
Senin, Maret 13, 2023

You're Fine Just The Way You Are
Maret 13, 20230 Comments

Dear myself

I want you to know that actually, your only real competition is yourself. There are your last year, last week, or even yesterday versions of you. Or maybe that looked back at you in the mirror this morning. They are the benchmark, the comparison, the standard which you should ever measure yourself against. Because you have to know that the goal is to be a little bit better every day and grow into the best version of you. 

I hope you have the courage to choose yourself, over and over. I hope you have the courage to move forward, not backwards. To choose growth over comfort, to choose possibility over the past. I hope you know how worthy you are of everything you've ever wanted, even if an unkind heart has led you to believe otherwise. Your soft heart deserves to feel loved and chosen, not just today, but every day. I hope you wake up each day feeling hopeful and encouraged, knowing that you're so capable of every single thing you want to do, big or small. 

Darling, you're fine just the way you are!



Reading Time:

Rabu, Maret 01, 2023

A Sense of Pure Affection
Maret 01, 20230 Comments

Hoarding a piece of feelings at a time.  

What is it like? 

Even though it won't be revealed, I'm sure our pure affection will definitely reach the person we're aiming for. 

....... Even if it's late or not in our reference of time.

In terms of feelings, happiness becomes an innocent thing.  

Often we ignore the feelings that are owned by ourselves, because we are more concerned with the feelings of others.

Sometimes we enjoy pain and sadness.  

These become part of the feeling of anxiety if something bad happens to that person. 

In fact, sometimes the ego is defeated, "As long as you are happy, I'm okay."

From the moment the feelings echoes in the mind, we could be blinded by it.  

Logically goes, but is completely defeated by feelings.

If it's like that, whether we like it or not we are willing to sacrifice, willing to do something as long as the person can live a good life.


Even though the feelings isn't mutual, are we sure we are sincere?

Initially, it is undeniable that the sense of belonging always arises.  

The feelings of wanting to be together.  

The desire to continue to be considered there.  

The fondness of wanting to be used as a reinforcement. 

Stage of Being Sincere

However, there are those who reach the stage of being sincere.  

She believes that basically, everything she does is to give happiness.

 ''It is more happiness to give, not to receive!"

Maybe we think that as a giver of happiness, there will surely be times when she will get bored, right?  

That's right, the giver of happiness will feel boredom.  However, if she is sincere, the giver of happiness will not think too much about reciprocity.

The real test of sincerity is to see whether a person will help you even if he knows he will get nothing in return. The truth is anyone can help when there’s something to gain; but to help when there’s nothing in return shows true love & a beautiful heart- Mufti Menk

The giver of happiness becomes someone who is good, continues to help, and is certain because there is a basis of feeling.  But, when she is sincere, and stops giving happiness, it doesn't mean she is tired and reluctant to be a source of happiness for that person. 

About Priority

It could be, she has found someone she prioritizes more.  Because of that, this feeling shifts to the person she thinks is more deserving of it.

And once again, as long as you are happy that is fine, but as long as yourself are happy, has it ever occurred to you?

Well, let's consider for a moment, before we give something good.  

As long as you are happy, but I do not suffer

   Also Read : Happiness Starts Within

Reading Time:

Senin, Februari 27, 2023

February's Note : Good Things are Coming Soon
Februari 27, 20230 Comments

February is a month of love, they say. 

It is a moment to show how you love others. 
It is the time to shine your spark to the loved one. 

How about pouring a little spark, a truly beauty to yourself? 

Let's see how you already been grateful for the life you have. 

Enjoy the moment for a while, let's learn to appreciate little things in life. 
That's when you know you're living in a moment. 

And....  Evaluate what actually you want in life? 
I know you have abundance lists of goals. 
Some people say, people are never feel enough.

I know sometimes you hate how the world is not fair for you. 
The rules which applied to the one who own money and who don't are different. 
It's just it is. 

Surely, if it's meant for you, it will be given to you if not, then there must be something better for you to receive.

I'm sure, a good thing will coming soon. 
If it's meant to be, I believe it will not going to be far from you. 

