
Senin, Agustus 28, 2023

I Love You From Afar, and It's Hurt
Agustus 28, 20230 Comments

A year has danced by since our paths first intertwined, yet the space between us remains far.

As time has gone by, I've found myself eager to share various aspects of my life with you. 

You've always been such a great listener, showing eagerness to engage with my narratives. 

Your enjoyment in hearing my tales and even laughing at my weirdest jokes has been source of comfort. 

Yet, my feelings for you remain distant, like an unrequited affection. 

Yet, my feelings for you remain distant, like an unrequited affection. 

Amid these enjoyable interactions, there's a shared sense of contentment in our connection.

But the truth is clear—there's a significant barrier between us—making a closer bond difficult. 

Oh, still, here I am from a distance, unable to bridge the gap that separates us. 

Such is the nature of our situation—it is what it is. 

The complexities of our situation aren't lost on us; coming together is far from straightforward.

You, with your mysterious nature, 

Intrigue me, 

while I navigate my own challenges and sorrows, embracing my melancholic state. 

Not knowing much about you only widens the gap that's always been there.

I will continue to admire you from afar, no matter how deep my feelings, and permit those emotions to slowly fade away.


いってえIt's hurt! 

Despite this, 

I'm sending my best wishes for your happiness through my prayers. 

It's the one thing I can do to positively impact your life.

Reading Time:

Selasa, Agustus 15, 2023

Dried Flowers
Agustus 15, 20230 Comments
I hold onto cherished memories of you, 
I wonder, 
Will they fade away? 

I romanticize every moment we have. 
I always do. 

From our whimsical conversation of becoming superheroes, 
to the laughter we shared over the eccentricities of others' thoughts. 

About our diverse backgrounds yet some of our tastes aligned,

how you wait,
how I wait longer,

how I write and talk longer than you,
Even unto the difficult topics that I haven't talk with someone else. 
Somehow I feel safe.  

I just drowned in my own fantasies.

I think it's true, 
perhaps this tear are mine to bear,
for I've fallen too deeply, 
too profoundly. 

It's the pure feelings, which I have for you, 

You were aware of it, or so I wish... 

I barely remember how we could be close enough, 
but only as almost a lover, 
yet they say, "almost is never enough."

This might be the end of the last memories I had about you. 

Just like the colors of dried flowers, 

...... Will eventually they fade away? 

Reading Time:

Minggu, Agustus 13, 2023

Intentions and Choices
Agustus 13, 20230 Comments

If it doesn't arise from personal desire, it's somewhat difficult to occur...

Or if it does happen, the outcome will be different...

Have you ever noticed that often, no matter how many times we try something, if we lack the intention, it becomes difficult to accomplish?

Uhmmm well.. That's absolutely true. Especially when it's related to emotions.

Could be any emotion... 

Can we be demanded to like something?

To forget someone a.k.a moving on?

To let go of your dreams?

Well... what else, huh...

If we're being forced, It's merely hard.... 

《Force : make (someone) do something against their will

'"Just do whatever you want to do" (from a clip of a movie... sorry, I forgot the title, hehe).

Another example, for instance, is when we advise someone in various ways, even sometimes resorting to forcing them. 

It's because we feel like we know what's best for that person

Like parents advising their children; or older siblings advising younger ones; forcing you partner to be like ideal partner; and so on. 

Consequently, if someone feels coerced, they won't fully comply. It's not uncommon for people to become defiant when they feel their desires aren't being met and are instead forced to do things they dislike.

I learned to not force anything: conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love. Anything forced is just not worth fighting for, whatever flows flows, what crashes crashes.

Well, that's probably it. Because there are times when we also feel that way, understanding how others should be, but at the same time not wanting to be dictated to...

However, indeed, sometimes circumstances force us to let go.

By the way... often, real-life examples are the most effective advice... rather than mere words.

Reading Time:

Minggu, Agustus 06, 2023

Us and Distance
Agustus 06, 20230 Comments

I told God that I'm grateful you came to my life. 

In prayers, I believe there's a ton of love that I can't explain. 

I experienced a fleeting feeling yet a profound emotion, considering how the world support our way to come across. 

I resembled the letters that once connect us for our friendship, despite the distance.

I was wonderstruck, yet enjoyed the fluttering and those warm feeling. 

You might not realize how your stories, supports and mere existence brighten my days. 

