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Jumat, Maret 10, 2017

Bersama Alyssa, Berbagi Tips Cara Ikut IVSA Exchange ke China
Maret 10, 20170 Comments
Hai, see me again in my blog. Today I want to tell a story from my friend, Alyssa. Well, fyi this is a fresh story from her as she just arrived in Indonesia and I already interviewed her . Hihi.. Keep scrolling ;)
Moshi Moshi
Hi, Alyssa! Kamu kemarin ikut apa ya? 
Kemarin ke China,mba Pen. Ikut GE (Group Exchange) IVSA ke Beijing. 
Jadi sistemnya ikut gimana? 
Setahu aku kalau acara GE yang lain itu ngirim berkas ke PB Imakahi, terus dari Imakahinya dikirim ke yang kita daftar. Nantinya bakal ada wawancaranya juga dari dimana kita daftar. Tapi, kalau yang aku itu langsung daftar ke sananya. 
Selekinya gimana kalau kamu? 
Seleksinya kemarin itu aku ngisi form. Kayak ngisi biodata, terus ada pertanyaan deskripsi diri, ada juga misalnya nih: kamu tersesat di gurun terus ada 3 barang nah dijelasin barang itu buat apa. Ada juga pertanyaan kalau album kamu debut, mau kasih nama apa. Nah, memang sih pertanyaannya random tapi mungkin pengen ngeliat bagaimana kita ngejawab pertangaannya dan personality aku gimana. 
Kamu ngejawabnya gimana? Sebagus mungkinkah?
Ngga, karena aku ngiranya kalau aku jawab yang bagus- bagus ngga sesuai kenyataan nanti mereka bakalan high expextation ke aku. Jadi ya, aku jawabnya sejujurnya aku. 
Biasanya pendaftarannya dibuka kapan? 
Biasanya sekitar dua bulan sebelum acara itu udah dibuka.  Deadline pengumpulan nya itu sekitar satu bulan sebelum acara. 
Di sana acaranya ngapain aja ya? 
Hari pertama itu ada welcome party. Terus hari kedua kunjungan ke universitas yang ada di sana. Di universitas itu kita dapet workshop gitu. Ada juga kunjungan ke rumah sakit yang ada di universitas China Agricultural University itu. Nah, di sana itu serba canggih fasilitasnya. Yang aku seneng itu  lab-nya bener-bener bersih dan punya alat-alat canggih. Kalau di sana itu ngga ada peternakan. Tapi mereka punya mitra desa di pinggir kota gitu. Jadi kalau mau praktikum mereka bakal pergi ke sana. Setelah itu, kita ada kunjungan lagi ke rumah sakit hewan yang terkenal di Beijing. Hari berikutnya kita jalan-jalan. 