Reading Time:

Selasa, Februari 21, 2023

A Mundane Life
Februari 21, 20230 Comments

Wake up. Work. Go home. [Repeat]

I like a challenging life but it seems like it doesn't happen everyday.
And it's ok. 

It's normal. You just have a boring day. Back to your daily routine.

You give the same greeting for the same people. 
Eat leftover foods. 
Travel into your daily roads. 
No progress at work. 
Repeat the same playlists. 
Wearing the ordinary clothes. 

Perhaps, you see that others' people life are more colorful. 

However, No, no.. That don't always happen that way. 

Learn to be more grateful. Learn  to be more ok. 

This world is on rush. Full of people seeking for meaning. 

The day without a meaning is also a good day. 

Let's keep calm and enjoy the mundane life. 

Because who knows, 『nothing happening means a gift from God to be in peace』.


Reading Time:

Senin, Februari 20, 2023

Bogor, A Sweet Remembrance
Februari 20, 20230 Comments
Such a bustling yet a calming city.

Well, do you sometimes miss Bogor? 
It made me think and called out my past memories about Bogor as my friend ask me that question. 

It has been more than a year I didn't visit Bogor. This rain city has a special memory in my heart. I spent half of my study time there, from senior high school until become a vet. That's quite a long time. 

I found my good friends and good people there, ouh even bad person (but I don't remember the bad one, fortunately). I came to the town without a friend, end up came home to my hometown knowing several good friends and best friends. 

The last good bye I had with Bogor was that, gathering with my best friends, who still there, waiting for last Comprehensive Examination. At that time I wanted to stay there as long as possible. I still want to spend one more time in that rain city. Until then, I haven't visit Bogor again. 

My Last Photo in Bogor 

Perhaps I want to go there someday if I need to attend a workshop, who knows. I want to recall a place I used to spend with my friends or just with myself who love to walk around the campus. 

Not a long ago, I heard a friend do not want to visit Bogor even though she was in Jakarta for holiday, which is only two hours by train. "I don't feel I want to visit Bogor again because I don't think it will be the same Bogor any more. All people I know already move from Bogor. "

Answering the question, do I miss Bogor? 
Yea, I miss Bogor, Bogor who rains a lot. Bogor which is crowded. Bogor who has good people around it. 

I miss Bogor along with the people and friends. 
I don't know about Bogor right now, perhaps it will not be the same. 
But I miss Bogor who has a special place in my heart. 
Reading Time:

Sabtu, Februari 18, 2023

A Short Escape Travelling to Solo
Februari 18, 20230 Comments

A Short Escape and A Sudden Decision

Do you prefer to make a sudden decision or get fully prepared before you travel?

Well, sometimes I describe myself as a decisive person because I tend to decide something very briefly. That was the time when I had a mood to get some fresh air. I called it "A Short Escape and A Sudden Decision" for my past experience travel to Solo and its surrounding. 

Keraton Mangkunegaran

I was reflected about my sudden decision to go to my friend's place just about my current life lesson, which is said, "Sometimes when you least expect it, good things happen". That's about the time when I wanted to hang out somewhere not far from my town but not too close, also with a small budget :). And... woala! I felt happy for that short trip. 

Go with The Flow

I asked a friend whether she could have a day off on the day I planned to visit her house. Unexpected thing had happened, she had a day off at that day because there was also her friend who would going to visit her home, the same time as mine. What a coincidence!

For make a long story short, there came the time when I was with my friend riding a motorbike from Ungaran to Klaten on that day. That was my first experience to travel there by motorbike.  I didn't feel wore out because my mind was full of curiosity during the way there. 

Klaten - Solo - Karanganyar 

After almost two hours, finally we arrived safely to Klaten. Now, there were four of us. A good conversation just come out naturally, even though I was the oldest of them all. I was happy as they just speak to me casually. We talked about our jobs, Campus flashback, current relationship 😅, and many things. For some time, we had no idea where to go. Let's eat good foods first! Hahaha.

