersebut pada diri sendiri. 

Well, namun tidak melulu harus tentang cinta. Kebahagiaan juga dapat kita rasakan segera setelah kita saat kita dapat menghirup napas dengan bebas. Pernah merasakan betapa sumpeknya saat kita dilarang melepas masker pada saat pandemi?
Kita telah dibekali kesehatan dan kebahagiaan oleh Sang Pencipta. Nikmat dan karunia tersebut merupakan segala anugerah yang perlu disyukuri agar kita bahagia. (Ingat itu ya, Fen!). 

Sewaktu kecil dulu, kita seringkali bahagia karena hal-hal kecil. Misal, saat bisa naik sepeda setelah jatuh kesekian kalinya, saat berhasil membuat layangan, saat dikasih uang jajan lebih, bahkan bahagia hanya karena disamperin di rumah untuk diajak main teman.
Kebahagiaan sepertinya nampak sangat dekat. Karena pikiran kita belum banyak dituntut oleh banyak hal di sekitar, dan kita memang bahagia karena hal sederhana.

Lantas saat dewasa, mengapa kita menggantungkan kebahagiaan kepada orang lain? 

Aku jadi inget kisah di film NKCTHI dan drama Be Melodramatic, kalau kebahagiaan itu kita yang nentuin, bukan orang lain. 

Seketika aku berpikir, benar adanya bahwa kita memang tidak bisa menggantungkan orang lain atas kebahagiaan kita pribadi. Kita bahagia karena kita memang yang menghendakinya. Meski, saat nanti jika punya pasangan atau anak, mungkin kita bakal berkata bahwa 'aku bahagia karena mu'. 

Memang benar adanya, bahwa kehadiran orang-orang di sekitar membuat jiwa kita menjadi tenang, membuat tentram, dan akhirnya kita bahagia. Lalu, bagaimana jika ternyata tiba-tiba orang itu pergi? 

Mungkin, memang rumit. Tapi, sederhananya. Bahwa kita lah yang menentukan bahwa diri kita berhak bahagia, kita sendirilah yang membuat diri kita bahagia, karena kita menghendakinya. 

Happiness comes from within you. You'll never find it by chasing relationship, money, jobs, beauty. Happiness always starts within

Dan, kebahagiaan itu sering terjadi karena kita melakukan, atau aktif, seperti aktif memberi, aktif mencintai, dan aktif berbagi. 

Kalau kubuktikan ya, memang saat kita 'aktif' kita tanpa sadar menghendaki diri kita untuk bahagia. Bahagia atas senyumnya, bahagia atas urusannya, dan bahagia atas pilihannya. 

Hehehe.. gak kok gak sulit. Kita tetap bahagia dengan hal-hal sederhana ⁠♪

Reading Time:

Minggu, Desember 18, 2022

2 Years Becoming A Vet: Learning from Scratch
Desember 18, 20220 Comments
This day, 2 years ago... (18th of December 2020)

I managed to be an unofficial veterinarian. 
Congratulations!!!  🎉

(Little bit of nostalgia)
That time, I was tremendously happy, crying and grateful at the same time. 
And I was thanking myself for all I've been going through, these 5.5 years of unforgettable memories. I could be a veterinarian.... (relieved....). 

I remembered that day was surely my end point in order to get my degree. I had to take the exam, It's called a comprehensive exam. I had to pass it. And I feel somewhat relieved that I did the exam by Zoom Meeting instead of an offline comprehensive exam. (It should be held in a room consisting of two Vet-Candidates with 4 examinees and 20 attendees). However, I thought I still felt the same nerves.  Although I doubted myself (and tried not to), I always believed I could eventually make it to become a vet. And... I was so grateful, I passed the exam!!

Hi future Feni, let us rewind those stories! 
I had no background in this field (Like half of my friends also do) but, finally we could prove it. We could make it. 
We can be a veterinarian. 👌

my pandemic photo shoot of graduation 

I learned from scratch to become a veterinarian
Presumably, I didn't have any basic or any strong intention at the time I entered the program. It's really true. I was having no role model nor having enough preparation about the idea of becoming a vet student (Did I really going to be a veterinarian? [Feni 2015]). 
Just like I've said, half of my friends also felt the same as mine. They didn't really want to become a vet. Some of them might be just having 50% consciously knowing that they were entering the program to become a vet. 