I told you once again, 

It's nice talking to you. 

How enjoyable our conversations are. 

It's a great thing that our minds can connect from far, far away.... 

It's amazing how effortlessly we find topics to discuss and you provide me with exactly what I need to read. 

It's remarkable how we could understand each other tone without the knowledge of each other gesture. 

But the distance is unbearable.... 

I can't seem to catch you. 

And this is the kind of love I have for you. 

Believe me, until now, I have adored you.

I found myself momentarily lost in a notion, that I had been in love with fantasies I had created in my head. 

I am well aware that we are just perfect strangers who met. 

I understand that I'm not physically beside you, whether standing, sitting, or lying down. 

I wish you were here. 

Or I wish I was there. 

Even if it was just for today. For a few seconds. 

So that I could softly whisper, 'I love you'. 

I wish someday we share long walks, gazing into each other's eyes. 

Ouch, I think I fell in love with a distant star... 

Reading Time:

Selasa, Juli 18, 2023

People Come and Go, that's life!
Juli 18, 20231 Comments

People drift in and out of our lives

We now say goodbyeーtomorrow perhaps will say another hello. 

As long as we're alive, we may experience new encounters, breakups, and endings. We're connected by relationship—whether acquaintanceship, friendship or love. 

Most of the relationships we have with people will end, whether through growing apart, an argument, or death that will tear us apart. Well, that's life, eh?

People come into our life; they walk in and out for one reason or another. And that's life! 

Some encounters may come in unexpected ways. 

Either it's a blessing or a lesson. 
Maybe everyone serves a different purpose in our lives. 

We didn't realize until then, that those people are meaningful, having an impact that could have such a big effect on our life.
And we can call it a blessing. 

Some are just coming to give us lessons. 
The heartbreak we feel is there to make us stronger. 

They come because we need to learn something; to cope, to love sincerely, to be patient, to grow, etc. 

They teach us something new about ourselves. 

Well, some may just pass by even without us noticing them. 

Our lives are made up of so many people. 

Sometimes we don't realize that we actually keep a little bit of each person we meet. 

However, people tend to underestimate their impact they have on others. 

For examples, I'm still listening to the song I once thought I hated, which was recommended by my friend; I'm still using the same skincare that was given by my acquaintance; a stranger suggested I buy a wireless Bluetooth that I used until now.   

When  people become parts of our lives, some parts remain long after they leave. Maybe it's a fleeting memory, favorite songs, recommendations, or habits that we just can't seem to get rid of. 

Even if the people don't stay, the memories do. 

Our sincere hearts don't want to let them go. 

It's often said that some people will stay, but they will eventually go. 

It hurts. 

You and I have perhaps experienced a lot of pain and loss when people leave our lives. 

In some cases, it will be a very traumatic experience for people, as the idea that we had a deep bond with someone we care about. 

And when that person decides to walk out of our life, we feel abandoned. 

And we could understand that these kinds of grief aren't the same. 

We don't meet people by accident. 

I believe that people don't meet by accident.

They come to us for the time being, and when their time's up, they need to go to another chapter of others people's life. 

At least, we all know that many relationships can change or end dramatically. 

So, we should wonder if it's worth using up our energy trying to understand other people's reason for going?

Instead, we can think that although people will not stay forever, they come across to help us grow. 

Their presence creates a lasting remark on us forever. 

There are so many memories that lie within ourselves from the people in the past. 

And it's somehow comforting to know there are so many lives you're still a part of that you have no idea about. 

There are some fragments which are entangled with all the people we've met. 

I hope that I can leave a lasting piece of myself in the people that I've loved and have loved me. 

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Jumat, Juli 14, 2023

Things I learned from My Friend's Wedding
Juli 14, 20230 Comments

This month a best friend of mine was holding her wedding ceremony. 

We're witnessing her sacred ritual, eventually. 

We seemed to know her love story as both the brides are the from the same major.

I got 50k for answering a quiz 😁

That's the first time after a long time we didn't see each other since our graduation farewell. 

This time, we're still the same, the same people years ago when we first begun our friendship. 

We're just the same people whose distance away us but our connection remains. 

We bring nostalgic moment from the past and somehow looking each others, that it's so much different. 

I'm not lying. We're still the same people, we're still the same person. 
It's just our ways are different. It's just our environment shape us into a better person. It's just we are together but bring our own stories. 