Fried Gurame or whatsoever (I don't remember).
Very delicious

However, because we had been there, it wasn't complete if we didn't go to 'Umbul' to go for swimming. Actually, there is a famous place to go, but we weren't going there. It's much worthy then the famous one I guess. So, lesson learned. In this kind of situation, it's better to trust a person originally from the village.

Umbul Besuki

Next, our destination was Keraton Mangkunegaran. I love to visit a place like this. 

Some pics we captured at Mangkunegaran 

It didn't end up just yet. We still had one tourist destination to go. That was fantastic because we need to travel for around 2 hours. What? I had no idea but we're all agreed that's why we decided to go. The location is situated in a mountain side, which is very steep and slippery road I could say. The temple is one Hindu Temple, yea I could feel the feeling of little Bali, hahaha. 

Candi Cetho

I Least Expect It and Good Things Happen

I don't really expect anything from this trip. I just want to go somewhere and enjoy my day off, let's say I don't want to stuck in my bed all day hahaha. However it turned out to be one of a good trip. Another lesson learned: "Don't put to much hope because it will hurt you so much, because sometimes when you least expect it, good things happen."

Reading Time:

Sabtu, Januari 21, 2023

A Gentle January Reminder
Januari 21, 20230 Comments
A life changing... 

You know that things are sometimes getting complicated when we're getting older. 

Why would that happen? 

We realized there's no exact structure about life because there's nothing in life is ever served on a platter. It's different with the pattern of our past, when we graduated at elementary school, we must continue to junior school, after that enter to senior school and so on. 

The abstract of the things. Be it the place you work at, the people you work for or the things you wish to achieve in life. 

Just like the "sometimes" we face in our everyday life. 
From finding new friends, to keeping old ones. 
From finding who you are, to being comfortable with it. 
From finding answer to some questions, to questioning everything we know. 

We also realize that when we grow older, everything we get in life comes at the cost of you asking for things, fighting for them and eventually putting into effort. 

So choose what you want to fight for and choose what keeps you sane. 
Listen to yourself and the ones you love. 
That's all that matters. 
That's all you're fighting for. 
Reading Time:

Kamis, Desember 22, 2022

2023 Resolution: Understanding Einstein's Law of Focus
Desember 22, 20220 Comments

In 2022, I learned a lot. 

Aku belajar mengenali diri sendiri. 
I learned to love myself, content of what I am, found something new interesting things, know that I'm valuable, worth to be loved and spread more love. 

Namun, ada suatu hal yang masih perlu aku kenali lagi mengenai, 
Apakah aku mencari hal atau suasana yang baru hanya karena ingin menghindari dari apa yang sebenarnya sedang aku hadapi?

Aku menemukan aktivitas baru, mempunyai teman baru, dan aku pun semakin nyaman berkontemplasi dengan diri sendiri. Kerap kali aku memiliki 'alasan' untuk tidak segera melakukan kewajiban atau meskipun pada akhirnya aku melakukannya, rasanya seperti harus ada dorongan kuat dengan terlebih dahulu dengan melakukan aktivitas lain (di luar kewajibanku). 

Dan dari situ aku tersadar, bahwa aku perlu lebih belajar untuk fokus. 
I should learn to be more productive, accomplished, and fulfilled, of course starting from today.

Einstein's Law of Focus, he is a real genius!

Dari artikel ini aku mulai tersadarkan bahwa sudah saatnya aku harus mulai menentukan hal-hal apa saja yang tidak bisa aku lakukan maka aku tidak perlu melakukannya untuk memulai membuat sebuah perubahan. 
According to Einstein
    「What you decide not to do can make all the difference」

Ada salah seorang temanku yang sudah mengatakan hal ini sebelumnya, tapi aku masih melawan dengan meyakinkan diri sendiri bahwa tidak apa-apa melakukan banyak hal yang membuatku senang, seperti berbagai macam hobi dan lainnya. Tapi seolah aku tertampar dengan kenyataan bahwa, waktu yang kita miliki kenyataannya terbatas dan setiap orang memiliki waktu yang sama, 1 x 24 jam. Perbedaannya adalah bagaimana cara kita untuk mengatur waktu tersebut dan menentukan prioritas.

