
Jumat, November 25, 2022

Animal Communication, is it Really Possible?
November 25, 20220 Comments

Being a vet is awesome, we can't talk to animals, yet we can try to give them the best treatments. However, as a vet, we often imagine that how if animals can tell us their disease complaints and what they really feel? That of course will help us to diagnose the diseases. 

How if, it's possible that we can actually talk with animals?

A Group Photo of participants

Last wednesday, I got an unforgettable chance to attend a seminar which was held by one of pet food's producers. There, we learned great things from reputable speakers. They were drh Rajanti who talked about 'Study case: Balancing hormones by hypnotherapy methods' and Ms. Ira who talked about 'Boost your Business with Effective Communication Skills'. In this blog, I want to share some experiences what I got from drh Rajanti. I was so excited to meet her as she is well known for her ability in Animal Communication. 

Mind Power

First thing first, what I got from the seminar was that I need to know how our mind works. Basically, mind works in two levels- conscious and subconscious. When we are thinking, it is where our mind works consciously. Meanwhile our subconscious minds is the seat of our emotions, which is the creative mind. It was being said that our subconscious mind is quite sensitive with our thought. 

drh Rajanti 

Animal Communication: The Telepathic Connection

The word telepathic itself means 'feeling across the distance'. It involves direct transmission of feelings, intentions, thoughts, mental images, impressions, sensations, and pure knowing. Animals communicate with human and among each other telepathically. They can understand our emotions, thought behind words even the words themselves aren't totally understood. 


Actually, animal communication is basic level of mind power method. An animal communicator gathers information from the animals by communicating with them. And hypnotherapy is an advance level of that. Hypnotherapy can help animals who have medical conditions in which physiological factors influence physical symptoms. Sometimes animals show certain physiological conditions in which we can not determine their conditions from various lab works. Thus, hypnotherapy is useful to treat this condition. 

Study cases 

Unfortunately, I didn't get the detailed file about the study cases, so it could only we get if we attend the seminar. However, from what I've learned is that, even tough it may seem not logic, animal communication is possible. And if we practice mind power method, we can enhance and unblock our full potential.  

What do you think, guys?

Do you find it interested and are you willing to learn this method?

Reading Time:

Jumat, November 18, 2022

Let's Recap our Day!
November 18, 20220 Comments

Evaluation and reflection need to be done each day. These allow us to refresh and have quality time with our own self. 

Have you ever tried to have a conversation with yourself?

The method can be different for each person. 
Even though you have a busy schedule, we still need to have a good conversation just with ourselves. The easiest way is to reflect on our day around 5 minutes before sleep. 
Just spare 5 minutes of yours, then think about your activities for the day.
It is also good if we can make the recapitulation once a month at minimum. 

In order to get to know yourself better, shouldn't we have a deep talk with ourselves?

There is another way to make a reflection which can be done through writing. If you're not that kind of person who writes your days in a diary, then how about you just give it a try to recap your current activities by writing them in any media? Of course, you should make sure that you follow social media rules and keep things private. With this method, I believe that we can focus on yourself to evaluate what we have done as a regular basis. 

Sometimes it's a good idea to just know ourselves better, don't we?

"Make a reflection before we consume (too much) information. "

There's some ideas to be written in your journal. Embrace yourself and let's take a look at your current activities with these Journaling Mind Dumps!

I found it on Insta. These questions help us to recap our days. 

1. What have I been doing lately?

2. Big/ important things that have happened?

3. How am I feeling about life at the moment?

4. Highs and lows of the past 3 months?

5. Things I've learned lately?

6. Things I want to improve?

7. Anything and everything that comes to mind. 

With just these 7 Questions, let us try to go back and then start to make ourselves better!

Let's get started to try them because, 

"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."

Reading Time:

Rabu, November 16, 2022

How if We Just Make it Slow?
November 16, 20220 Comments

"Did you find yourself happy?"

Have you been asked by someone that question?

or instead asking that question, they prone to ask these disturbing questions, 

''Why haven't you married to someone?"

"How couldn't you buy your own car?"

"You're graduated from a top university, why still live like this?"

"How if you should.... bla..bla..!!!

Right now, with rapid information and fancy technologies, we are always rushing to get everything. We want everything to be quick. We define success with only superficial categories. We crave connections. We are so often presented with quick hits. Short sharp videos, drama, and theatrics. 

It's the time to connect with nature. Photo by M. 

... we often forget small kinds of happiness

The magic of life isn't always found in big moments, big events, and big achievements. Its pure shape is in the mundane, in the little moments. 

There's no need to rush. What God has for you always arrives on time.   


