
Senin, September 01, 2014

Mapple is a Singkong's Leaf in Indonesia
September 01, 20140 Comments

Hai..hai... see me again in this blog, Feni in the future ;-). 

So, Feni or I call you Fe+Ni = Baja it's not alay but alloy. Hem... you must have very serious spirit if you haven't go abroad in your day! ! !

What do u mean? I think u will say like that. So, what year now in ur day? Ha..ha.. (  ha.ha. ha :'( actually I'm talking to myself in the future. What I will be than?)

So, now you had been studied in a very wonderful place which gives you very bad and happy situation. Therefore you must have a lot of experience to be told to your children. Eh...

Ok, well. It's all about love... so love is.. no no no. Wait. It's not love but leaf. :-!  Huhhh so far?  Yeah, firstly in the first sight you will think that it's a -singkong- leaf. But it's not. It's a mapple leaf.

Maybe meine Vater, Mutter, Geschwister, Onkle, Nichte,  oh God what's next?  I have to recall my Deutsch learnen. I forget it......
Ok ..whatsoever it is., they will think that it is like a singkong's leaf. I like the taste of that leaf of mom's cooking. So delicious .

So feni, what is the motivation? I'm sorry . So, you have to know that you have serious willingness to go abroad now in 2014.

How if you can go there? At least you always keep strugling and keep praying . There will be many dors which open in front of you.

Ehmh.. Yah..now i also keep praying I'm always  led by Allah to catch my dreams. Let my dreams become true after so many nightmares that I face.  Aamiin.

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Minggu, Agustus 31, 2014

Koala : cute animal
Agustus 31, 20140 Comments

Well, Koala is one of my favorite animals. I'll collect many information

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Rabu, Agustus 27, 2014

Rock...... ♨
Agustus 27, 20140 Comments

Rock...... I just need to count days of UAN,  Ujian Akhir Nasional ( National Examination) which will be held around next sixth months.
Wah, I just can't imagine I will graduate from this boarding school. It is a crazy high school time of mine and of course it only once in my life. I just can't calculate how many grateful and meaningful experiences here. Laughing, craying, loving, jealous, symphatic, taking care of each other, and so on. All those are packed here in my second family.

I think there is no enough words to say about this experience. Yah, I hope I will be more independent, strong,  and have good skills to continue my studies.

Actually, sometime i think that 'why should I study? Woman don't need higher education b'cause who have to be rensponsible is man. We just need to take care of children.' So, the answer is not only like them. That is true that no answer is the answer. But this time, I have the reasons why? Cause islam also serve us with the answers.

We know that first ayah of Koran is told us to read about the situation surrounding. therefore,education is "fardu 'ain" for all muslims. Moreover, we can see many benefits and reasons why should we study.

For my self, I have my own reasons. First, I need to help my parent reduce their effort to live. I have to make them live happily in their old, have many time to take a rest,  make them happy not to worry about me,  and to help them going to Makkah for Haji. Then, I still have a cute little brother named Syarif. I need to help him continue his study because my parent have been old and habe no enough energy to work. Now, my sisters and my families also give me a lot of helps. I need to thankful to them someday. In my deepest heart, I really thankful to have them in my life, instead of Allah's help.
Yeah, next time if possible, InsyaAllah I will share my father who works as a farmer and my meaningful experiences before and after enter in Sampoerna Academy here.

#Ya Allah, please give me and all of ASBI students the best result so that we can make orlur teachers, parents proud and there will be many chances for us to enroll in the best university.  Aamiin. #

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Minggu, Agustus 17, 2014

Charline Tiara R.Pingak = One of my amazing Room Mates
Agustus 17, 20140 Comments

August, 17th 2014. Wuala.. see me again in my blog :) Big smile for you who is reading my posts.
Firstly, I want to say Happy 69th Independence Day Indonesia. Freedom, developed, and be the TIGER of Asia. Aamiin.
So, in this important day I want to share you a post.
I wanna introduce you with my room mates. Her name is Charline Tiara R.Pingak,  known as Tiara. What is the relation with this day? He hem... don't worry because I will tell you furthermore. Just scroll down your screan, please! ;-)