Well, learning from the very basics until the advanced mode was challenging. wkwkwk. 
It was the battle within my ego, my responsibility, and my life. I remembered that before I became a vet student, I was afraid of dogs. hahaha it's funny but it really happened. (Thanks to my friends who make me not afraid of dogs anymore, actually dogs are cute animals). 

Thanks to myself, families, friends, and lecturers. I could be one of the graduates. 

Learning from scratch also literally means I learned from cat scratches. My hands are full of cat's scratches. You know, they're cute animals, so they scratch their paws and the worst case is that they can bite us sometimes. hahaha. I hate the scar that is left on my hands (I don't really have an effort to remove them actually. wkwk). 

another pandemic Photoshoot (online Photoshoot)

Finally, I can't thank you enough for the past memories I have and the next challenge I will have.  I hope I can overcome it. 
I hope I can be a good vet. 
and there's still so much to do, to be a good vet. I should keep learning, believing in the process, and keep practicing!

"Manusya Mriga Satwa Sewaka"

Reading Time:

Sabtu, Desember 17, 2022

It'll All Be Alright
Desember 17, 20220 Comments

 For a while it was a hot sunny day

    I ordered a glass of Iced Chocolate

    Then came the rain 

    ''Little bit cold, huh?"

    I decided to put on my jacket

    I drunk my Iced Chocolate

    I forgot about the weather

    I just continued to sip on my Iced Chocolate

    Increasing my mood was my only intention 

Life's just like that. 

It happens to be a high up and a low down. 

The tremendous feeling somehow just struck us without any sign. 

It's just temporary. 

Everything in this world is just passing by. 


It's good to admit our feeling. Our sadness. Our happiness. Our emptiness. 

.... And we can pile up again. 

On a day, I was curious about Ninja, so I ended up to watch a YouTube video. But then, surprisingly I got really good words from him, 

"I believe life has its ups and downs. If you're at your worst, you can only go up from there. For those who are doing well, try to maintain that. Make sure not to come down. But there will be times things get tough. So try to figure out a way so that you don't fall too hard. But if you come down, you'll eventually go back up. And when you're up, try to prepare for when you fall so it won't as bad. "


‘Cause The Sky Has Finally Opened
The Rain And Wind Stopped Blowin’
But You’re Stuck Out In The Same Old Storm Again
Let Go Of Your Umbrella
‘Cause, Darling, I’m Just Tryin’ To Tell Ya
That There’s Always Been A Rainbow Hangin’ Over Your Head
Yeah, There’s Always Been A Rainbow Hangin’ Over Your Head

It’ll All Be Alright

🎵 Kacey Musegraves - Rainbow🎵

Reading Time:

Minggu, Desember 11, 2022

Sound System : Persahabatan yang Tidak Sempurna
Desember 11, 20220 Comments

Tidak ada persahabatan yang sempurna di dunia ini. Yang ada hanya orang-orang yang berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk mempertahankannya. 

We've been become best friends since our encounter in the faculty. 
You've all been there with me. 
We've been longing together. 
We're far apart after the graduation, but we're still maintaining our friendships. 
Thanks for not giving up on me. 

Hi, my Sound..

Apa kabar kalian saat membaca ini? Dimanapun kalian berada, semoga selalu diberi ketenangan hati dan kebahagiaan yaa... 

Ngomong-ngomong, persahabatan kita ternyata kuat, ya. Aku tidak hentinya mengucapkan rasa syukurku kepada kalian semua. Terima kasih ya, untuk segalanya. Bahkan hanya sekedar kehadiran kalian saja, itu sudah sangat berarti. 

Biar tidak tegang, mari nyanyi dulu! 

flashback time.... 

Oiya, siapa tahu dari kita ada yang lupa kenapa kita namain diri kita jadi Sound System. Atau mungkin jika ada orang lain yang membaca ini selain kalian, jadi tidak ada salahnya untuk kita sedikit perkenalan sekaligus kilas balik, bagaimana awal mula kita bisa sahabatan. 