Menurutmu sistem pendidikan di sini sama di sana enak mana? 
Kalau di sana, di China Agricultural University itu ada dua universitas, timur dan barat. Jadi untuk tahun  pertama mereka ke universitas yang satu terus ke univ yang satunya. Yah, karena aku di sini, makanya aku ngerasa enakan di sini. Cuman memang untuk fasilitas mereka lebih maju. 
Kamu kan Islam, makanan di sana tuh tau sendiri kan. Terus kamu gimana mengatasinya? 
Pertama memang udah bilang kan kalau kita itu cuman bisa makan halal food.   Kebetulan juga pesertanya cuman Indonesia sama Korea Selatan,  kalau makan kita mejanya berpisah, yang satu ada babi kalau yang punya kita gada. Terus waktu itu kita hampir pernah makan mie babi. Awalnya mereka ngasihnya mie daging sama mie sayur. Kita ya tetep saja was-was kandungan makanan itu apa. Kan ada temen kita yang bisa bahasa Mandarin nah kita nanya ke dia ingredient nya. Ternyata mie sayur malah ada minyak babinya. Awalnya yaudah kita pengen ngerebus punya kita sendiri yang dibawa dari Indonesia. Tapi kalau mie daging malah gada kandungan babinya, pake bebek. Jadi kita tukeran. Kalau pas jalan- jalan kita juga agak was- was makan di sana karena penjualnya jarang yang bisa bahasa Inggris, paling kita nanya is there any pork here? Nah kalau gak gitu, kita nanya ke temen dari sana. 
Enak ga sih makanan di sana? 
Ehm... sekali asin itu asin banget kalau pedes juga itu beda. Kalau kita kan cabe uleg gitu, kalau di sana itu kayak cabe bubuk. Wkwk. 
Motivasimu ikut event ini apa? 
Yang pertama itu karena pengen tahu rasanya ke luar negeri soalnya juga banyak temen- temen udah pada pergi. Terus pengen cari pengalaman. Aku kan sering ngomong sendiri di kamar mandi pake bahasa Inggris, aku pengen aja menantang diriku bisa ngga sih aku bener- bener ngomong bahasa Inggris ke orang lain. 
Pengalaman paling berkesanmu apa? 
Itu sih, pergi ke luar negeri tanpa orang tua dan bener- bener itu pengalaman pertama aku. Terus di sana bedanya beda banget sama Indonesia. Media sosial dari Amerika kan juga di blokir. Kaget gitu sih. Oiya, waktu itu aku di sana kedinginan karena suhunya 5 derajat selsius dan pernah nyampe 3 derajat selsius. Kita itu norak banget pas liat salju turun pertama kali. Sampai orang sana nanyain kalau kita itu bener- bener bahagia banget. It's like dandruff.  
Waktu itu ada rundown yang diganti. Sebenarnya ngga ada kunjungan ke kebun binatang, tapi di hari kelima ada kunjungan ke sana. Kita  orang Indonesia request pengen liat Panda yang memang unik dan khas China.
Alyssa ke Great Wall

Okay, Alyssa terima kasih waktunya. Semoga menginspirasi kalian ya yang bermimpi ingin ke sana :) 
Thanks for the souvenir anyway
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Sabtu, September 03, 2016