Lebih lanjut, dari artikel tersebut aku juga belajar bahwa
We are most productive when we focus on a very small number of projects 
on which we can devote a large amount of attention

Jika menuruti ego, kita tidak akan pernah puas. Keingan kita sangatlah tak terbatas. Kita memiliki banyak impian, ini dan itu. Ingin menguasai ini dan itu. 
Nah, oleh karenanya, ada langkah-langkah untuk membantu kita menentukan fokus bidang kita dan bisa kita praktekkan. [Newport]

  • 1. Create three columns: professional, personal (family, friends, etc.), and extracurricular (side projects, personal goals, etc.) 
  • 2. Choose one or two items from each list that are the most important (and hopefully also provide the greatest return), and put a star beside them.
  • 3. Identify items that you could stop doing, today, without suffering any real consequences, and cross them out. Think of this step as pruning.
  • 4. Look at the unmarked items and create a one- to three-week plan to complete them (or escape from them). Maybe that will mean not working on the starred projects for a short period of time, but that's OK. Think of this step as weeding.
  • 5. Focus on the one or two important things that remain in each category -- and be ruthless about not adding any new items to the list, at least for a while. Just work the list.

Yuk, yuk, Feni. Kita perlu segera mencobanya.

Mari tentukan beberapa daftar resolusi atau tujuan yang sudah dijelaskan di langkah pertama. Lalu masing-masing ditulis dua resolusi. Nah, selanjutnya coret daftar resolusi yang kelihatannya benar-benar mustahil atau hanya impian sesaat belaka. Jika masih ada yang belum bisa dicoret dari daftar, mari tentukan berapa lama sampai benar-benar bisa mencoretnya. Selanjutnya, kerjakan daftar resolusi dengan memastikan langkah lanjutan yang harus dilakukan. 

「And then put your head down and focus on the tasks, projects, or goals that really matter.」

Reading Time:

Selasa, Desember 20, 2022

Happiness Starts Within: Bahagia itu Tercipta Karena Diri Sendiri
Desember 20, 20220 Comments

“Hidup itu lucu, ya
yang dicari, hilang
yang dikejar, lari
yang ditunggu, pergi
sampai hati kita lelah dan berserah
saat itu semesta bekerja
beberapa hadir dalam rupa sama
beberapa lebih baik dari rencana” Nkcthi

Bagaimanya ya agar kita bisa bahagia? 

Resep kebahagiaan itu sebenarnya apa sih? Tiap hari kita disibukkan dengan dalih mencari kebahagiaan. Sering lupa waktu. Sering termakan waktu. Nyatanya, kadang kehidupan mengajarkan betapa kebahagiaan itu sejatinya tidaklah sulit untuk dicari. Karena kebahagiaan itu bisa timbul dari diri sendiri. 

Kita merasa bahagia karena kita sendiri yang menghendakinya. 

Lho, kok gitu sih? 

「From now on, I can be who I want to be」
『 Ha... Is that so? 』*Gudetama

Awalnya, aku juga ga paham (dan masih belum paham bener juga sih. Hahaha) kalau kebahagiaan sejatinya telah hadir di sekitar kita. 
Dulu sewaktu kecil, kita cenderung menjadi orang yang dicintai. Semenjak dewasa kita pun terkadang masih ingin dicintai, hingga terkadang sulit untuk menjadi orang yang pertama mencintai. Sehingga sering pula kita ingin mencari karakter yang kita inginkan dalam diri seseorang. Padahal cara yang tepat adalah menciptakan karakter tersebut pada diri sendiri. 

Well, namun tidak melulu harus tentang cinta. Kebahagiaan juga dapat kita rasakan segera setelah kita saat kita dapat menghirup napas dengan bebas. Pernah merasakan betapa sumpeknya saat kita dilarang melepas masker pada saat pandemi?
Kita telah dibekali kesehatan dan kebahagiaan oleh Sang Pencipta. Nikmat dan karunia tersebut merupakan segala anugerah yang perlu disyukuri agar kita bahagia. (Ingat itu ya, Fen!). 