Jadi bagaimana awal mula bisa deket? 
Kapan ya? wkwkwk aku juga sepertinya tidak begitu ingat secara detail. Singkat cerita, kalau tidak salah waktu itu kita di hari terakhir masa perkenalan fakultas dan melakukan foto bersama. Sebenarnya asal ngikut aja buat foto dan berakhir membuat grup Line bareng untuk ngirim-ngirim foto dan akhirnya kita jadi kenal lebih deket ya, kan? Kalau kalian percaya bahwa kita ini memang ditakdirkan saling bertemu, bukan hanya kebetulan semata, nah itulah yang aku yakini. 'We're meant to be together'. Ciee ...

Kenapa ya namanya Sound System?
Awalnya grup Line kita namai Support System, ya kan? Dan seiring berjalannya waktu kita mengubah namanya menjadi Sound System (ceritanya plesetan gitu). Dan kalian harus tahu dan memang sudah tahu, kalau sistem terbaik adalah 'Sound System'. 

Siapa aja sih? 
Tentunya ada aku yang nulis ini wkwk, terus ada sosok perempuan-perempuan hebat seperti Saras tetangga kosan baik hati yang selalu aku minta tebengi, Ami yang selalu gas dan motil kesana kemari, Defly sosok bijak yang pandai masak, Agi teratletis yang selalu gokil, Dele si tosca yang sering ngasih telur, Rani termager tapi yang paling pinter, dan Alica si kakak yang imuut banget. 

Momen Bersama
Hem.. Momen bersama ya? Sejauh kita berteman, kita ga selalu bareng kok ya. Apalagi kelasku yang sering beda. Paling samaan kalau ada kelas besar. Tapi semakin berjalannya waktu, banyak momen yang sering kita lakukan bersama. 

hahaha. Kalian semua pasti sudah pernah membuka Scrapbook ala-ala buatanku ini. 

My birthday, 2017 

Fotonya jadul sekali ya, masih polos semua. wkwk. Jujur saja aku kaget waktu kalian kasih kejutan di ulang tahunku tersebut (Yeay kejutan kalian benar-benar berhasil ya). Aku kira kita hanya teman biasa awalnya, dalam artian yasudah kenal saja habis itu masing-masing. Tapi ternyata aku salah, 

Throughout life we experience many different kinds of friendships. On rare occasions, we encounter someone so special that we just know we met for a reason. There are the kinds of friendship that last forever no matter what city you live in or how often you speak, no matter how old you get or what phase of life you are in.



Pernah berantem?

Pasti, sering banget. Banyak hal yang tidak sejalan, juga banyak salah komunikasi yang sering terjadi. Atau terkadang, tiba-tiba tidak mood saja, terus marahan deh. wkwkwk.

Lalu, apa yang terjadi setelah itu?

Tentu saja walaupun kita sadar pernah marahan, ngambek, tapi kita baikan lagi, secara natural kita seperti biasa lagi. 

Coba tebak siapa yang gada di sini? hahaha

Deep Talk

Setelah sudah memasuki masa-masa akhir kuliah sarjana, aku rasa kita semakin sering 'deep talk'  (Meskipun aku yang paling susah jadi pembicara sih wkwkwk). Entah itu di kosan Defly, Ami atau Rani, kita tanpa sadar sudah semakin merasa nyaman dengan satu sama lain. 

Bahkan memang, kita adalah tipe orang yang dewasa tapi tidak dewasa? hahaha, maksudku adalah, kalau kita main, kita seperti anak kecil. Kita heboh, mainan masak-masakan (masak makanan beneran sih ya), jalan-jalan bareng, benar-benar menikmati masa muda. Bukan membicarakan hal yang tentang gosip, atau tentang hal-hal lain yang tidak terlalu baik. 

Thanks for...

Terima kasih telah membersamai di kala senang, susah, sedih, maupun di kala hidup sedang biasa-biasa saja. 

Terima kasih telah hadir di sisiku. 

nemenin seminar S1
Ami ngapain? wkwkwk

Unofficially became a Vet 👻

Walaupun aku tidak sempurna sebagai teman kalian, but thanks for becoming the story of my life. 

Do you see how happy I am in this photo? 
That's simply a sign that I'm so grateful to be your best friend☺ 

Psst... Postingan ini adalah janji yang baru bisa aku tepati untuk Sound System :)

Freundschaft ist eine seele in zwei körpern

Reading Time:

Sabtu, Desember 03, 2022

How were you in 2022
Desember 03, 20220 Comments

Happy New Year  (Soon)!

