Selasa, Desember 23, 2014
Kamis, Desember 18, 2014
Yeah, I've done my first semester in grade 12. Oh my God, I'll face my final examination, my SBMPTN/SNMPTN or UM test, prompt night and graduation? Huhh... my heart beat is getting faster. But, woles aja teman2 yang juga lagi menghadapi hal yang sama. He..he.. kan bentar lagi liburan. Ehm.. tapi aku masih terus beruasaha buat bisa cocok ke univ.. tapi tahu gak kamu obat peninggi badan? He..he.. Astaghfirullah.. bersyukur Fen!!!
Next I wanna tell ya bout my awesome class mates.
They are Ahmad Adi P. P. (Bojonegoro), Angel Dinaria K. (Madiun), Baiq Zilvia J. (Lombok), Dicha Fernaldi S. (Tangerang), Dwiki Taufik W. (Makasar), me (Semarang), Hafidh Arsyad S. ( Tangerang), Imroatul Maghfiroh (Ponorogo), Juleo Nobel (Padang), Maria Johana (Jakarta), Mia Rismalia (Palembang), Naufal Firdaus A. (Kediri), Rifa'i Dwi C.(Bojonegoro), Rima Budiarti (Blitar), Rinrin Nur I. (Cianjur), Shofa Ramadhina (Jakarta), Sitti Sarah D.C. (Aceh), Surya Dwi F. (Cimahi), Ulfa Rachmawati (Wonosobo), Vito Rizky I. ( Sleman), Wulandasari (Tangerang), Yogi Saputra (Indramayu). As the Student advisor, we have Ms. Istianah, graduated (Master) S2 Physics Education from UNNES.
Jadi, sedikit cerita nih.. kalau di kelas itu kita nyebutnya Mavia... atau nggak KAMI-Komplotan Anak Mafia Istianah. Katanya eh karena Ms. Isti ini guru Fisika sekaligus wali kelas kami, kami jadi cinta fisika.. :-P . Kalau di kelas kami masih remed entar jadinya dapat julukan JOMBLO. menurutku sendiri kalau misalnya aku remed lagi entar aku jadi jomblo sejati nih. :-( kata beliau mungkin seperti frekuensi harus beresonansi dulu agar dapat klop, sama juga kayak aku dan juga fisika yg notabennya jadi pelajaran yg menengangkan bagi kebanyakan orang harus bisa klop dulu. Ha..ha..
Pokokke seru banget ning kelas XI Sci I.
Rabu, November 26, 2014
Jumat, November 21, 2014
Do u agree that love supposed to be known by someone or something we love? If yes, is it going to be okay if our love is only for ourselves as smth or sb. Doesn't accept as? If no, is our heart strong enough to hide it? So, what is ur opinion?
Minggu, November 16, 2014
Shyuutt... waktu itu tanggal 5 nov 14, pas pelajaran olahraga kan ga ada Mr. Sony nya ga ada, trus disuruh main futsal, eh kami (aku, Mia, Ririn, Via) malah NGE-BOLANG nyari buah-buahan. Alhamduliah, awalnya kami nyoba ngelempar sawo di depan musola pake batu ga bisa trus udah keduluan orang lain, eh malah kami dapet sawo lebih di deket kandang rusa. Terus ajuga buah nam-nam yang belum aku pernah coba sebelumnya. Nikmatlah, kebukti pengalaman dulu buat nyenggrek bua sekarang kepake deh.
Senin, Oktober 20, 2014
Well,we had done such amazing event in this month. Actually, Cozy Night change name becomes Friendship Night. Whatever the name, it was so good by Lion House ASBI Sampoerna Academy Bogor.
Ehm? ? ? # Oh my God . Melet, melet :p that is my job. What is that actually? *gajelas
Ok. Calm down,please. I'll share to you what happened in that crazy night, ehm.. I mean cozy night.
Wow, actually we didn't expect to be first house who will held cozy night. The time is so fast you know? We have to prepare anything to get the first impression to my junior what should be in cozy night. However, we (12 grader ) still can involve in this CN. Ok, just straight to the point.
This forth cozy night of Lion House was led by Rezky. All the members of Lion House should being the part of this CN. No Exception ;-)
Oh, my God. I don't even think that this CN will my last CN in this school :-( Moreover, we have challenge to make it better than before to be one of the best memories here.
So, we had some preparation. We decided to make Tv Singa Part 2. Then, we made so many videos as it was a channel. Ehm,, what do u think?
Yuhhu.. eventually the day was coming. October, 11th 2014.
Before the Show |
Capture from Video Syech mudzakir |
There was also combination of CHSI (Catatan Hati Seorang Istri) and Marsha and Jeber. Next was advertisement of grade 10 → Djarum 76 and Larutan Penyegar . Grade 11 → L-Men and grade 12 → KukuRama Energy, Rosa!