Sewaktu kecil dulu, kita seringkali bahagia karena hal-hal kecil. Misal, saat bisa naik sepeda setelah jatuh kesekian kalinya, saat berhasil membuat layangan, saat dikasih uang jajan lebih, bahkan bahagia hanya karena disamperin di rumah untuk diajak main teman.
Kebahagiaan sepertinya nampak sangat dekat. Karena pikiran kita belum banyak dituntut oleh banyak hal di sekitar, dan kita memang bahagia karena hal sederhana.

Lantas saat dewasa, mengapa kita menggantungkan kebahagiaan kepada orang lain? 

Aku jadi inget kisah di film NKCTHI dan drama Be Melodramatic, kalau kebahagiaan itu kita yang nentuin, bukan orang lain. 

Seketika aku berpikir, benar adanya bahwa kita memang tidak bisa menggantungkan orang lain atas kebahagiaan kita pribadi. Kita bahagia karena kita memang yang menghendakinya. Meski, saat nanti jika punya pasangan atau anak, mungkin kita bakal berkata bahwa 'aku bahagia karena mu'. 

Memang benar adanya, bahwa kehadiran orang-orang di sekitar membuat jiwa kita menjadi tenang, membuat tentram, dan akhirnya kita bahagia. Lalu, bagaimana jika ternyata tiba-tiba orang itu pergi? 

Mungkin, memang rumit. Tapi, sederhananya. Bahwa kita lah yang menentukan bahwa diri kita berhak bahagia, kita sendirilah yang membuat diri kita bahagia, karena kita menghendakinya. 

Happiness comes from within you. You'll never find it by chasing relationship, money, jobs, beauty. Happiness always starts within

Dan, kebahagiaan itu sering terjadi karena kita melakukan, atau aktif, seperti aktif memberi, aktif mencintai, dan aktif berbagi. 

Kalau kubuktikan ya, memang saat kita 'aktif' kita tanpa sadar menghendaki diri kita untuk bahagia. Bahagia atas senyumnya, bahagia atas urusannya, dan bahagia atas pilihannya. 

Hehehe.. gak kok gak sulit. Kita tetap bahagia dengan hal-hal sederhana ⁠♪

Reading Time:

Minggu, Desember 18, 2022

2 Years Becoming A Vet: Learning from Scratch
Desember 18, 20220 Comments
This day, 2 years ago... (18th of December 2020)

I managed to be an unofficial veterinarian. 
Congratulations!!!  🎉

(Little bit of nostalgia)
That time, I was tremendously happy, crying and grateful at the same time. 
And I was thanking myself for all I've been going through, these 5.5 years of unforgettable memories. I could be a veterinarian.... (relieved....). 

I remembered that day was surely my end point in order to get my degree. I had to take the exam, It's called a comprehensive exam. I had to pass it. And I feel somewhat relieved that I did the exam by Zoom Meeting instead of an offline comprehensive exam. (It should be held in a room consisting of two Vet-Candidates with 4 examinees and 20 attendees). However, I thought I still felt the same nerves.  Although I doubted myself (and tried not to), I always believed I could eventually make it to become a vet. And... I was so grateful, I passed the exam!!

Hi future Feni, let us rewind those stories! 
I had no background in this field (Like half of my friends also do) but, finally we could prove it. We could make it. 
We can be a veterinarian. 👌

my pandemic photo shoot of graduation 

I learned from scratch to become a veterinarian
Presumably, I didn't have any basic or any strong intention at the time I entered the program. It's really true. I was having no role model nor having enough preparation about the idea of becoming a vet student (Did I really going to be a veterinarian? [Feni 2015]). 
Just like I've said, half of my friends also felt the same as mine. They didn't really want to become a vet. Some of them might be just having 50% consciously knowing that they were entering the program to become a vet. 

Well, learning from the very basics until the advanced mode was challenging. wkwkwk. 
It was the battle within my ego, my responsibility, and my life. I remembered that before I became a vet student, I was afraid of dogs. hahaha it's funny but it really happened. (Thanks to my friends who make me not afraid of dogs anymore, actually dogs are cute animals). 