Um... How were you in 2022 anyway? 

Let's take a look on this little story first ^^

Please, the photo actually wasn't focused on me, but this cat (of course we have known it😆, the cat (not you) is so cute ) 

Before I begin, I wanna entertain you with this funny story.

Once upon a day, a quiet day. I was at my work, in the smaller hospital branch. 

Someone was approaching me who was standing in the pet shop to check on something. 

🐥 : Does this pet shop also have a vet?

 🐵 : Yes, miss. 

🐥  : Is the vet still here? 

🐵 : Yes, sure. 

🐥 : Is it a woman or a man? 

🐵 : A woman, 

      (after a long silence)  ..... actually it's me ☺

🐥 : Oh sorry, doc. I thought it wasn't you because you're too young. 

🐵 : ☺  (in my deepest heart : I'm not young anymore (btw, I'm also not that old) but well, thank you) 

Hahaha. How was it? Was the story entertaining you enough? 

No, not yet. We need more! 

Hahaha. Yeah. Maybe later yaa-----

Actually I'm so sad, knowing that this year will end soon. It was like, I haven't done many things.  I still need to do this and that. 

However, I'm really grateful for what I've been through this entire year. 

☑ Do you know, future Feni? That you're really trying hard (But you need to work and play harder for the following years). 

☑ You need to know that consistency is a difficult thing but once it's already becoming your habit, it just flows. 

☑ There is massive information out there, you need to filter that and evaluate yourself before you receive too much. 

☑ Keep making time for the things you enjoy!

☑ Sometimes it's okay to feel both (:(

Well, ... It's hasn't ended just yet.. 

The story is always to be continued... and you need to know that, you are deserved to spread love and to be loved 💕

Happy New Year 🎊🎆


Reading Time:

Sabtu, November 26, 2022

Reflection Eternal by Nujabes ♪This Too Shall Pass
November 26, 20220 Comments

Have you ever cried over something over and over again?

Well, yeah I should admit that. 

I did. 

Nevertheless, I don't think that crying will help me to resolve my problems. I can feel sad but then I should recover. I found good advice that I should learn to keep going. "You’ll be hurt, you’ll be in pain. You’ll fall. That’s part of life. But as long as you get hold of yourself and get back up again, you’ll be fine. Don’t waste time. Don’t dwell too long on your mistakes. Learn from them and keep going. Life goes on." [Mufti Menk]

When I'm talking about that kind of problem, I enjoy turning my music on and listening to my playlists. One of them is a song by Nujabes. (Thanks to a friend's recommendation, I got to know him). 

I would like to share my opinion about one of my favourites songs from Nujabes. It is a song which is titled 'Reflection Eternal'. It is a Lo-fi (low fidelity) music.

I love its rhythm and melody. It's very calming and relaxing. 

Let's see the lyrics! 

Hair piled up
Piled up high
Your hair piled up
Piled up high

You're a flower
You're a river
You're a rainbow  

Hair piled up
   Piled up high
   Your hair piled up
   Piled up high

Through the song, he wanna say that we need to keep our heads up and don't let life get us down. Let's be brave, chin up, and get over it! We can do it! 

We also can say that every person has something inside. We need to embrace our full potential, so that we need to know ourselves better. 

You're a flower 

Oh, flowers are pretty. They are also pure. Sometimes they aren't always flawless. Thus we're also perfect with our imperfections. We can't compare ourselves with others. We're unique. 

You're a river 

What do you think when you see a river? Water flows fast and it's always flowing. We have to believe that this too shall pass. Nothing, good, or bad, lasts forever. No need to be worried about our problems too much. (Seems so perfect to be listened when we encounter a problem)

You're a rainbow

Rainbow is colorful. We are always fascinated by its beauty. Just like rainbow that has many colors, Our good and bad days make our life complete. Everything can either be a blessing or a lesson. Oh yeah of course, rainbow is painted by God, so are we. We are created by God. 

Isn't this song great? 


In memoriam

"I'm an ordinary guy, " He said. Yet he teaches us a great meaning of life. 

I gathered some words from his fans. We all agreed that Nujabes taught us to accept who we are, have hope, be thankful for everything, don't be selfish, love your friends and family and treat your partners right. He also taught us that happiness can be found in the mundane, in everything we do. 