My Summer Adventure : Sawasdee 19 Thailand
September 03, 2016 2 Comments

Click here for more photos https://goo.gl/photos/YRdDZgf8YgfNuPmB8

It is the main thing that I should have to get into that place, Thailand. I can't tell the detail about that, but I'll try to deliver it some.
Me, Feni is only a daughter of a farmer and an ex-laborer in garment. I can't have many chance to be able to soaring high, unless I dream it. That day, visa is the most important thing before I start the journey. Well, I couldn't have many chance to get there, Royal Thai Embassy.
The first time I went there wasn't success because I didn't bring my recommendation letter. It is like a pressure for me as I should struggle in the week of final exams went there and asking for the letter. Fortunately, I have two friends along my journey who was also facing similar situation and know about what is our feelings.
Why?? Big why is coming either from myself and my surrounding. The program that I join is like volunteering activity to teach English for students in rural area. In my previous school, I had an experience to be the part of Community Service, similar like this activity. Then, I also have another volunteering experience in my campus. It is like good activity whether to help them or to improve our soft skills. And a simple thing that I think is wonderful that, we can make them believe that whoever can have dream high. Then, I decided to join this program. It was quite hard to me. I should maintain many plus and minus. And me, I ever want to quit but yeah, I keep going till the end.
Exam would ended soon. Most of people had gone to their hometown. I really wanted to go to my hometown in that time. Especially that time was Ramadhan, a special month in Islam where people have to fasting during the day of Ramadhan. Usually people will gather with their families in the end of the month.
I was alone in my rent house near campus. However, I still can find my friend two days before my journey to nowhere.
Heart beat fast. I never had experience like this before. I could not imagine that I'll go overseas. This is my first time to do that, even for having first experience to have flight.
The first three days, there were Incoming Preparation Seminars (IPS). In this project, I join with AIESEC LC-Chulalangkorn University (CU). But in this IPS, LC CU and BU (Bangkok University) were combined together. LC BU was the place where we had those three days IPS.
The building of the campus were really luxury. I really impressed by the uniqueness of the buildings. I think that is one of the reason why this place is used for shooting a movie or video clip. Well, I ever seen of the shooting. And I don't really know who were that people who get shot, but they are handsome and beautiful.
Wonderful experience with all of them. In that night, I was having cultural night in the event named Global Village. All the members of the country at that time were performing dance from each of the country. Instead of that, we were also having a stand which display something traditional from their country. For example like in Portugal, because of the country is very famous with the football, they show us about the football players' shirt. Then, we can find and try a lot of foods from all over the world. Then, there were also some souvenirs which can we get freely. For me, I was with my friends from Indonesia. Surprisingly, I was not alone there because the number of EPs come from China and Indonesia are the biggest.
It is not like in Indonesia where we can easily find a mosque or masjid to pray. But then, we can pray in the top of library building. FYI, we still have Ramadhan in that time, but I don't really feel the atmosphere as there were still time for having breakfast and lunch. Again, this is challenging, I should proud of it that I still can stand with that. In the last day of IPS, we were going to a place inside the Student Activities Center. In this place, we can find small place named Meditation Room. Amazingly, there were Sajadah and Korma in that place. Maybe some people in this university are Islam. Who knows?
In those three days of IPS, I’ve gained knowledge that so important for my next journey in the province. We learned about what should and shouldn’t, culture shock, language, and what should we prepare for our journeys also the simulation of teaching. In the end of IPS, we as the Sawasdee 19 LC CU was first came to Chulalangkorn University and to Siam Square. Again, the building of this university is also very awesome. The different with BU is that, CU just like traditional building in Thailand.
After that, the journey to the province start. We went there by bus. In the next day, we had arrived at one of the school, and this school is going to be the center of everything, including the next agenda which is Evaluation Day. There, all director or our host family would come to the place to pick up us. Before that, there was briefing about the project from the committee. I whispered to ensure myself that I can do it, I can make it, and I can face the new journey which I don’t know what will happen the next!!
In the province, I’ll have another friends come from China. Her English name is Julia but her Chinese name actually is Ziqi Yuan. I am calmed after know that because I’ll not alone in foreign country. Then, we already met our host fam. The first time we went there, we already invited to eat in a place there. This was incredible, since the first time, they had treated us well. Unfortunately, I didn’t eat because I am fasting, but no problem for me, I could see they eat and having chit chat tough.
In this place, I realize why Thailand can be exporter of rice to other country. It has a lot of rice field along the road which I can see during the journey to the village. After I arrived home, my host fam led me to the bed room, which is together my room and also Julia’s during this project. The accommodation is good for me as we have one bathroom in bed room.
The first day in the school was little weird for me. I and Julia must introduce our self in front of all the students. Yeah, I was speaking in front of people who don’t speak English. And in that first day, I was also trying to introduce myself in Thai Language. Then the first class was begun. At the first, the students were so silent. Here, in Baantakhiankuiwittaya School, it such a long name anyway, I teach student in primary school from grade 4 – 6. Then, I also teach secondary from grade 1 until 3. At first, I really could not understand what they were talking about. I always tried using body language, picture and for sure, using digital dictionary.  As the time goes by, I little bit understand what they said. Well, it was not that simple to teach secondary student because they are not like primary student that have good interest in something like game, picture, and singing or dancing. In addition, they are very tall. However, it is not going to reduce my spirit to make them know English. This is challenging for me.
Surprisingly, when there was a festival in the school, I and Julia became the people who stand and wearing traditional clothes. This festival was leading us from the school to the temple. That was my wonderful experience as we were like special guest for them. Moreover, here I do not only teach them English. I also become a student of traditional music, handmade and art. 
Since I began this volunteering, I do not even realize that I was giving them something. Oppositely, they gave me something. I learned from them how to speak Thai, I learned from them to have good spirit in learning something, I learned how to be generous to clean the place for our school, the place where we spent for learning, I learned how to respect when we live in different country, different religion also different language. This experience make me become braver that before. Yes, this is gonna be the start of my future journey, to help people to help make better environment, to create better world!

After long time and I got news that my face was on that page, so excited! on March 2017

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Minggu, September 27, 2015

Monas in the night of Eid Al-Adha
September 27, 20150 Comments

Enaknya menjadi anak perantauan, bisa ngabisin waktu dengan teman sepuasnya. Buktinya aku pada saat malam takbiran Idul Adha malah ngebolang di Monas, Jakarta. Actually, it's not easy to be there, there is always a story inside it. Libur yang lumayan panjang, yaitu dari hari Rabu sampai Kamis, em.. cuma 2 hari saja sih. Tapi cukuplah buatku untuk berkunjung ke tempat teman SMA. Sebelum kuliah PPKH ( Penghayatan Profesi Kedokteran Hewan) Sabtu lalu, aku minta doa banyak orang agar aku bisa dapat penelitian Idul Adha bukan di hari H-nya. Alhamdulillah, doaku dari banyak orang tersebut diijabah oleh Allah. Aku bisa pergi ke temanku. 
Pelajaran hari Selasa harusnya berakhir pada jam 6 sore. Selanjutnya akan ada kumpul kandidat organisasi. Akan tetapi, semua kegiatan tersebut akhirnya ditunda, aku dan Afil,
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Sabtu, Agustus 29, 2015

Cara untuk Pergi ke Watu Gunung Ungaran/ How to go to Watu Gunung Ungaran
Agustus 29, 20150 Comments
   A reservation 
Watu Gunung adalah tempat wisata yang menyediakan restoran, tempat penginapan, danau buatan dengan perahu dan kolam renang. Seperti yang telah saya bahas sebelumnya, tempat ini terletak di dusun Soka, Ungaran Barat. Nah, untuk menuju ke tempat ini cukup gampang. Dengan menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dapat kita tempuh hanya kurang dari 10 menit dari pusat kota Ungaran. 
Akan tetapi apabila kita merupakan seorang backpacker, kita dapat berkunjung ke sana dengan berjalan kaki dari alun-alun Ungaran lama. Kemudian langsung menuju daerah Lerep. Dari sana kita bisa naik ojek atau jika mau menghemat sembari berolahraga, kita bisa jalan kaki melewati Karangbolo, tempat sentra keripik berada. Di sini dijajakan bermacam-macam jenis keripik dan oleh-oleh khas Ungaran. Jika tidak mau susah, langsung saja membeli oleh-oleh di toko yang ada di sepanjang jalan desa Karangbolo. 
Setelah itu, kita bisa melanjutkan perjalanan ke Dusun Soka. Di sana ada tanjakan dengan persimpangan dua jalan. Jika mau ke Watu Gunung, ambil yang arah kiri. Sepanjang perjalanan kita akan ditemani oleh pepohonan yang rindang. Bahkan jika sedang musim durian, kita juga bisa membeli durian yang berkualitas bagus ke penjaja di pinggir jalan. Sebagai informasi, pohon-pohon durian berada tepat di belakang toko tersebut berada, karena kebun tersebut memang biasanya ditanam durian dan kopi.
Sebelum tiba di Watu Gunung, kita akan menemukan tempat wisata Kampung Seni Lerep. Di sana terdapat berbagai kebudayaan Jawa seperti cara membatik, sebuah jembatan yang indah, taman bermain, dan juga hiburan lainnya. Akan tetapi sebelum ke sana, pastikan kita terlebih dahulu memesan temat wisata tersebut dengan mengkonfirmasi ke pihak Kampung Seni. 
Tidak jauh dari sana, akan segera terlihat Watu Gunung yang berada tepat di depan sebuah Sekolah Dasar. Untuk pergi ke sana hanya dikenakan biaya sekitar Rp5000- Rp15000 tergantung hari apa kita ke sana. Apabila ke sana pada saat libur lebaran dan hari- hari besar, harga tiket mencapai harga maksimal. 
Di sana dengan teman atau keluarga tercinta, kita bisa menikmati indahnya suasana pedesaan. Selain menghilangkan stres, kita juga bisa lebih dekat dengan alam dan mengambil pelajaran darinya. Di sini tidak usah takut kelaparan. Kita bisa membeli makan di restoran. Kalau kita mau mengadakan rapat juga tersedia ruangan untuk hal itu. Kalau mau menikmati perahu di danau juka bisa, mungkin dengan biaya sekitar Rp10000/orang. Lebih enaknya lagi, ada juga tempat penginapan dan kolam renang dengan air terjun buatan yang bagus untuk selfie :D.

So, don't wait anymore guys, Just let's go there !

Swimmping Poo;

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