And what? 
Beside Agi (the bride), the idea of looking for partner has arising between us, among my best friends. However, we keep reminding each other, that
"If there is someone that ask you to lower your standards, don't! 
Marry the one who brings peace to your heart. 
It is the person who understands the calamity behind your silence. 
It is the one who is loyal, caring and envelope you with trust. 

Reading Time:

Selasa, Juli 04, 2023

A Warm July: Healing Through Words
Juli 04, 20230 Comments

Seems that we've reached the half of this year, eh?

I'm going to welcome this July with a new spirit. A new journey to embrace. 

It has been one of the greatest and most difficult months of my life. 

Yet, these past few months I learned a lot. 

I learned that in this world, everything is just temporary. 

Moments. Feelings. People. Flowers. Kindness. 

And you know, I want to know that love is an action. I learned that love is about giving—everything—and letting it hurt. 

Wait... what?

Hahaha, yea that is what I knew from my past experiences. 

I learned all the things come in twos :

Life and death.

Pain and joy. 

Sugar and salt. 

Me and you. 

It is the balance of universe.

“God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites so that you will have two wings to fly, not one”

― Rumi

We must learn to focus on warm energy, always. 

Soak our limbs in it and become better lovers to the world, for if we can't learn to be kinder to each other how will we ever learn to be kinder to the most desperate parts of ourselves. 

*This post was inspired from Rupi Kaur. 

Reading Time:

Kamis, Juni 22, 2023

Ketika Kamu Lelah...
Juni 22, 20230 Comments

Apakah kamu sedang lelah?  

Coba beristirahatlah sejenak.... 

Ketika kamu lelah, lihatlah langit, lalu tersenyum. 

Jika dalam menjalani hidup adakalanya terasa sangat berat, sehingga tak kuasa membendung tangis, maka beristirahatlah sebentar. 

Terkadang beban itu perlu dilepaskan sebentar, tidak untuk dipikul terus. 

Seringkali saat tubuh lelah, kita lebih mudah untuk mempertanyakan hal-hal yang seharusnya tidak perlu dipertanyakan. Membuat pikiran yang kalang kabut menjadi lebih kompleks. 

Berpikir dan terus berpikir, tentang masa depan, terbayang masa lalu, tapi sering melupakan masa kini. Masa kini yang seharusnya menjadi hadiah, karena today is a present. 

Jika saat ini kamu sedang mempertanyakan akan hal berat yang menimpamu hari ini. Beristirahatlah...

Mungkin lebih baik jangan terlalu mengharap kegembiraan pada hal yang belum terjadi. 

Berikan sedikit ruang untuk rasa kecewa.

Selalu lebih baik untuk mendapat kejutan daripada merasa kecewa. 

Di sisi lain, jangan terlalu takut pada hal yang belum terjadi. 

Sebab hal-hal yang aku takutkan belum tentu semenakutkan yang aku pikirkan. 

Dan, sesuatu yang menimpaku tidaklah tanpa alasan, meskipun aku belum tahu alasan itu sekarang. 

Karena setiap kejadian akan memberikan sebuah pelajaran. 

"Percayalah, di saat kamu ikhlas dengan keadaanmu, disitulah Allah SWT merencanakan kebahagiaan untukmu, Allah SWT mampu mengubah situasi paling terpuruk menjadi momen terbaik dalam hidupmu." - K.H. Maimoen Zubair


"There's always something greater"

Reading Time:

Kamis, Juni 15, 2023

Take Control What's Inside You
Juni 15, 20230 Comments

The question isn't, " Can you handle the situations?"
The question is, "Can you handle your minds? 

The main inquiry isn't about your ability to handle external situations, but rather, can you effectively manage your own mind? 
Can you control the thoughts and emotions that might hinder your progress? 

Instead of focusing on managing external circumstances, prioritize the management of your own mind.

Now it's not time to think of what you don't have. Think of what you can do with what there is. 
- Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea

And it's a reminder to myself  that actually life gets better once I can learn to accept the fact that I can't control everything. 

I can't control what others think about me, how they treat me, how they love me, 
I can't control their actions and feelings because there are things we have to let go in order for us to move forward. 

Letting go doesn't mean I'm giving up or being passive. It means acknowledging that we have limited influence over external factors and choosing to focus on what we can control; our thoughts, actions, and responses. 

Taking care of world inside of you means nurturing my mental, emotional, and physical well-being. When I prioritize my own growth and happiness, I'll better equipped to contribute positively to the world outside of me. 

Let's control what I can do, what I can feel, and with good intention, to live in this life. 

So, please take care of your world inside of you, so that you can take care of your world outside of you. 

Reading Time:

Selasa, Juni 06, 2023

Hey June, Let's do Our Best!
Juni 06, 20230 Comments

Hey, you!

How are you? 

Is there something that burden you?

Uncertainty oftentimes put ourselves into two condition, between good and bad. Yet, sometimes what we define good isn't something really good, and vice versa.

Uncertainty also a kind of unpredictable things which may happened in the future. Yet, we can always learn something from the past.


Because there's a higher power who control it. 

Cr: Hospital Playlist Season 1

There's one thing that being an animal doctor should also be thought of. We can't tell our patients with certainty.

"We will do our best".

And is it a nonsense?
Yes, unless you really mean it. 

As veterinarians, we wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to providing the utmost care for our animal patients. While we cannot ensure specific outcomes, we are unwavering in our commitment to delivering the best possible treatment. 

Our expertise, knowledge, and experience drive us to continuously enhance our veterinary skills. We should also value our open communication with pet owners, ensuring they are well-informed and actively involved in their furry companions' healthcare journey.

Hey, June! Let's do our best!!

Reading Time:

Kamis, Juni 01, 2023

A Jovial Encounter
Juni 01, 20230 Comments
Life is full of surprise. 

Life has a beautiful way of introducing us to unexpected people who leave a lasting mark on our journey. These individuals arrive like a gentle breeze, stirring our souls and challenging our perceptions.

They are the strangers turned friends. The encounter that bloom into profound connections. Their presence is a reminder that universe is full of delightful surprises. As they bring new perspectives, shared laughter, and moments of profound growth. 

Their presence is a reminder that universe is full of delightful surprises.

These unexpected people enrich our lives, reminding us that true connections can be found in the most unlikely of places. And that the most extraordinary relationship often arise from the most ordinary circumstances. 

And these could describe my sincere grateful of our jovial encounter. 

Little did I know that it would blossom into a jovial friendship. 

Across oceans and continents, our letters danced with joy, weaving tales of shared passions and dreams. Distance became a mere illusion as our words bridged the gap, bringing solace and companionship. 

And the world seemed brighter, knowing that a cherished friend was just a letter away.

With each letter, a burst of excitement filled my heart. As I embark on this journey of connection, I pour my thoughts onto the letters, knowing they will be received with anticipation and warmth.

With each exchange of heartfelt words, our connection grew stronger, like vines entwining in a secret garden.

It fills my heart with happiness to receive each response, as they are like precious treasures, little packages of joy that brighten my day.

We shared stories, dreams, and snippets of our lives. 

The exchange of letters brings such delightful feelings, reminding me of the power of connection and the happiness found in sharing thoughts and experiences with another.

Through the mystery of our distant correspondence, we discovered kindred spirits in one another, creating a haven where laughter and understanding thrived.

These reminded me that true friendship know no boundaries. And the joy of connection can be found in the most unexpected places. 

I hope that these sweet memories continue to sparkle like precious gems, reminding me of the power of unexpected connections and the joy that can blossom from the simplest of encounters.

甘い記憶 Sweet memories... ♪

Reading Time:

Rabu, Mei 24, 2023

Mei 24, 20230 Comments

This May, perhaps teaches me another lessons to grow. 

Sometimes I couldn't understand why but in the end I'm learning that actually everything that I'm going through have reasons. 

                                       Everything has a reason. 


I have to believe that I can go through these all. 

The mundane life, difficult days, happy days... Everything. With the help of God, with the help of families and friends or even strangers. 

... It doesn't have direct correlation with love. Everything I've talked before, but somehow explaining it with this topic sounds more understandable. 

Well, sometimes I'm too afraid for being on my own, like you can say being single. 

Although when I'm doing something I can say that I can do it on my own. I can go to the hospital by myself, going to supermarket alone, McD time on my own, or hanging out at a cafe with one cup of coffee (read:I'm alone).

Let's say that I don't hate being alone but it's more awesome if I can do everything I like with someone special. 

... Yet, sometimes I also don't want to be in a situation where I can't become myself, not so sure about my own self, or afraid of serious relationship. 

By the way, I'm sure that everyone has their own struggles, some might have the same thoughts as mine, and it's okay isn't to not rushing everything, just because we want to be like somebody elses? 

It's my own journey of finding my other half.  There will be the time when I will finally say, "It's worth a wait!! "

Maybe right now your journey is about you. 


Yes darling, Maybe your journey now is not about love. Maybe right now your journey is about you. Maybe this is a season you are being challenged to be your own savior. 

To be your own safe place. Maybe right now you are being reminded that the people who walked away were only ever leading you back to yourself. Were only ever leading you here. 

And here, you are okay on your own. You're rebuilding. 

Here you're adapting and mending and reclaiming all of the pieces you let them walk away with. 

Here, you are being kinder to your soul. 

You're giving yourself the same kind of love you have always given to others. 

Here, you are not rushing your heart. 

You are not depending on another human being to fix it. Instead, here, you are doing that on your own. 

Here, you are healing. [cr: @rainbowsalt]

And... The lessons to be learned. 

I'm not going to rush anything. 

I'm not going to stress out or worry about how things will work out for me. Instead of overthinking, I will align my faith with divine timing and trust that everything that belongs in my life is making its way towards me right now. I know that the universe will deliver. In the meantime, I'll continue to get better and evolve so I can make room for new energy to enter my life. 

Reading Time:

Sabtu, April 29, 2023

Unrequited Love
April 29, 20230 Comments

Being honest about our feelings to a person, especially if you're a girl hasn't always been easy....

The possible reason can be, the feelings we feel is often subtle, just in the form of facial expression, act of kindness, or the opposite, being harsh to the person. 

If we're being lucky, we can have the same frequency with that person. What might be happened is often the worst case. 
That person didn't know our true feelings, or they knew but didn't have the same feelings. 

But for me, there's nothing to do about being a guy or a girl when we talk about this. 

If we're having a feelings to someone, we can express it. 

I was hesitance too when expressing my feelings.  

However, I soon realized that my fear of rejection was holding me back from potentially meaningful relationships. 

Somehow I think that we shouldn't leave things unsaid... Well, somebody said that "... you can't leave things till tomorrow because there might just not be a tomorrow."

I always experience rejection many times, the person didn't have the same feelings as mine, and it was stung.
I was disappointed and questioning myself. 

Looking back on these experiences, I realized that unrequited love is a normal part of the dating process. 

Not every crush or connection will lead to a relationship, and that's okay. 

It's important to remember that rejection doesn't define our worth as individuals, and that there are other people out there who will appreciate and reciprocate our feelings.

"Unrequited love is the ultimate test of the heart; it takes strength, resilience, and courage to love someone who doesn't love you back."

Of course we may feeling sad if our feelings towards someone is not reciprocated. 
Everyone deserves to be loved, right?

However we can't force other feelings towards us. 

Since I've been experienced that kind of feelings many time, could I say, "Am I get used to it"?

Sometimes we don't understand why you do certain things even when you know you're never going get back. 

Hahaha, but I believe that "If you truly love someone, you can wish for her/his to be loved and cared for."

Totally agree on that, even if it's painful, but it's painfully beautiful.

    Also Read A Sense of Pure Affection

In conclusion, being honest about our feelings can be empowering. 

It's important to remember that honesty is an essential part of any relationship, and that it's okay if our feelings are not reciprocated. 

By being open and honest, we can grow and learn about ourselves, and ultimately build stronger and healthier relationships in the future. 

We can also gain confidence and self-respect by taking ownership of our feelings and expressing them in a respectful and mature manner.

A magic poem I found on ig. 

Love exist in so much more than a romantic partner
Love is everything around you and I hope you learn how to open your eyes to that
I hope you find love in every aspect of your life
I hope you find it lucked into early morning sunrises and the smell of your favorite places
I hope you find it strung between the laughter you share with friends
I hope it bounces off of you when you hug the people you care for
I hope it swells within your rib cage
Whenever you hear your favourite song or discover something that moves you
I hope you fall in love with growth and change and the messiness and the beauty of making mistakes
and becoming exactly who you want to be
I hope you find love in places that were once devoid of it in places within yourself that you could have been softer to, kinder in the past
because if there is one thing I have learned it is that love is so much more than a human being who holds your heart

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