She is my junior in my school, ASBI The Sampoerna Academy. Well, she is a very talented girl in music especially in playing Sasando ( Traditional music from NTT, Indonesia) . I'm so glad to see Sasando directly from my eyes as she came in my school with it. Ehm... what is the uniqeness then?
Just calculate the amount of guitar strings! It only has 4 right? However, some people can not playing it well (including me :-(  ) How if you compare it with Sasando? It has so many strings ( I haven't calculate it yet ...He..he.. ). What do you think how difficult to play it. It will take longer time than learning guitar. Agree? Fyi,
Sasando also belongs to an Indonesia's aset.
This cute girl is amazing and different from another players from his region. You know what? She learns Sasando since three years old. Her parents got this idea to take her in course because she broked the miniatur of Sasando when she was a baby.
Her debut begin when goverment in NTT promoted her to embassy of Australia. She went there to perform Sasando. Wow, this girl is promoting Indonesia to universe. How about me? Hemm... big applause to her then.
I was so excited when I was trying to play Sasando. I couldn't know anything about it even where is the place of C , E . Whatever..
Nah, this one is the difference. She not only can play Sasando but she also has a good voice. Good voice + Sasando player = famous.
Then she also had been gone to Japan this year. Oh my God, this is amazing.   I want go there someday . aamiin.
I already put some pictures of her. See those two flags, Indonesia and Japan are standing closer each other. Very proud if I can make it someday. Spirit Feni,  spirit next future leader, spirit Indonesia.
Ehm.. my room mates.  Very glad to have you.

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Kamis, Agustus 14, 2014

Kumpul bareng Li-On & Advisors
Agustus 14, 20140 Comments

Nggak kebayang gimana nanti pas gede klo aku baca semua post~ku. Emh.. gak kebayang deh pokoknya. Udahlah itu masalah nanti, yang penting sekarang aku nulis aja terus. 
Klo ak pke bahasa Jawa gimana ya? Hehem. . . Tapi ini basa Jawa Ngoko. He. He .
Walah2, aku lali nge post iki. Wingi tgl 13-Agustus-2014 aku lan kanca2ku Lion kumpul bareng. Sebenere Lion iki wis kumpul pen akeh. Tapi bedone saiki ki kumpul bareng guru2 pembimbing Lion House. Jane ki nak ono makanan Lion pasti siap kumpul. Termasuk aku :) Dadi kangen ro Rona.
Alhamdulillah, peringkat teratas As level seko Lion meneh. Adik kelas yo ono meneh seko Lion tapi sing IGCSE. Ncen hebat tenan ok. La wingi kae pas Agustusan Lion ki yo juara 1 balap karung. Rapopo ra entuk juara umum sing penting wis juara pen akeh 
Wah, saiki Pak Heri pun mulih meneh neng Lion. Jane ki aku ngerti nak Pak Heri sing asli jek pengen neng Lion pas panjenengane dadi SMT. Tapi yo piye meneh karang wis dadi penduwuran. Sing penting saiki balik meneh sawise pas dikocok kok entok Mantaray. Tapi untunge Bu Dyaning ngotot ngen Pak Heri iso balik meneh neng Lion.
Tapi ono Pak Heri malah bulek Aul kok ilang. Bu Aul iki uwonge yo apikan. Tapi pas kae ra pamitan barang nak meh lungo. Bu Aul, kangen ;(
Yo wis ngene ki to nak Lion kumpul, rame banget. Opo meneh rame pas perkenalan adik kelas, eh.. raine meh kembar karo kakak kelas. Ono 3 jal sing kembar. Jan tenan. Lucu banget. Sing jenenge Andin ki yo kembarane pancen meh plek tenan. Lek wong 2 kui senengane yo gelutan. Piye to jane? Ke'bar kok gelutan ae. Yo wis sitik tok ae. Paling yo iki raiso ke published gara2 neng lantai 2 sinyale E, elek tenan.
Wah jane ki penak yo nak ngomong Jowo, tapi yo aku nulise sembarangan sing penting aku ngucape ki ngene koyok sing tak tulis .. he..he..