EH, jangan sembarangan nuduh kalau kami
Yahya, The Operator |
Look at their face ! Laughing
Me at Melet :P
Udah pasti kalau habis cozy Nigth itu falsh mop, Treasure
Rezky, The Leader |
Senin, Oktober 13, 2014
Senin, Oktober 06, 2014
ﺑﺴﻢ ﷲ ﺍﺭﺣﻤﺎ ن ﺍﺭﺣﻴﻢ
★Hapiness doesn't always need much money. It can be as simple as u smile. Yeah, through smiling :-) ★.
Well, again, Lion is always "Narsis" do u know what "Narsis" is in English? .... Oh, forget it deh. So, we'll have cozy night in Saturday night,October 11th, 2014. We've some preparation. This time, we obtain the ideas to make Tv Singa Part 2. In this cozy night, we have to make so many videos. The think is, we want to make some differences with our previous one. However, it is very tiredful as we have to gather so many times. Actually the preparation is not only in this month. But then, sorry cause I had mid test in the last week of September.
Ehm... some of photos here are us when we're making video. Oh, yeah. We were also celebrate Eid Al-Adha. As usual, we were also sacrificing animals, there were 1 cow and three sheeps. Yuhhu, usually since in ASBI, I don't get the flash. But now, I ate with members of ROHIS. Not to bad, enak kok eventhough it was not sate.
Kamis, Oktober 02, 2014
This day I wanna go to the battle. Yeah, it sounds good cause I still only have three more subjects which are math, civics and history. This week is definitely full of people who are studying and very concentrate with their score. Of course I also study , but not only 'bout the material that I'm going to have in the mid test. Instead of this, I learn what a meaningful of life and friendship.
As we know that everyone here, in this beautiful earth has their owm business. Why I call it business cause actually we have problems becaise we should learn from our problems. Eventhough sometimes our problems are very tough but after that, we always can pass it with our effort. Allah almighty will gives us the trial to make us better based on what we can do. He will not give some trial if we can't do it. And you know what, Allah has a reason why Allah gives us something which means it is a guidance for us. In my life I call it as hikmah. :)
Strive to victory
Sabtu, September 27, 2014
I also confuse to decide the course that I'm inerested in universities. Keep going, Fen . Allah will always guides you :)
Minggu, September 14, 2014
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Those are our tickets |
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Fried Rice of Rajungan Krabs |
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Fried Rice of Seafood (Claudya's), Strawberry Milkshake and Ice Tea |
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From left: Claudya , me, Ms.Ubit Behind left : Igo, Anan, Ms.Dyaning, Evan |
After arriving at that place which we had to have some walks from Gang Bakom, finally we arrived. Yeay, Mami Mafia's house. Unfortunately, I haven't get the pictures.GLUCLKLICH :(
But then, I still keep my stories inside my mind.
Well, we were cooking by ourselves there (of course with Ms Isti's helps ) Oh my God, we were so tired but we got a happiness there. We were cooking (the exact word is eating) tempe mendowan, pizza mie, rujak, sop ceker and es susu+cincau hijau. Yeayyyyy :)
In this Saturday also I got a news that an organization who held a competition is lying . They promised very impossible prize if we think logically. Then , I also had a Walls cup Ice Cream from my brother who have his birthday this day. Woow.. all of Lion's member got this one also.
Ehm... a very secret thing after all. Yeah.. someone is still in silence after all this thing. I wish this condition running better than before. But both of us are still in silence even we often met and realize the presence of each other. Thats all.
Minggu, September 07, 2014
Mantep nih.... so u will not underestimate Indonesia. We are wonderful.
Look at
Hem.. so many to do list in my notes.
Yeah, I think I should not complaining because I got some refreshment yesterday.
Well.. as I told before, I had so many homework to work with. Actually it was not only homeworks but also unit tests and projects. Huh... that was so tiring as my learning just like acceleration but in different case.
Ehm.. I should think not to complain because yesterday I went to watch a movie in cinema XXI for The First Time which was totally free for accomodation. Alhamdulillah, my house advisors are so kind and nice.
I thought it's an embarasting thing as I haven't go to the cinema before. I felt glad to go there. I really enjoyed the movie so much because it is an animation titled "The Guardian of The Galaxy" . I really like that kind of film.
Weow.. my adrenaline was increasing there as the siund effectz were very heavy but attractive. I was not fell sleepy there.
Then fir the first time also I saw the painting which is so expensive. It cost IDR 300 billion. Wow.. fantastic. I don't know why it was so expensive?
Again, it's for the first time for me to eat krabs. However it was not in the shape if real krabs but it was a fried rice plus Krabs. I was so full and my friends ate my rest. Nyummi, this fried rice with Krabs is recommended for you. Ehm.. if you drink milkshake strawberry , it's gonna be the best combination.
So, if I'm complaining, there will be no excuse again cause I also bought martabak manis rasa coklat which was almost banned by my teacher. Huh.. how lucky I am. Alhamdulillah :)
#LionHouse Strive to Victory wawewo