Thanks to myself, families, friends, and lecturers. I could be one of the graduates. 

Learning from scratch also literally means I learned from cat scratches. My hands are full of cat's scratches. You know, they're cute animals, so they scratch their paws and the worst case is that they can bite us sometimes. hahaha. I hate the scar that is left on my hands (I don't really have an effort to remove them actually. wkwk). 

another pandemic Photoshoot (online Photoshoot)

Finally, I can't thank you enough for the past memories I have and the next challenge I will have.  I hope I can overcome it. 
I hope I can be a good vet. 
and there's still so much to do, to be a good vet. I should keep learning, believing in the process, and keep practicing!

"Manusya Mriga Satwa Sewaka"

Reading Time:

Sabtu, Desember 17, 2022

It'll All Be Alright
Desember 17, 20220 Comments

 For a while it was a hot sunny day

    I ordered a glass of Iced Chocolate

    Then came the rain 

    ''Little bit cold, huh?"

    I decided to put on my jacket

    I drunk my Iced Chocolate

    I forgot about the weather

    I just continued to sip on my Iced Chocolate

    Increasing my mood was my only intention 

Life's just like that. 

It happens to be a high up and a low down. 

The tremendous feeling somehow just struck us without any sign. 

It's just temporary. 

Everything in this world is just passing by. 


It's good to admit our feeling. Our sadness. Our happiness. Our emptiness. 

.... And we can pile up again. 

On a day, I was curious about Ninja, so I ended up to watch a YouTube video. But then, surprisingly I got really good words from him, 

"I believe life has its ups and downs. If you're at your worst, you can only go up from there. For those who are doing well, try to maintain that. Make sure not to come down. But there will be times things get tough. So try to figure out a way so that you don't fall too hard. But if you come down, you'll eventually go back up. And when you're up, try to prepare for when you fall so it won't as bad. "


‘Cause The Sky Has Finally Opened
The Rain And Wind Stopped Blowin’
But You’re Stuck Out In The Same Old Storm Again
Let Go Of Your Umbrella
‘Cause, Darling, I’m Just Tryin’ To Tell Ya
That There’s Always Been A Rainbow Hangin’ Over Your Head
Yeah, There’s Always Been A Rainbow Hangin’ Over Your Head

It’ll All Be Alright

🎵 Kacey Musegraves - Rainbow🎵

Reading Time:

Minggu, Desember 11, 2022

Sound System : Persahabatan yang Tidak Sempurna
Desember 11, 20220 Comments

Tidak ada persahabatan yang sempurna di dunia ini. Yang ada hanya orang-orang yang berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk mempertahankannya. 

We've been become best friends since our encounter in the faculty. 
You've all been there with me. 
We've been longing together. 
We're far apart after the graduation, but we're still maintaining our friendships. 
Thanks for not giving up on me. 

Hi, my Sound..

Apa kabar kalian saat membaca ini? Dimanapun kalian berada, semoga selalu diberi ketenangan hati dan kebahagiaan yaa... 

Ngomong-ngomong, persahabatan kita ternyata kuat, ya. Aku tidak hentinya mengucapkan rasa syukurku kepada kalian semua. Terima kasih ya, untuk segalanya. Bahkan hanya sekedar kehadiran kalian saja, itu sudah sangat berarti. 

Biar tidak tegang, mari nyanyi dulu! 

flashback time.... 

Oiya, siapa tahu dari kita ada yang lupa kenapa kita namain diri kita jadi Sound System. Atau mungkin jika ada orang lain yang membaca ini selain kalian, jadi tidak ada salahnya untuk kita sedikit perkenalan sekaligus kilas balik, bagaimana awal mula kita bisa sahabatan. 

Jadi bagaimana awal mula bisa deket? 
Kapan ya? wkwkwk aku juga sepertinya tidak begitu ingat secara detail. Singkat cerita, kalau tidak salah waktu itu kita di hari terakhir masa perkenalan fakultas dan melakukan foto bersama. Sebenarnya asal ngikut aja buat foto dan berakhir membuat grup Line bareng untuk ngirim-ngirim foto dan akhirnya kita jadi kenal lebih deket ya, kan? Kalau kalian percaya bahwa kita ini memang ditakdirkan saling bertemu, bukan hanya kebetulan semata, nah itulah yang aku yakini. 'We're meant to be together'. Ciee ...