Rest in Peace for him. ♡

Reading Time:

Jumat, November 25, 2022

Animal Communication, is it Really Possible?
November 25, 20220 Comments

Being a vet is awesome, we can't talk to animals, yet we can try to give them the best treatments. However, as a vet, we often imagine that how if animals can tell us their disease complaints and what they really feel? That of course will help us to diagnose the diseases. 

How if, it's possible that we can actually talk with animals?

A Group Photo of participants

Last wednesday, I got an unforgettable chance to attend a seminar which was held by one of pet food's producers. There, we learned great things from reputable speakers. They were drh Rajanti who talked about 'Study case: Balancing hormones by hypnotherapy methods' and Ms. Ira who talked about 'Boost your Business with Effective Communication Skills'. In this blog, I want to share some experiences what I got from drh Rajanti. I was so excited to meet her as she is well known for her ability in Animal Communication. 

Mind Power

First thing first, what I got from the seminar was that I need to know how our mind works. Basically, mind works in two levels- conscious and subconscious. When we are thinking, it is where our mind works consciously. Meanwhile our subconscious minds is the seat of our emotions, which is the creative mind. It was being said that our subconscious mind is quite sensitive with our thought. 

drh Rajanti 

Animal Communication: The Telepathic Connection

The word telepathic itself means 'feeling across the distance'. It involves direct transmission of feelings, intentions, thoughts, mental images, impressions, sensations, and pure knowing. Animals communicate with human and among each other telepathically. They can understand our emotions, thought behind words even the words themselves aren't totally understood. 


Actually, animal communication is basic level of mind power method. An animal communicator gathers information from the animals by communicating with them. And hypnotherapy is an advance level of that. Hypnotherapy can help animals who have medical conditions in which physiological factors influence physical symptoms. Sometimes animals show certain physiological conditions in which we can not determine their conditions from various lab works. Thus, hypnotherapy is useful to treat this condition. 

Study cases 

Unfortunately, I didn't get the detailed file about the study cases, so it could only we get if we attend the seminar. However, from what I've learned is that, even tough it may seem not logic, animal communication is possible. And if we practice mind power method, we can enhance and unblock our full potential.  

What do you think, guys?

Do you find it interested and are you willing to learn this method?

Reading Time:

Jumat, November 18, 2022

Let's Recap our Day!
November 18, 20220 Comments

Evaluation and reflection need to be done each day. These allow us to refresh and have quality time with our own self. 

Have you ever tried to have a conversation with yourself?

The method can be different for each person. 
Even though you have a busy schedule, we still need to have a good conversation just with ourselves. The easiest way is to reflect on our day around 5 minutes before sleep. 
Just spare 5 minutes of yours, then think about your activities for the day.
It is also good if we can make the recapitulation once a month at minimum. 

In order to get to know yourself better, shouldn't we have a deep talk with ourselves?

There is another way to make a reflection which can be done through writing. If you're not that kind of person who writes your days in a diary, then how about you just give it a try to recap your current activities by writing them in any media? Of course, you should make sure that you follow social media rules and keep things private. With this method, I believe that we can focus on yourself to evaluate what we have done as a regular basis. 

Sometimes it's a good idea to just know ourselves better, don't we?

"Make a reflection before we consume (too much) information. "

There's some ideas to be written in your journal. Embrace yourself and let's take a look at your current activities with these Journaling Mind Dumps!

I found it on Insta. These questions help us to recap our days. 

1. What have I been doing lately?

2. Big/ important things that have happened?

3. How am I feeling about life at the moment?

4. Highs and lows of the past 3 months?

5. Things I've learned lately?

6. Things I want to improve?

7. Anything and everything that comes to mind. 

With just these 7 Questions, let us try to go back and then start to make ourselves better!

Let's get started to try them because, 

"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."

Reading Time:

Rabu, November 16, 2022

How if We Just Make it Slow?
November 16, 20220 Comments

"Did you find yourself happy?"

Have you been asked by someone that question?

or instead asking that question, they prone to ask these disturbing questions, 

''Why haven't you married to someone?"

"How couldn't you buy your own car?"

"You're graduated from a top university, why still live like this?"

"How if you should.... bla..bla..!!!

Right now, with rapid information and fancy technologies, we are always rushing to get everything. We want everything to be quick. We define success with only superficial categories. We crave connections. We are so often presented with quick hits. Short sharp videos, drama, and theatrics. 

It's the time to connect with nature. Photo by M. 

... we often forget small kinds of happiness

The magic of life isn't always found in big moments, big events, and big achievements. Its pure shape is in the mundane, in the little moments. 

There's no need to rush. What God has for you always arrives on time.   


Slowing down, more depth in what we create and what we do. It's not just what we want, it is what we need. What matters most is not working endlessly but going in the right direction. Slowing down is a way to speed up.

•• Take a deep breath. Relax. Feel the nature. Open your window and see the morning scenery •••

•• Allow yourself to tune into the source and yourself. It's time to reflect, be honest and re-prioritize •••

•• It is time to connect with friends and family, with nature, with ourselves •••

However, what we want is slow, it is time to just be...  o(〃^▽^〃)o


Reading Time:

Selasa, Oktober 11, 2022

Terus Upgrade Ilmu: Situs Gratis yang Wajib diketahui Dokter Hewan!
Oktober 11, 20220 Comments

Para kolega dokter hewan praktisi hewan kecil tercinta pasti sangat paham jika sekarang ini banyak klien yang semakin pintar. Hal tersebut tentu baik, jika akibatnya ke arah positif, yakni menjadi lebih bertanggung jawab dengan memberikan yang terbaik bagi hewan peliharaannya. Akan tetapi bagaimana jika kita, sebagai dokter hewan malah tidak dipercaya, karena mereka lebih percaya terhadap internet daripada kita? 

Jangan sampai ya.. 

Perkembangan Ilmu Begitu Cepat

Semakin derasnya arus informasi, para pet owner akan lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan informasi seputar permasalahan hewan peliharaannya. Sebagai seorang dokter hewan, para kolega berperan menjadi penyalur informasi akurat yang bisa dipercaya oleh para pet owner. Salah satu contohnya yang akan terjadi di ruang praktek pertanyaan yang diberikan kepada kita akan lebih beragam. 

Ilmu pengetahuan pun semakin berkembang setiap harinya. Beragam artikel produk-produk kesehatan hewan dari iklan maupun dari tulisan para ahli terus bermunculan. Yang berbahaya adalah informasi yang tidak benar namun terlanjur tersebar dan dipercaya oleh banyak orang. 

Jenis Informasi 

Segudang sumber informasi bisa didapatkan dengan mudah dari genggaman jari. Beragam info dari kanal YouTube, website, program televisi, serta berita menyediakan berbagai jenis informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh kita, sebagai dokter hewan. 

Kini kita tidak lagi dibatasi oleh jarak, seperti saat pandemi, kita lebih akrab dengan penyelenggaraan seminar daring. 

Tentunya akan memudahkan kita untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas ilmu pengetahuan kita dengan mengikuti berbagai kegiatan sesuai minat kita. 

Beragam jenis 'upgrade' ilmu yang bisa kita dapat diantaranya melalui 

- Seminar/ Webinar

- Membaca Textbook/ E-book

- Video dari kanal YouTube

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Lagi diskusi bersama kelompok koas di perpustakaan (Ketawa lihat keseriusan Mbak Yul dan Star. 2019) 

Kalau untuk berbagai seminar, buku, CPD tentunya kolega sekalian sudah lebih paham ya. Kali ini aku ingin berbagi, barangkali ada yang belum tahu mengenai situs website yang bisa kita kunjungi dengan mudah, kapanpun, dan dimanapun kita berada. 

Contoh Situs Website Gratis yang Harus Kolega Dokter Hewan Tahu: 

1. Clinician Brief

Berisikan pembahasan mengenai beberapa topik yang pembahasannya cukup lengkap. Terkadang kita juga disuguhkan kuis serta pembahasannya. Bahkan menariknya lagi terdapat pula video on-demand CE (Continuing Education) gratis. 

Clincian Brief

2. Todays Veterinary Nurse

Meski judulnya adalah Today Veterinary Nurse, tapi ilmu yang bisa kita dapat dari situs ini sangat banyak dan berguna bagi dokter hewan. 

Today Veterinary Nurse

3.   MSD Vet Manual

Kalau situs satu ini sudah tidak asing lagi bukan? Dari zaman kuliah kita sudah sangat akrab dengan situs berikut. Pembahasan mengenai etiologi penyakit, terminologi, serta terapi dan penanganannya sangat lengkap dari A sampai Z.


MSD Vet Manual

4. Veterinary Radiology MIRC 

Jika ingin melatih kemampuan membaca hasil x-ray maka situs ini sangatlah tepat. Terdapat contoh kasus klinik  dalam situs ini yang akan diperbarui setiap minggunya. Saran saya adalah mengikuti NewsLetter nya agar setiap minggu kita bisa mendapatkan pemberitahuan postingan terbaru. 

Veterinary Radiology MIRC

5. DVM 360

Sama seperti situs-situs sebelumnya, DVM360 juga lengkap, berisi serba-serbi pembahasan kasus penyakit. Dan yang aku suka dari situs ini adalah setiap bulannya mengeluarkan E-Magazine yang bagus dan gratis. Kita hanya butuh mengunduhnya untuk dapat membaca berbagai info menarik. 

6. ARSHI Veterinary Letters

Kalau dilihat dari namanya, sudah ketebak kan ya? Iya, benar sekali. Kita dapat menemukan jurnal terkini berdasarkan kasus studi maupun berbagai aspek klinis lain secara gratis (Open access). Jika dari tadi sudah saya suguhkan berbagai sumber dari luar negeri, bisa dicoba nih yang hendak mencari ilmu dari kolega terdekat kita satu negara. Yang pasti tidak kaleng-kaleng ya, dan tentunya gambaran kondisinya lebih dekat dengan kita. 


Sekarang kita dapat dengan mudah mengakses sumber informasi untuk terus meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan kita. Karena menjadi dokter hewan adalah pembelajaran seumur hidup. Tidak ada alasan untuk stagnan di situ-situ saja. 

Semangat ya para kolega dokter hewan, jangan lelah belajar! 

Reading Time:

Rabu, Oktober 05, 2022

My October Reminder
Oktober 05, 20220 Comments

  [ Believe in new beginning ]

> I want you to remember that it's not too late to do something. It's not too late to start a dream. To make a new friend. To discover a new passion. To realise that you are worthy and you deserve the same love so freely give to others. To put yourself first. To fill your cup each day. To find new love. To discover the beauty of small moments. To start again. To learn something new. <

... and prepare for the things you pray for because sometimes the delay is your preparation. ''

Sometimes.. '' The best people come unexpectedly and the connection is always real...

::: I hope you remember to think beyond your comfort zone from time to time and never forget the importance of growth. I hope you remember that progression isn't always easy and sometimes the things that scare you will actually get you a lot close to where you want to be. :::

Reading Time:

Sabtu, Oktober 01, 2022

Apa itu SDMA? Deteksi Dini Gangguan Ginjal
Oktober 01, 20220 Comments

Apa itu SDMA?

SDMA atau symmetric dimethylarginine bisa digunakan untuk mendeteksi dini gangguan ginjal serta akut. 

Bisa disarankan untuk general check up anjing-anjing yg berumur 5 tahun untuk cek awal, meski tidak nampak gejala klinisnya. Apabila ketahuan ada masalah kita bisa lakukan maintenance sebulan sekali pakai chem 10 (Pengecekan kimia darah).  

Kalau pengecekan SDMA bisa rutin dilakukan 6 bulan - 1 tahun sekali.. 

More reliable than creatinine?

Mengapa bisa dikatakan jika SDMA lebih akurat daripada kreatinin?

Karena beberapa hal sebagai berikut

SDMA sebagai biomarker fungsi ginjal

SDMA dieksresikan langsung oleh ginjal, merupakan parameter fungsi (GFR) Gromerular filtration rate

• Deteksi dini

 Peningkatan parameter dapat terjadi pada 25% penurunan fungsi ginjal, sedangkan creatinin terjadi pada 75% penurunan fungsi ginjal. 

• Spesifik mendeteksi fungsi ginjal

Tidak terlalu dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal sprti pd creatinin, misalnya pengaruh kondisi tubuh, umur, dan stase penyakit. Jadi spesifik yaa.. 

Monggo dokter, bisa dibantu untuk diperkenalkan ke klienklien, agar sadar untuk check up anabulnya..

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