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Senin, Agustus 11, 2014

Yasmine - Mengejar Batas Demi Cinta
Agustus 11, 20140 Comments

Who's that actually? Have u known her?
Yasmine is not the real name of actress or famous people but it's the name of character and title in the movie.
Huft, I was late to come to a workshop which has relation with Merpati Putih this afternoon. Yeah, it was because I met with alumni who are my Mami and Papi in Lion. Whua... Mami May and Ahi Muchin... I miss you. Maaf lahir batin ya..
Well, talking about the workshop there were really some actor, actresses , and others reakted with this movie. It supposed to be Reza Rahardian there , but it's okay unless there was a beautiful girl named Lyana Yus from Brunei and a handsome boy named Roy.
Moreover, she is chosen as the min character at her 17. So, can u imagine that this cool movie's making was started since four years ago. Hem.... a very wonderful job.
We can see the achievement of this movie is good as it won a best movie in Asia. Woww  ..
Soon, in August 21st 2014 we can see this movie at our beloved bioskops. Afterward we can know is the movie becoming the top issue in Indonesia? Is it will be a popular movie? Just wait then.. 

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Minggu, Agustus 10, 2014

Semangat dan sungguh2 Belajar
Agustus 10, 20140 Comments

Ada pepatah arab dari Yahya bin Ibn Katsir : ..." Tanpa kesungguhan maka sebenarnya kamu sedang mengharap sesuatu yang mustahil adanya.”
So, aku harus sungguh2 nih bagaimanapun caranya. Wah, apalagi besok hari pertama menggendong buku di tas. Ya ya ya setelah 1 bukan lebih hibernasi di rumah, ga usah lagi ya ada yang namanya ngekuh2 ga jelas. Boleh sih sedikit ngungkapin isi hati tapi jangan dengan mengeluh. Iyya gak sob?
Takut memang ada pasti. Ya antara tahun depan ujian, masuk universitas, ulangan2 ,pr , guru, dsb. Tapi  kan Allah selalu membimbing dan menolong hambanya. Apalagi aku ini tambah yakin karena ada ayat suci Al-Qur'an yang artinya : Sesungguhnya setelah kesulitan ada kemudan.
Ya Allah , mudahkanlah perjalanan hamba menuntut ilmu. Berikanlah kemudahan bagi hamba dalam memahami pelajaran yang dapat dari buku , guru dan orang lain. Jadikanlah ilmu yang hamba timba ini bermanfaat di dunia dan akhirat. Aamiin ya Rabbal 'Alamin.
Good night

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Kamis, Agustus 07, 2014

The Last Year in High School
Agustus 07, 20140 Comments

Tiada masa paling indah masa2 di sekolah-by Alm Chrisye
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Walaillhaillallah. Ya Allah, I arrived at my school again. There is no make, pake, adik and so many people in my hometown. There are only Kinasih foods, school time, should not go out from the dormitory, no gurilam, no MSG (in snack), no soda, no homemade foods, and many more.
I think it will be worthed as "Knowledge is bitter in the beginning but sweet as honey in the end" Aamiin.
Yah, as I back to the dorm I should keep y spirit on, throw away everything nad attitude from my home, be stronger and never ever forget to pray. Yeah, I think I will have so many motivations here.
Just keep calm for me as I need to bear it in next one year and I will go to the best university. Aamiin ya Allah. Many people say that high school time is very best time for teenager. I don't want ti trust it but I want to profe it soon.
By the way, I am now eating an U.S.A's candy. I got from my friend who is back from America.
She said the candy is like in Hary Potter, Jelly belly. So, how about the taste?
Actually, I haven't eat it yet as "eman- eman"←  javanese

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Rabu, Agustus 06, 2014

Edisi Mudik 2014/ Eid Al Fitr 1435 H
Agustus 06, 20140 Comments

Lebaran has gone in this year  . However , I just back to my school today in this wednesday. Ha..ha.. I just passing Comal bridge which was very famous because of its broken.
I go out from my home in Ungaran at 5.30 pm and get in the bus at 7 pm. Bye bye my mom, father, sisters, little brother , all my family and neighbors in Soka.
Ha.. ha.. :'(  See u later .
Sebenarnya kalau pergi dari rumah alias merantau memang susah, apalagi pas kali pertama. Pengen nangis terus rasanya. Gimana ya rasanya mereka adik kelas baru ? " Sabar ya Dek, aku juga pernah kok kayak kamu. Nanti lama-lama juga betah. Kan di asrama banyak temen, guru" Mungkin salah satu kalimat tersebut yang aku ucapkan bagi mereka yang kini bareng se-bis.
Seru nih. Tdi kan udah Comal, trus ada juga bis yang joget... xixixi. Penasaran gak bis joget itu gimana. Tahu kan kalau sebelum Comal itu macet. Trus di delan bus kami, ada bis yang berhenti . Eh, ladalah, kalau dilihat-lihat ternyata bisnya goyang2 alias joget. Mungkin lagi berdendang : sik asik sik asik kenal dirimu , sik asik sik asik dekat dengan mu. yuhhu .  ... tahu kan? ;-)
ehm.. ngantuk nih smpe Pemalang macet. Hahh .. tidur.

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Jumat, Agustus 01, 2014

Anna Frank is Back
Agustus 01, 20140 Comments

#Free Gaza from attacks

I really really sorry for Palestine as the bombardier by Israel. As a Muslim I also feel the same like them. How they are so hurt when they do their fasting in Ramadhan. They should be In safe place . I'm glad they still want to take care of Aqsa Mosque rather than choose to go to more safe place.They are now running a jihad. 

However, this kind of situation is not only faith murder but also human right murder. This is out of terrific situation. As I saw many innocent people were being killed. They don't have enough foods, electric resources, water, home, much less education. I cannot imagine their future.

I hope this murder can be stopped soon, not two days later but if it can, it should be ended by today, this minutes, or this seconds. 

Btw, Anna Frank appears in Palestine. Her name is Farah. I think she is a sudden reporter. Through her twitter account, @Farah_Gazan she makes her followers know what is happening In Gaza. I went to her account yesterday. Then I saw so many twits in English telling us about her bad situations. There are so many bombs near her home. She said that see might die because of that bombs.
 Ya Allah Ya Rahman, please gives them the better condition. Aamiin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin. 

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Sabtu, Juli 26, 2014

Diary, is it an ancient thing ?
Juli 26, 20140 Comments

D u a typical of people who dont easy to share what your in mind but prefer to write it as a diary ?

If you are so , then it really doesnt bother your phsycology. Why? Because I belong to.
Well, in my opinion there is no word to say when I had such feelings  . Those can be sad, love, happy  or maybe complicated. Then, usually you call your diary in many ways. Starts from calling it my diary, my best friend until my soul mate.hu. .. :-$

Then you should know that usually you will really laughing when you read your diary. I know that the Alay virus is influencing you when you had such feelings.

It is also kind of privacy about story you have (writer not guarantee if your diary is readed by smb). People  intentionally or unintentionally will tell to the others what you had have given to them.

Some people , especially teenagers will prefer to choose social media. Well, it doesn't matter but again, if it's not a privacy.

Well, it's in my opinion. I'm glad if you will add yours.

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Senin, Juli 21, 2014

The Last Week of Ramadhan
Juli 21, 20140 Comments

Yehaa.. Just wait the days because it takes no longer  to meet our Ied Al-Fitr. We'll see "Ketupat", "Opor", many kind of Lebaran cakes and biscuits, firework,  and many more. Actually, are those we really waiting for? 
I'll say no,it's not. The meaning of Ramadhan which we have fasting, reciting the holy Al-Qur'an, Sadaqah (help poor people) and many great activities is to be the servant who taqwa to Allah.
As we think think that it's great to meet Ied Al-Fitr after we were tired by many activities is not really true. There are a lot of forgiveness for us in this holy month.
I really thanks to Allah as I live in Indonesia, the biggest population of muslim in this world. I can hear in every place the sound of Azan to remaind me for praying. I also can hear in many times and many place in Mosque;people are reciting Al-quran, frequently in this Ramadhan. We can find things that most countries don't have which are the remainding in mass media such as in television , there are special programmes for. Ramadhan : Sahoor , near breakfasting, knowledge about islam, adzan time and so on. Wow, is that amazing?
We also have variety tradition before, in the middle of , and after Ramadhan. But sorry , I can't explain now.
So muslim and muslimah all over the world I will remind us, esp for me who is not perfect, let's maximize our last Ramadhan. Hope we can face and be a better person in Ramadhan next  year. Aamiin.

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Selasa, Juli 15, 2014

Lancar dan Mudah Belajar bahasa Inggris
Juli 15, 20140 Comments

Good evening ladies and gentleman. My name is Feni Rahmawati. I would like to announce you something.

★ingin bisa lancar berbahasa Inggris seperti di atas? Tapi tidak punya cukup uang untuk les?
Santai saja, pertanyaan tersebut juga ada di benakku sejak aku kecil. Rasanya aku begitu ketinggalan dengan orang yang belajar di bimbel. Mereka lebih fasih melafalkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris. Sebenarnya tidak usah dipikirkan . Uang bukanlah satu"nya solusi dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Karena apa? Karena manusia dibekali oleh Allah dengan kesehatan dan akal .
Nah, dengan itu saja kita bisa belajar bahasa ingrris. Seriously?

Yes, I do.
※ Menurutku, pertama kita butuh kemauan dengan niat yang kuat untuk bisa bahasa Inggris. Kita juga bisa menggunakan tip ini buat bahasa lainnya. Sesulit apapun yang kita inginkan , tapi kan its possible right? Nah, dengan niat tersebut bisa kita jadikan sebagai pemacu semangat apabila kita down diperjalanan mencari ilmu.
※ Listening to English song. Ha..ha.. Ini nih yang pasti paling disukai orang Indoneasia. Kadang- kadang hanya karena tidak mau dibilang ketinggalan zaman. Padahal enggak juga sih. Tapi kita ambil positifnya aja. Soalnya lagu bahasa Inggris itu dapat dijadikan sebagai media belajar bahasa Inggris. Kita dapat belajar pronouncation atau pelafalannya, listening skill atau kemampuan mendengar dan memperbanyak vocabulary atau kosakata . Yuhhu kan... jadi kita bisa tau lagu yang memiliki arti bagus atau tidak.  Jadi nggak adal nyanyi.
※ Nonton film . Ini juga seru kok. Jadi kita tahu kecepatan mereka dalam percakapan sehari- hari. Tahu gak sih pelajaran yang kita pelajari di kelas itu formalnya pake banget. Saran aku sih nonton bioskop yang ada di Transtv atau di Global soalnya udah lulus sensor.. hi.. :) banyak juga manfaatnya. Kalau sudah merasa advanced learner coba deh ga usah liat subtitle nya ..
※ Haduh, kalau yang satu ini harus bener- bener dibujuk dulu baru mau, yaitu membaca. Jangan kalah dong sama kemauan kalian membaca status orang di Fb, tweet di twitter, atau daily activities di path :-P  dsb. Ups... ;-)
Yaudah deh kalau gak mau baca buku yang tebal. Banyak kok artikel yang memuat konten menarik dalam bahasa Inggris. Contohnya aja aku sering baca di National Geographic. Artikel di NatGeo sangat menarik karena mengenai alam. Bisa juga artikel agama atau kalau mau berita bola... wowww... German menang.. (apa hubungannya)
※ The last but not the least adalah baca artikel2 di blog ku.. he.. Walaupun artikel bahasa Inggrisnya tidak banyak, tapi semoga dapat membantu dan bermanfaat.

Do I miss something? Please give commonts.

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Rabu, Juli 09, 2014

Pemilu Presiden Indonesia 2014 ( Election Of President )
Juli 09, 20140 Comments
Maybe as the candidats of Pres & vice-pres couldn't sleep for all these nights . Today , July, 9th 2014 is very an important day because there is an election of those candidates to be the next president and vice president who will lead Indonesia from 2015 -
2020. Who will winn this election ? Not too far from this topic I want to announce something. I participated this election by choosing the candidates in TPU ( place where I did the election) . This was amazing because it's my first time to join election. Actually, I haven't make my civil ID, but I got an invitation to join election in the TPS near my home. Wala... after I chose, i got a purple ink in my finger.
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Kamis, Juli 03, 2014

Pasar yang Berdekatan
Juli 03, 20140 Comments
I copied from eramuslim.com Muhammad Nuh – Rabu, 26 Sya'ban 1435 H / 25 Juni 2014 09:01 WIB Nabi Saw. pada 1400 tahun yang lalu telah memberitakan beberapa kejadian masa depan yang benar-benar terjadi hari ini seperti yang kita lihat dalam kehidupan kita. Allah berfirman tentang hari kebangkitan, “Barang siapa yang mengharap pertemuan dengan Allah, maka sesungguhnya waktu (yang dijanjikan) Allah itu, pasti datang. Dan Dialah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui. Dan barang siapa yang berjihad, maka sesungguhnya jihadnya itu adalah untuk dirinya sendiri. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha Kaya (tidak memerlukan sesuatu) dari semesta alam. (QS Al-‘Ankabut [29]: 5-6) ُﻕﺍَﻮْﺳَﻷﺍ ُﺏَﺭَﺎﻘَﺘَﺗَﻭ ُﺏْﺬِﻜْﻟﺍ َﺮُﺜْﻜَﻳَﻭ ُﻦَﺘِﻔْﻟﺍ َﺮُﻬْﻈَﺗ ﻰَّﺘَﺣ ُﺔّﻋﺎَّﺴﻟﺍ ُﻡْﻮُﻘَﺗ َﻻ ُﻥﺎَﻣَّﺰﻟﺍ ُﺏَﺭﺎَﻘَﺘَﻳَﻭ‏) ‏[ﺪﻤﺣﺃ ﻡﺎﻣﻹﺍ ﻩﺍﻭﺭ‏]. Nabi Muhammad Saw. bersabda tentang hari Kiamat, “Hari kiamat tidak akan terjadi sebelum munculnya fitnah, kebohongan meningkat, pasar berdekatan, dan waktu semakin dekat.” (HR Ahmad) Dalam hadis yang mulia ini Nabi bersabda kepada para sahabatnya tentang peristiwa masa depan yang akan terjadi, dan peristiwa-peristiwa ini adalah tanda-tanda dekatnya hari Kiamat. Beliau berbicara tentang peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut pada saat Islam masih lemah. Nabi Saw. dan para sahabatnya sedang berjuang untuk menyebarkan agama, tapi beliau berbicara seolah-olah hidup bersama kita dan melihat apa yang terjadi. Dalam hadis ini terdapat empat mukjizat yang menunjukkan realitas kita sekarang ini: 1. Munculnya fitnah atau konflik. Lihatlah apa yang terjadi di banyak negara Islam: perang, pertempuran dan perebutan kekuasaan. Semua ini terjadi di negara-negara Muslim. Mengapa? Karena kita menjadi jauh dari prinsip-prinsip Islam dan perintah Allah Yang Mahakuasa.Sebagai akibatnya adalah fitnah yang kita lihat di sekitar kita. 2. Kebohongan meningkat. Para ilmuwan di seluruh dunia sedang bekerja keras untuk mengungkapkan berbohong dan mereka menghabiskan ratusan juta untuk menciptakan sebuah mesin deteksi kebohongan yang efektif. Kita juga melihat banyak kebohongan di koran dan berita TV, sehingga kebohongan menjadi perilaku yang biasa di sekitar kita. Semua ini tidak ada pada saat nabi. 3. Dibangunnya pasar-pasar yang berdekatan. Saat ini, di semua negara di seluruh dunia kita dua pasar yang berdekatan, dan fenomena ini tidak ada pada saat nabi. 4. Waktu yang semakin dekat. Sebuah pesan di,masa lalu memakan waktu harian dan bulanan untuk sampai ke tujuan tujuan, tetapi sekarang kita dapat mengirim pesan dalam beberapa detik. Berbagai berita dapat terbang antara negara di dunia dalam waktu kurang dari satu detik. Bukanlah ini menunjukkan bahwa waktu semakin dekat? Pada akhirnya kami mengajukan pernyataan sederhana: darimana Nabi yang ummi itu tahu,peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi di masa depan,dan berita tersebut benar-benar terjadi? Sudah saatnya bagi orang ateis untuk berpikir dan merekalkulasi keyakinan mereka karena mereka harus memahami dan menyadari bahwa Allah Maha Kuasa adalah sumber informasi ini sebagai bukti ilahi bahwa Islam adalah agama yang benar.
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