Kenapa ya namanya Sound System?
Awalnya grup Line kita namai Support System, ya kan? Dan seiring berjalannya waktu kita mengubah namanya menjadi Sound System (ceritanya plesetan gitu). Dan kalian harus tahu dan memang sudah tahu, kalau sistem terbaik adalah 'Sound System'. 

Siapa aja sih? 
Tentunya ada aku yang nulis ini wkwk, terus ada sosok perempuan-perempuan hebat seperti Saras tetangga kosan baik hati yang selalu aku minta tebengi, Ami yang selalu gas dan motil kesana kemari, Defly sosok bijak yang pandai masak, Agi teratletis yang selalu gokil, Dele si tosca yang sering ngasih telur, Rani termager tapi yang paling pinter, dan Alica si kakak yang imuut banget. 

Momen Bersama
Hem.. Momen bersama ya? Sejauh kita berteman, kita ga selalu bareng kok ya. Apalagi kelasku yang sering beda. Paling samaan kalau ada kelas besar. Tapi semakin berjalannya waktu, banyak momen yang sering kita lakukan bersama. 

hahaha. Kalian semua pasti sudah pernah membuka Scrapbook ala-ala buatanku ini. 

My birthday, 2017 

Fotonya jadul sekali ya, masih polos semua. wkwk. Jujur saja aku kaget waktu kalian kasih kejutan di ulang tahunku tersebut (Yeay kejutan kalian benar-benar berhasil ya). Aku kira kita hanya teman biasa awalnya, dalam artian yasudah kenal saja habis itu masing-masing. Tapi ternyata aku salah, 

Throughout life we experience many different kinds of friendships. On rare occasions, we encounter someone so special that we just know we met for a reason. There are the kinds of friendship that last forever no matter what city you live in or how often you speak, no matter how old you get or what phase of life you are in.



Pernah berantem?

Pasti, sering banget. Banyak hal yang tidak sejalan, juga banyak salah komunikasi yang sering terjadi. Atau terkadang, tiba-tiba tidak mood saja, terus marahan deh. wkwkwk.

Lalu, apa yang terjadi setelah itu?

Tentu saja walaupun kita sadar pernah marahan, ngambek, tapi kita baikan lagi, secara natural kita seperti biasa lagi. 

Coba tebak siapa yang gada di sini? hahaha

Deep Talk

Setelah sudah memasuki masa-masa akhir kuliah sarjana, aku rasa kita semakin sering 'deep talk'  (Meskipun aku yang paling susah jadi pembicara sih wkwkwk). Entah itu di kosan Defly, Ami atau Rani, kita tanpa sadar sudah semakin merasa nyaman dengan satu sama lain. 

Bahkan memang, kita adalah tipe orang yang dewasa tapi tidak dewasa? hahaha, maksudku adalah, kalau kita main, kita seperti anak kecil. Kita heboh, mainan masak-masakan (masak makanan beneran sih ya), jalan-jalan bareng, benar-benar menikmati masa muda. Bukan membicarakan hal yang tentang gosip, atau tentang hal-hal lain yang tidak terlalu baik. 

Thanks for...

Terima kasih telah membersamai di kala senang, susah, sedih, maupun di kala hidup sedang biasa-biasa saja. 

Terima kasih telah hadir di sisiku. 

nemenin seminar S1
Ami ngapain? wkwkwk

Unofficially became a Vet 👻

Walaupun aku tidak sempurna sebagai teman kalian, but thanks for becoming the story of my life. 

Do you see how happy I am in this photo? 
That's simply a sign that I'm so grateful to be your best friend☺ 

Psst... Postingan ini adalah janji yang baru bisa aku tepati untuk Sound System :)

Freundschaft ist eine seele in zwei körpern

Reading Time:
