
Minggu, Maret 01, 2015

Wouldn't Change a Thing
Maret 01, 20150 Comments
Wouldn't Change a Thing 
by Demi Lovato and Joe

a capture from Google Skymap at that time :)
exactly before seeing Koala 
[Demi (Joe) :]It's like, he doesn't hear a word I sayHis mind is somewhere far awayAnd I don't know how to get there
It's like all he wants is to chill out(She's serious)He makes me wanna pull all my hair out(She's always in a rush and interrupted)Like he doesn't even care(Like she doesn't even care)
[Demi + Joe:]You, meWe're face to faceBut we don't see eye to eye
Like fire and rain (Like fire and rain)You can drive me insane (You can drive me insane)But I can't stay mad at you for anythingWe're Venus and Mars (Venus and Mars)We're like different stars (like different stars)You're the harmony to every song I singAnd I wouldn't change a thing
[Joe:]She's always trying to save the dayJust wanna let my music playShe's all or nothingBut my feeling's never change
[Demi (Joe:)]Why does he try to read my mind?(I try to read her mind)It's not good to psychoanalyze(She tries to pick a fight to get attention)That's what all of my friends say(That's what all of my friends say)
[Demi + Joe:]You, meWe're face to faceBut we don't see eye to eye
Like fire and rain (Like fire and rain)You can drive me insane (You can drive me insane)But I can't stay mad at you for anythingWe're Venus and Mars (Venus and Mars)We're like different stars (like different stars)but you're the harmony to every song I singAnd I wouldn't change a thing
[J:] When I'm yes, she's no[D:] When I hold on, he just lets go[J + D:] We're perfectly imperfectBut I wouldn't change a thing, no
Like fire and rain (Like fire and rain)You can drive me insane (You can drive me insane)But I can't stay mad at you for anythingWe're Venus and Mars (Venus and Mars)We're like different stars (like different stars)but you're the harmony to every song I singAnd I wouldn't change a thing
But I can't stay mad at you for anythingWe're Venus and Mars (Venus and Mars)We're like different stars (like different stars)but you're the harmony to every song I singAnd I wouldn't change aWouldn't change a thingsource :  kapanlagi.com Lately, I have been amazed by this song. Do you fell that the meaning isn't only for couple, I think :p . I really like the part when " we're venus and mars we're like different stars but you're the harmony to every song I sing and I wouldn't change a thing."I really enjoy this song as I little bit become one of the singer's feeling. Just see in Camp Rock
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Rabu, Februari 25, 2015

This is US
Februari 25, 20150 Comments
Having enemies is easier than having one best friend. As we are growing we also face wider problems, experiences and people. We can be the one who have willingness to make society with them or not, just let you know that Muhammad SAW said that we have to make  better relation ( silaturahim) to each other so that the door of  sustenance always open, InsyaAllah aamiin
I want to introduce you with some of my best friend.
from left : Ririn, Feni (me), Mia, and Via

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Practical Exam
Februari 25, 20150 Comments
February 25, 2015.
Hallo guys..!! Ehm.. It has been long time I don't write in this blog. A willingness to share is always in my heart , but then I was so busy lately.
Well my business was me and all 12 graders in SABS ( Sampoerna Academy Boarding School ). I wanted to share to you about one of our amazing practical exam. We called it like that because we were not only have usual practical exam as other school. The collaboration between two subjects which are Indonesia Language and Art become drama performance for each classes. The first is XII- SCI- UB with "Sri Tanjung" , Briggitta D'Avriella as the movie director . As I know, Sri Tanjung is a drama which absorbs story from the story of Tangkuban Perahu. Then, XII SCI UNF showed performance of drama Fragmen which tells about two "guy" who relaize about their mistakes. The movie director of Fragmen is Ilhafa Qoima. Next is my class XII SCI I.  We shows "Agoo" drama which has setting in Tanah Arfak. Papua and movie director of this drama is Rifa'i Dwi Cahyo. We also have Sci-fi drama here. We have "E" drama performance and M. Rajib Rakatirta as the movie directo in XII SCI PM. Quite similar with Ub, XII  SOC PHP,now is DS, performs "Melawan Kutukan " which absorbs story from story of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes. They have Anggun Citra Berlian as the movie director. And the last is XII SOC AS with "Karin" and Dewangga Fahmi as the movie director.
The whole school members also become the participates of all this drama. In that day, February 16, 2015 all classes were free. That meant all the 10 and 11 graders were free to watch our performance. Moreover we could also see several teachers who were attending that drama. Actually, we also made invitations to all teacher and staffs to come in that wonderful day. So they could choose whether they would attend my class or not based on the schedule.
For me, this drama were successful. We delivered story in this mini drama but I think they quite enjoy it. Congratulation all 12 graders second intake.

this is us in "Agoo"
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Minggu, Februari 01, 2015

It's fantastic : my 18th Birthday
Februari 01, 20150 Comments

31st of January 2015.
counting day... and I got 18 if I eliminate it by 31st of January  1997. The day when I was born.
Yeah, a cute girl named feni ^^
is here. she's already 18. #Dasartua #masihjomblolagi upsss..
There are so many wishes from my families, teachers, best friends including Lion, I class,esp. Rinrin, Mia, Via, and many more. I will definitely miss all people here. I wish I can be mature and more polite. Yeah, cause I'll face battle in this near time, I wish I can do it well, for my UN, SNM, SBMPTN esp. ;)
Next, it's a super duper awesome unforgettable memories . I had such unbelievable surprising gifts from my friends. First, it's a little bit confusing because Liona 12 and M,V,R wanted to wake me up in 12 am. But then MVR was quicker than Liona. Oh, God. They sang "HBD" song for me. Thankyou guys.. I'll miss u so much. Thankyou so much for an envelope with many wishes inside it and my wall is having display: Happy sweet 18th Pencay.  He..he.  Then, it came from Liona. Ha...ha. I just laughing inside my heart that they could not be the first to wish me happy birthday. He..he.. But don't worry Liona. You have tried ur best and you'll always stay in my heart. Yeah, eventually with akward moment, cause you asked me to repeat the "shockness"..he..he.. You sang Happy Birthday song for me. Thankyou so much.. :* Thankyou for that sweet cakes. Ehmm.. What next? Yeah, he..he.. Alhamdulillah, I also got wishes from some friends in the road, "Mbak Feennn. Happy Birthday ya " Malahan. Ada juga yg nyanyi..lumayan banyak.. Hampir se-house. He..he.
Next is exactly Sci-I. Oh God little bit bullying here. He.he. Nopro - No Problem. ;)  Then, M,V, n Joan, Rinrin was missing. Yah.. At first time, they asked me to find some fruits in Pegasus stable, ih...they pour me water #basahdeh #padahal mau ke melati makan, so I just having dinner with my condition #basahkuyup.
You know what ? It's not end yet.
It begun when I was fall asleep caused by Interstellar movie-it's about relativity, maybe I think it's quiet long time for me in this world which is 18 years old. However in another galaxy maybe I just live for an hour only. So, it's remaining me to not waste my time- cause life is preparation
to live in everlasting life. Well, I just fall asleep and I decided to lay my body off on bed. He..he.. Exactly at 9 p.m. Liona was waking me up by Mia and Via's help.  Suddenly they grab me and tight my hands and covered my eyes. Oh God, they gave me lipstic on my face, then they led me walk in surrounding of my school. It's an emabarasting moment. They laugh at me and said :"mbak Pen 18 tahun menjomblo, sekarang mencari cinta" Oh no, I did'nt who were there but I know exactly that Saturday night is thee time for couple to have date. --it's called towaf in my school.
After one round, I open my eyes and I saw Lion sang "Happy Birthday Song and Hari Ini.." for  me. It's not like that only, they also pour water and such powder, I don't know exactly.. Hi..hi.. It was so cool eh cold ^°^.  Thankyou so much Lion for this unforgettable moment :-* he..he.. Thankyou also Jumi for giving me a chocolate. Yet, ehm.. It's amazing because there was someone, the last person who gave me birthday greeting. --Happy birthday, fen -- so sweet ^^

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Jumat, Januari 09, 2015

Jangan Bersedih Jomblo, he..he...
Januari 09, 20150 Comments
Sebelumnya, tahu gak sih kamu akan sifat laki2, hai para wanita? Memang sih kebanyakan mereka adalah orang yang ga tahu diri, ups.... jangan banyak2 ah kan gak enak. he..he,, gak semua laki2 kayak gitu kok..
Sebenanya aku ingin cerita2 sama banyak orang , terutama Lion. Tapi yah gitu, memang dasar sifatku yang ga pandai untuk bercerita. bBisanya ya dengan nulis. Nah, tapi cerita ga yang di sini juga ga benar2 real amat yah.
Jadi, aku ini sudah 17 tahun, apaain sih peen. wkwkw.. dan aku paling susah membuat lawakan yang berkualitas. Duh kasihan dah. Nah, ga ada hubungannya sih, tapi selama 17 tahun ini, Alhamdulillah aku masih menyandang status jomblo. Ap lagi itu, hubungannya apa? Memang sih banyak orang yang ngaku jomblo tapi masih ngejalanin Hubungan Tanpa Status alias HTS. Nah, orang2 di sini enaknya mereka tidak menyandang status pacaran, jadinya mereka tidak terikat oleh status, gak enaknya yah itu, katanya ga ada status jadinya mereka bisa dong ninggalin satu sama lain, mau pegang komitmen? Yah itu mah buat orang2 tertentu saja, ujung2 nya saling egois, yang satu ngedeketin orang lain yang satunya marah, tapi giliran dia yang ngedeketin bilang kan kita ga punya status. Whatsoever, ga mudeng tenanan aku iki?  Aku mah apa dah buat kalian?
For me, aku belum sekalipun yang namanya saling ungkap-mengungkap perasaan. Apalagi yang namanya HTS,

atau pacaran, wow.. Ha..ha..
Pada awalnya aku mikir kalau aku ini ga ada yang suka.. Astaghfirullah. Padahal Allah kan Maha Pemilik Hati ini. Duh Feni iki piye to? Tapi tahu gak sih buat kamu2 yang juga masih mikir kayak gitu,ini nih...
Jeng-jeng. Ga usah bersedih kawan. Apabila saat ini kamu belum menemukan pujaan hati, bagi yang belum cukup umur untuk menikah ya, jangan bersedih hati. Kan, memang belum umurnya untuk mendapatkan suami. Iya kan? *ditanya lagi, tapi mereka so sweet banget, kalau lagi ultah si cowok ngasih bunga mawar dan coklat gitu. --->>> Eh, emang sih (aku ngakuin) pengen beutt rasanya digituin. Siapa juga yang gak mau diperlakuin istimewa bak bidadari? Ha, acung jari? Okkay ga ada.  Jangan berberat hati gitu. Padahal kenangan itu lebih indah kan kalau kita rajut dengan suami sendiri, Insya Allah pasangan dunia akhirat?
Kalau masih ngga setuju?  gini, pacaran sih wajar apalagi banyak banget nih godaan akhir zaman, mudah banget buat ngungkapin perasaan . Bisa pake WA, bisa pake BBM, Line, apapun bentuknye soalnya. Nah, terus mereka jadi ga punya rasa minder buat ngungkapin perasaan, yang jujur saja nih kalau menurutku, perasaan itu gampang berubah. Jadi aku berpendapat bahwa perasaan yang sering disebut2 itu hanya temporary Love. So, guys, matengin dulu jikalau mau mengungkapkan perasaan, toh perasaan itu sering tiba2 datang, trus tiba2 pergi ga ada kabar. Makanya kita harus tetap WASPADA. He..he..he.
Jadi nih Liona, aku ini ga bisa mudah bercerita karena aku ini murni susah bercerita, trus aku berpendapat bahwa kayak gitu tuh cepet berubah perasaannya. Gitu...
He..he.. next is..  Jadi kesimpulannya, jangan bersedih yah buat para real-jomblo. Berarti kamu ini masih sangat berharga dan dijaga. Bukan  wanita gampangan yang mudah dipermainkan sama cowok.
tapi Feni Rahmawati pengen tetep aksis.. he,,he,,
Terus cerita ku apa? Ga ada, kan malu akunya..he,..he,.
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Selasa, Januari 06, 2015

Don't be Sad , you'll find your way
Januari 06, 20151 Comments

Di posting2 sebelumnya aku sering ngomongin ttg sekolah. ehm.. kayaknya bosen tuh.. emang ada yg baca ? *nanya diri sendiri.
Uhuk..uhuk.. batuk nih kalau ngomongin masalah ini. Masalah apa sih?
Well, pengen gak sih kalian ke luar negeri? sebenarnya tergantung tujuan sih.. kalau tujuannya cuma buat gengsi belanja barang2 luar negeri terus pamer sih aku gak setuju.. padahal dimana2 pasti sering banget kita nemuin barang Made in China.
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Senin, Januari 05, 2015

Acara TV ? Mendidik Gak Tuh?
Januari 05, 20150 Comments
5th of January 2015.
little bit uprage at 12th of January 2015
Apa sih yang enggak buat anak kecil? ehem... tapi kebanyakan malah membuat anak kecil jadi salaah tangkap. Well, opening yg lemah :(
Teman-teman sebaya yang kelahiran 97 dan sekitarnya, bagaimana pendapat kalian tentang tayangan tv pada zaman tersebut? kalau menurutku pribadi sih aku ingetnya kalau pada tahun kita terkenal banget India, Dragon ball, Dora, Tele tubbies, Sung Go Kong , dll. males aku nyebutinnya, tapi tahu gak, malah aku pas sama temen2 seru banget nge diskusiin masa kecil kita sembari mengingat kartun apa yang ada pada zaman tersebut. Nah, tahu sendiri kan, media masa, untuk kali ini televisi sangat mempengaruhi pekembangan anak-anak. Nah kalau anak2 zaman sekarang ya tahunya acara sinetron yang ...ehmm.. sepeti itu (males nyebutinnya :( ), kemudian facebook-an, twitter-an, instagram-an, sampai2 ada yang ngepeth (bukan pakai babi sih), duh. zaman wis gonjang- ganjing boy.. 
Nah, kali ini aku memang ga ada sangkut pautnya sampai trans 7 yah, apalagi aku hanya pelajar sma. This time, aku cuma pengen ngasih pendapat bahwa ada tayangan yang masih recommended  buat adik2 tercinta kita. Ga tau aku pengen aja sih nanggepin apa yang tejadi saat ini, berhubung selama 3 tahun ini di asrama ga ada fasilitas tv yang memadai , aku hanya berpendapat mengenai acara yang aku tonton saat liburan. Okkay?
Sebenarnya jikalau jadi pengusaha stasiun televisi jangan hanya memprioritaskan pada keuntungan semata. Karena asal tahu aja nih televisi merupakan sarana hiburan yang paling diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Apalagi nih, sepengtahuan aku dan sepengamatanku, (alah ribet bett) para orang dewasa selepas bekerja melepas penat dengan memencet tombol on pada televisi untuk menghibur mereka. Ga ada yang mau atau sempet baca-baca berita di internet, koran, bahkan membaca buku2 berat seperti buku fiksi dan non-fiksi. Ditambah lagi mereka kebanyakan hanya bekerja sebagai buruh pabrik, petani, dan juga sopir angkutan umum (kalau di kalangan keluagaku). Minat baca mereka sangat rendah, yah maka dari itu banyak yang menggunakan televisi sebagai sarana hiburan, sekaligus sebagai sumber informasi dsb.
Ngomong2 tentang Trans 7, aku suka banget tayangan sepeti di bawah ini :
1. Laptop Si Unyil

sumber : blogdetik.com

2. Bolang (Bocah Petualang )
sumber : www.tribunnews.com

3.  Dunia Binatang

sumber : remotivi.or.id
4. Tahu Gak Sih?

5.  Jejak Petualang

 6. Indonesiaku

Bagus- bagus banget dan banyak ilmu yang didapat dari acara tersebut. Pokoknya acara di atas merupakan gambaran tayangan bermanfaat dan juga menghibur mengingat televisi merupakan media terbanyak digunakan masyarakat Indonesia  di samping internet.
Berhubungan dengan moral generasi bangsa, aku prihatin banget kaalau misalnya anak kecil saja sudah disuguhin lagu, tayangan televisi, dan pergaulan yang hubungannya tentang cinta2 an. Bukan gimana sih, tapi siapa lagi yang ikut prihatin kalau bukan kita sendiri, para pemuda Indonesia.  Nah, untuk itu perlu juga didukung oleh suara seorang pengusaha yang berduit banyak, euhhh.. yang biasanya dapat berbuat sesuka hati mereka dengan uang segudang yang mereka punya.
Padahal, televisi itu sebaiknya benar-benar harus berkualitas tas tas tassss, fyuhhh.. capek ngomongnya nih.. he..he. .. Para generasi Indonesia, hati2 yah dalam mencari informasi..
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Pergaulan Dapat Mencelupkan Kita ke Dalam Panasnya Neraka
Januari 05, 20150 Comments
Arip K
Baiq Zilvia J
Feni Rahmawati
Shofa Ramadhina

Neraka adalah tempat di akhirat dimana amal perbuatan buruk kita saat di dunia dibalaskan oleh Allah SWT. Sebagai umat Muslim kita wajib percaya akan adanya kehidupan yang kekal setelah kematian kita.
Banyak pendapat mengatakan bahwa pergaulan dapat menentukan juga kehidupan kita di akhirat kelak. Oleh karena itu sebagai muslim yang taat, kita harus menjaga pergaulan kita semasa hidup di dunia, sebagaimana telah difirmankan oleh Allah SWT dalam Al-Qur’an surat  Al-Imran ayat 118:
 يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَتَّخِذُوا بِطَانَةً مِّن دُونِكُمْ لَا يَأْلُونَكُمْ خَبَالًا وَدُّوا مَا عَنِتُّمْ قَدْ بَدَتِ الْبَغْضَاءُ مِنْ أَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَمَا تُخْفِي صُدُورُهُمْ أَكْبَرُ ۚ قَدْ بَيَّنَّا لَكُمُ الْآيَاتِ ۖ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ [٣:١١٨]
Yang artinya “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu ambil menjadi teman kepercayaanmu orang-orang yang, diluar kalanganmu (karena) mereka tidak henti-hentinya (menimbulkan) kemudharatan bagimu. Mereka menyukai apa yang menyusahkan kamu. Telah nyata kebencian dari mulut mereka, dan apa yang di sembunyikan oleh hati mereka adalah lebih besar lagi. sungguh telah Kami terangkan kepadamu ayat-ayat (Kami), jika kamu memahaminya.”. Ayat ini menjelaskan bahwa kita tidak boleh menjadikan orang-orang yang memerangi kita (kafir) menjadi orang kepercayaan kita. Namun, Allah juga tidak melarang kita untuk berteman dengan orang yang berbeda agama selama itu masih di dalam batas atau sewajarnya. Malah, Allah juga menyuruh kita untuk senantiasa menjaga silaturrahmi antara umat beragama untuk hidup yang damai dan sejahtera. Jadi, kita sangat di anjurkan untuk menjaga pergaulan kita dan tidak boleh terjerumus kepada hal-hal yang tidak di inginkan oleh Allah SWT. Allah juga menjelaskan pada QS Al-Baqarah ayat 221:
وَلَوْ أَعْجَبَكُمْ ۗ أُولَٰئِكَ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى النَّارِ ۖ وَاللَّهُ يَدْعُو إِلَى الْجَنَّةِ وَالْمَغْفِرَةِ بِإِذْنِهِ ۖ وَيُبَيِّن آيَاتِهِ لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَذَكَّرُونَ [٢:٢٢١] ُ

Yang artinya “Dan janganlah kamu menikahi wanita-wanita musyrik, sebelum mereka beriman. Sesungguhnya wanita budak yang mukmin lebih baik dari wanita musyrik, walaupun dia menarik hatimu. Dan janganlah kamu menikahkan orang-orang musyrik (dengan wanita-wanita mukmin) sebelum mereka beriman. Sesungguhnya budak yang mukmin lebih baik dari orang musyrik, walaupun dia menarik hatimu. Mereka mengajak ke neraka, sedang Allah mengajak ke surga dan ampunan dengan izin-Nya. Dan Allah menerangkan ayat-ayat-Nya (perintah-perintah-Nya) kepada manusia supaya mereka mengambil pelajaran. Ayat ini menjelaskan  bahwa sesungguhnya seorang muslim dilarang menikahi seorang musyrikin karena ia nantinya hanya akan dapat menjerumuskan kita ke dalam api neraka.  Wanita budak muslimin jauh lebih baik daripada wanita kaya musyrikin yang hanya mendatangkan keburukan bagi kita, kaum muslimin. 
Jadi hasil diskusi kami dapat disimpuilkan menjadi; sebagai umat muslimin kita tidak boleh berhubungan dengan orang yang jelas-jelas membenci kaum muslimin dan berusaha untuk menghancurkan islam. Namun itu bukan berarti kita tidak boleh berteman dengan orang yang berbeda agama, bahkan  Allah sangat menganjurkan kita untuk berteman dan menjaga tali persaudaraan dan selalu bersilaturrahmi walupun dengan orang yang berbeda agama selama  kita  dapat saling menjaga kepercayaan kita masing-masing. Dengan begitu kita dapat terhindar dari siksaan panasnya api neraka. InsyaAllah, Aaamiiin.

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Horatotry : Flood Disaster in Indonesia
Januari 05, 20150 Comments

This hortatory I made when I was in grade 11. So, just use it as your resources not for your copy-paste only. Thanks.
Flood Disaster in Indonesia

            Naturally, flood happens in a heavy rain. It is easy to happen in a low plain area. It is because the huge amounts of water have not enough space to flow. Besides of that, the major problem that endanger flood is human. Even there is the law of nature human can break it throughout the damage that they make. Nowdays, some cities of Indonesia, especially Jakarta, it happens frequently although it is in dry season.
            A lot of rubbish are scattered around the public places. People usually throw the rubbish wherever they want. The reasons are they wish the easier and simpler way which are not taking too much time and money. There is no self-awareness from people to throw it in the right place. They should know that it will cause a dangerous disaster. Fortunately, it is supported by the rareness of trash can which is placed in the public places.  Especially when there is a festival, the number of rubbish increases until reach hundreds tones. It is said in Kaskus.co.id, there was a Jakarta Night Festival in the exchange year from 2013 to 2014. A huge amount of rubbish is produced after this festival. It left 150 tons of rubbish that are dominated with trumpets, fireworks and foods. Surprisingly, the rubbish is not well placed in the trash can.
The usage of plastic bag can also increase the possibiltiy for this disaster to happen. Based on NTEPA (Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority) plastic bags are a highly visible, ugly component of litter. Local and State Governments around Australia spend more than $200 million picking up litter per year. If plastic bags continue to be used, the number of bags littering the environment will increase over time. So, the number of floating plastics bag increase each time. The flow of water is disturbed, in which it is blocking  the water’s way. As a result, when there is a heavy rain, the water will overflow in the place near the river and flood will occur.
            Indonesia has wide forests which are separated in all over islands. By having such wide forests, Indonesia must be a good example for the world. There should be a big number of water absorption place. However in the reality, Indonesia is not that good example. The inventories come from others countries make Indonesia become one of the sources of the raw materials. Ministry of Forestry Zulkifli Hasan said that from the large of 180 Billion hectares, it only left 135 billions hectares. So, it means that 21 percent or 26 hectares are lost by the deforestation. Greedily, they cut off the trees to take the woods as much as they can. They will have high profit if they produce many woods to be sold. However, they also do not do the reboisation to make the forests produce three again.
            The bad urban planning can also affect the absorption for the ground. Areas with greater absorbency like fields and forest must be a good place to handle the rain. The ground that is covered with asphalt cannot absorb the water well, especially when the precipitation is high. It means that too much rain that should the ground held. Like the law of water flowing, the water always goes to the low land. So, in plain area, if the forest is defoliated, a lot of rubbish in the river, bad urban planning, it is definitely will cause flooding.
            According to those things, human is very dangerous. They can break the nature that can give us many things they want. As a good people, together we can reduce flood happens frequently. We can give back to the nature from what it has been given to us. The easier way to make it becomes real is our self awareness. We can start it from the small thing through throw the rubbish in the trash can. It will be more beneficial if we reuse, reduce and recycle the rubbish. We can make a business to make a product from recycle material. We also can reduce the usage of plastic bag to minimalize the amount of trash produced each day. The government also needs to have strict laws about the probihition of deforestation.
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Minggu, Januari 04, 2015

Demi Masa
Januari 04, 20150 Comments

Demi masa
Sesungguhnya manusia kerugian
Melainkan yang beriman dan yang beramal soleh
Gunakan kesempatan yang masih diberi
Semoga kita tak kan menyesal
Masa usia kita jangan disiakan
Karna ia tak kan kembali ya tak kan kembali

Ingat 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara
Sehat sebelum sakit
Muda sebelum tua
Kaya sebelum miskin
Lapang sebelum sempit
Hidup sebelum mati

wow.. merdu sekali suara mu nak.. 0,0 --> nunjuk Raisa Andriana, eh maksudnya Raihan..he..he..
Mau aja nge-post itu karena tau gak sih kalo liburanku yg dulu2 itu panjaaang banget tapi malah jadi gabutt behut.
Ih.  Padahal kan kapan lagi punya liburan seperti itu. Tapi malah aku gak gunain waktuku untuk hal yg bermanafaat kayak acara amal atau apalah. Duh.. Padahal kalau di acara sekolah malah dikebut-kebut gitu. Ya Allah semoga nanti bisa bermanfaat , yeay. Aamiin.

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