Slowing down, more depth in what we create and what we do. It's not just what we want, it is what we need. What matters most is not working endlessly but going in the right direction. Slowing down is a way to speed up.

•• Take a deep breath. Relax. Feel the nature. Open your window and see the morning scenery •••

•• Allow yourself to tune into the source and yourself. It's time to reflect, be honest and re-prioritize •••

•• It is time to connect with friends and family, with nature, with ourselves •••

However, what we want is slow, it is time to just be...  o(〃^▽^〃)o


Reading Time:

Selasa, Oktober 11, 2022

Terus Upgrade Ilmu: Situs Gratis yang Wajib diketahui Dokter Hewan!
Oktober 11, 20220 Comments

Para kolega dokter hewan praktisi hewan kecil tercinta pasti sangat paham jika sekarang ini banyak klien yang semakin pintar. Hal tersebut tentu baik, jika akibatnya ke arah positif, yakni menjadi lebih bertanggung jawab dengan memberikan yang terbaik bagi hewan peliharaannya. Akan tetapi bagaimana jika kita, sebagai dokter hewan malah tidak dipercaya, karena mereka lebih percaya terhadap internet daripada kita? 

Jangan sampai ya.. 

Perkembangan Ilmu Begitu Cepat

Semakin derasnya arus informasi, para pet owner akan lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan informasi seputar permasalahan hewan peliharaannya. Sebagai seorang dokter hewan, para kolega berperan menjadi penyalur informasi akurat yang bisa dipercaya oleh para pet owner. Salah satu contohnya yang akan terjadi di ruang praktek pertanyaan yang diberikan kepada kita akan lebih beragam. 

Ilmu pengetahuan pun semakin berkembang setiap harinya. Beragam artikel produk-produk kesehatan hewan dari iklan maupun dari tulisan para ahli terus bermunculan. Yang berbahaya adalah informasi yang tidak benar namun terlanjur tersebar dan dipercaya oleh banyak orang. 

Jenis Informasi 

Segudang sumber informasi bisa didapatkan dengan mudah dari genggaman jari. Beragam info dari kanal YouTube, website, program televisi, serta berita menyediakan berbagai jenis informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh kita, sebagai dokter hewan. 

Kini kita tidak lagi dibatasi oleh jarak, seperti saat pandemi, kita lebih akrab dengan penyelenggaraan seminar daring. 

Tentunya akan memudahkan kita untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas ilmu pengetahuan kita dengan mengikuti berbagai kegiatan sesuai minat kita. 

Beragam jenis 'upgrade' ilmu yang bisa kita dapat diantaranya melalui 

- Seminar/ Webinar

- Membaca Textbook/ E-book

- Video dari kanal YouTube

- Online/ On-site CPD (Continuing Program Development)

- Situs Website

Lagi diskusi bersama kelompok koas di perpustakaan (Ketawa lihat keseriusan Mbak Yul dan Star. 2019) 

Kalau untuk berbagai seminar, buku, CPD tentunya kolega sekalian sudah lebih paham ya. Kali ini aku ingin berbagi, barangkali ada yang belum tahu mengenai situs website yang bisa kita kunjungi dengan mudah, kapanpun, dan dimanapun kita berada. 

Contoh Situs Website Gratis yang Harus Kolega Dokter Hewan Tahu: 

1. Clinician Brief

Berisikan pembahasan mengenai beberapa topik yang pembahasannya cukup lengkap. Terkadang kita juga disuguhkan kuis serta pembahasannya. Bahkan menariknya lagi terdapat pula video on-demand CE (Continuing Education) gratis. 

Clincian Brief

2. Todays Veterinary Nurse

Meski judulnya adalah Today Veterinary Nurse, tapi ilmu yang bisa kita dapat dari situs ini sangat banyak dan berguna bagi dokter hewan. 

Today Veterinary Nurse

3.   MSD Vet Manual

Kalau situs satu ini sudah tidak asing lagi bukan? Dari zaman kuliah kita sudah sangat akrab dengan situs berikut. Pembahasan mengenai etiologi penyakit, terminologi, serta terapi dan penanganannya sangat lengkap dari A sampai Z.


MSD Vet Manual

4. Veterinary Radiology MIRC 

Jika ingin melatih kemampuan membaca hasil x-ray maka situs ini sangatlah tepat. Terdapat contoh kasus klinik  dalam situs ini yang akan diperbarui setiap minggunya. Saran saya adalah mengikuti NewsLetter nya agar setiap minggu kita bisa mendapatkan pemberitahuan postingan terbaru. 

Veterinary Radiology MIRC

5. DVM 360

Sama seperti situs-situs sebelumnya, DVM360 juga lengkap, berisi serba-serbi pembahasan kasus penyakit. Dan yang aku suka dari situs ini adalah setiap bulannya mengeluarkan E-Magazine yang bagus dan gratis. Kita hanya butuh mengunduhnya untuk dapat membaca berbagai info menarik. 

6. ARSHI Veterinary Letters

Kalau dilihat dari namanya, sudah ketebak kan ya? Iya, benar sekali. Kita dapat menemukan jurnal terkini berdasarkan kasus studi maupun berbagai aspek klinis lain secara gratis (Open access). Jika dari tadi sudah saya suguhkan berbagai sumber dari luar negeri, bisa dicoba nih yang hendak mencari ilmu dari kolega terdekat kita satu negara. Yang pasti tidak kaleng-kaleng ya, dan tentunya gambaran kondisinya lebih dekat dengan kita. 


Sekarang kita dapat dengan mudah mengakses sumber informasi untuk terus meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan kita. Karena menjadi dokter hewan adalah pembelajaran seumur hidup. Tidak ada alasan untuk stagnan di situ-situ saja. 

Semangat ya para kolega dokter hewan, jangan lelah belajar! 

Reading Time:

Rabu, Oktober 05, 2022

My October Reminder
Oktober 05, 20220 Comments

  [ Believe in new beginning ]

> I want you to remember that it's not too late to do something. It's not too late to start a dream. To make a new friend. To discover a new passion. To realise that you are worthy and you deserve the same love so freely give to others. To put yourself first. To fill your cup each day. To find new love. To discover the beauty of small moments. To start again. To learn something new. <

... and prepare for the things you pray for because sometimes the delay is your preparation. ''

Sometimes.. '' The best people come unexpectedly and the connection is always real...

::: I hope you remember to think beyond your comfort zone from time to time and never forget the importance of growth. I hope you remember that progression isn't always easy and sometimes the things that scare you will actually get you a lot close to where you want to be. :::

Reading Time:

Sabtu, Oktober 01, 2022

Apa itu SDMA? Deteksi Dini Gangguan Ginjal
Oktober 01, 20220 Comments

Apa itu SDMA?

SDMA atau symmetric dimethylarginine bisa digunakan untuk mendeteksi dini gangguan ginjal serta akut. 

Bisa disarankan untuk general check up anjing-anjing yg berumur 5 tahun untuk cek awal, meski tidak nampak gejala klinisnya. Apabila ketahuan ada masalah kita bisa lakukan maintenance sebulan sekali pakai chem 10 (Pengecekan kimia darah).  

Kalau pengecekan SDMA bisa rutin dilakukan 6 bulan - 1 tahun sekali.. 

More reliable than creatinine?

Mengapa bisa dikatakan jika SDMA lebih akurat daripada kreatinin?

Karena beberapa hal sebagai berikut

SDMA sebagai biomarker fungsi ginjal

SDMA dieksresikan langsung oleh ginjal, merupakan parameter fungsi (GFR) Gromerular filtration rate

• Deteksi dini

 Peningkatan parameter dapat terjadi pada 25% penurunan fungsi ginjal, sedangkan creatinin terjadi pada 75% penurunan fungsi ginjal. 

• Spesifik mendeteksi fungsi ginjal

Tidak terlalu dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal sprti pd creatinin, misalnya pengaruh kondisi tubuh, umur, dan stase penyakit. Jadi spesifik yaa.. 

Monggo dokter, bisa dibantu untuk diperkenalkan ke klienklien, agar sadar untuk check up anabulnya..

Reading Time:

Kamis, September 22, 2022

I am Content With What I am
September 22, 20220 Comments
If summarized, the posts I wrote on the blog recently are closely related to understanding myself, 
interpreting my life journey, 
and trying to accept everything I'm currently have.

I once heard this famous Japanese saying,

  Taru wo shiru mono wa tomu
 I am content with what I am

More or less it means something like, a person who is satisfied with what he has is an abundant person. It could also be interpreted that being grateful for what we have makes us rich.

I decided to try to always believe that.

Furthermore, I want my dialogues with myself to become a collection of stories that I can tell to myself in the future or to my children or friends in the future, so that the process of maturation is quite simple. But that thought is what makes it complicated.

In fact, I still punctuate this serious conversation with laughter. The reason is that happy stories, tragic romantic stories, the chaos of work life, strange behavior that I make, as well as friends' stories make it so beautiful. It becomes a scenario that has been designed with the role I am playing.

 As a final word,
 I want to thank myself for being able to embrace all the strands of the story.

 And the most important thing that I always whisper to myself is, I am content with what I am.

 I am content with what I am..

I am grateful for who I am.
Because if I feel satisfied (still am and will continue to try), I will always feel enough, know I have shortcomings but I will not compare myself with other people. So that I will feel enough with what I have.

Currently, dialogue with ourselves is something that must continue to be done, then we try to dialogue with other people, with information that we can get from various trusted sources, then finally we summarize it again into a heading that can be used as a guide for life. (Regarding life principles and others)

Different opinions are normal, and we shouldn't believe one hundred percent about what we think, because it's not completely true, and we could be biased by things we only want to believe.

Reading Time:

Jumat, September 16, 2022

Rafting with GSL Fams
September 16, 20220 Comments

Rafting atau arum  jeram?

Membayangkannya saja cukup ngeri ya.. hahaha tapi kan belum pernah, dan.. sepertinya akan sangat seru!

Pengalaman pertama untuk menikmati arum jeram kulakukan bersama GSL fams. Kondisi cuaca untuk hari itu sangat mendukung. Tidak ada sama sekali tanda-tanda akan terjadi hujan. 

Perjalanan dimulai dari klinik kami di Semarang, menggunakan bus pariwisata. Kali ini tujuan pertama kami adalah menjemput kolega kami yang ada di cabang untuk kemudian berlanjut menuju Magelang. Sejak pertama kali bus meluncur, ada saja kelakuan dari teman-teman kami, yang tentunya dipandu dengan duo pembawa acara yang kocak. 

Ditemani dengan karaoke bersama, pembagian kelompok yang penuh dengan gelak tawa, dan berbagai jajanan yang mengitari, perjalanan yang ditempuh sekitar dua setengah jam tersebut terasa menyenangkan. Sampai-sampai tidak kerasa kalau sudah memasuki kota Magelang. 

Akhirnya setelah melihat pemandangan jalanan kota Magelang kami sampai di tempat tujuan. Setelah sampai, kami tidak langsung melakukan aktivitas utama, tapi dimulai dengan naik ke angkot-angkot untuk menuju ke titik poin arum jeram. Memakan sekitar 20 menit untuk sampai ke sana. Saat sampai ke titik poin, kami mengenakan perlengkapan seperti helm, pelampung, dan membawa dayung. Pemandu kemudian membagi kami menjadi tiap boat berisikan 4 orang dengan satu orang pemandu. Mereka juga memberikan penjelasan singkat mengenai tata cara dasar melakukan arum jeram dan prosedur keselamatan umum. 

Yap, dan saat yang ditunggu-tunggu pun tiba. Sepertinya sungainya cukup bersahabat, bagi pemula seperti kami. Awalnya sih saat naik ke boat aku sedikit degan. Tapi aku yakin kita semua akan selamat, karena cuaca yang cerah serta pemandu yang terlatih dan tentunya telah bersertifikat. 

Dan benar saja, meski ada sedikit arus yang harus diterjang, dan beberapa kali tersangkut, kami tetap bisa menikmati liburan kali ini dengan gembira. Sepertinya pun yang membuat kegiatan kali ini lebih menyenangkan adalah saat semua orang mencoba untuk menjatuhkan sesama teman yang lain. hahaha. Saking hebohnya mereka sampai berkali-kali terjatuh, bangkit, dan terjatuh lagi. Sepertinya, 'dendam' saat bekerja bisa dilampiaskan di sini. hahaha (bercanda aja sih). Ada yang menjadi pemburu keras, ada yang sengaja menceburkan diri sendiri biar ga diceburin, ada yang bertubi-tubi jadi incaran orang, tapi tetap ada yang anteng-anteng saja haha. 

Well, memang keadaan sungainya cukup, cukup tenang dan cukup berarus, teman-teman yang 'bar-bar', pemandu yang ramah, latihan otot dengan sedikit dayung-mendayung, membuat liburan kali ini begitu menyenangkan. Gak kerasa besok sudah masuk kerja lagi ya, sudah dulu ya cerita tentang liburannya ˆˆ

- A Little Gallery with GSL Fams - 

Reading Time:

Rabu, Agustus 31, 2022

A Quick Reminder
Agustus 31, 20220 Comments

Just a reminder that there's so much more 

that we still don't know about ourselves 

and that's what makes life so beautiful. 

Next, you could find your next favourite musician 

or fall in love with someone you haven't even met yet. 

You might see a new shade of green

 that will become your new favourite color 

or you could become obsessed with a new food 

that you thought you once hated.

We change as life goes on,

We grow as life changes,

our experiences shape us into a new person.

It's beautiful, 
it's absolutely beautiful... 

-Inspired by a post on instagram

Reading Time:
A Maple Leaf
Agustus 31, 20220 Comments

Welcoming Autumn!

Bersiap menuju bulan September, Selamat datang musim gugur!

Tunggu, tunggu dulu, tidak ada musim semacam itu di lho di Indonesia, hahaha 

Kalau ngomongin tentang musim gugur, pikiranku langsung tertuju ke daun Maple. 

Kenapa gitu?

Maple, menjadi sebuah daun yang entah kenapa aku kagumi sejak di bangku sma. Sebenarnya aku tidak terlalu mengetahui filosofi di balik itu semua sih. Yang aku tahu, kalau ngomongin tentang musim gugur ya..identik dengan daun ini. 

Sebelum aku memikirkan tentang filosofi atau keterkaitan maple dengan musim gugur,  aku menyukai Maple karena murni Maple, sebuah daun yang memiliki banyak warna, terutama warna merah kecoklatan yang berguguran saat musim gugur. 

Maple, memiliki karakter kuat yang membawaku larut di dalamnya. Lalu apa sebenarnya filosofi di balik daun Maple?

 Baca juga Leaves, left, and Lost 

Menurut pendapatku pribadi, dan imajinasiku pribadi, daun Maple memiliki sebuah kehangatan, arti dari sebuah pengorbanaan, dan mimpi. Seakan daun Maple menyeruakan perasaan semangat untuk mengejar sesuatu yang kita harapkan, entah itu mimpi atau sebuah perasaan cinta. 


Oiya, daun Maple menjadi sebuah simbol di bendera Kanada, tetapi sebenarnya aku ga ngehubungin sama sekali ke sana.. Hehe. 

Berdasarkan berbagai sumber di internet, aku baru mengetahui kalau daun Maple memang dijadikan sebagai simbol cinta. Selain itu, Maple juga menggambarkan keseimbangan dan panjang umur. Oleh karenanya Daun Maple menjadi simbol kekuatan cinta, uang, dan panjang umur. Hem... 

Hehe yaudah deh, terlepas antara makna daun Maple berdasarkan imajinasiku dan beberapa arti lain menurut sebuah kisah, aku tetap mengagumi daun Maple. 

Kartu post bergambar Daun Maple itu diberikan oleh temanku, yang dulu saat sma dapat kesempatan untuk pergi ke Amerika selama satu tahun. Sekitar 7 tahun lalu tepatnya. Saat aku membukanya lagi saat ini, aku kembali lagi menyelami mimpiku yang ada di doanya pada kartu pos tersebut,

 ''.. semoga kamu bisa melihatnya sendiri..''. 

Perasaanku sebetulnya bercampur aduk, antara senang dengan harapan yang didoakannya, serta rasa sedikit sedih karena belum bisa melihat daun Maple secara langsung :')

But, to life is to dream!

Masih boleh kok, teruslah bermimpi. ^^

Maples in Japan (photo by M.) 

Reading Time:

Minggu, Agustus 28, 2022

Anticipation Letter from a Pen Pal
Agustus 28, 20220 Comments
I first heard this app from my friend, she said I could write a letter to somebody out there, with a pen pal. 

This app is bringing back the concept of the past, that we could send a letter to a pen pal friend, plus our message is anonym and will be delivered in several minutes to hours even days, depending on the distance. 

That's one of my first impression, until I tried to use the apps and found some friends.

The idea of exchanging letter is really good, we can talk freely without afraid of a judgement.

It's different from another social media. We can have deeper connection as we don't look other people from their appearances, nationality, religion, and races. In contrast, we try to listen their way of thoughts, how they see the world through their point of views. 

....and every letters are written with heart. 
It's easy to read, but when we want to pour our ideas into writing, is a challenging one!!\\

It's also hard to find a pen pal. 
You know when someone is exchanging letters, the sender and receiver should find something in commons. So the conversation will flow, again and again. But again, the name of this app is Slowly, why not enjoying it slowly?

The feeling when I could find a matching friend, after I write some letters will become a mixed feeling. 

For example if there's a notification, 'You have an incoming letter" my heart is pounding, I'm really happy. 

I'm wondering is he/she will become one of my pen pal for good? 

The anticipation letter make us curious and excited just like waiting our online shops packages. Moreover, we couldn't just sent the letter, and in a second the receiver will reply, no... It needs a patience for the sender to wait for the letter to arrive, then wondering... 

Is he/she will replying back? 
What should I write for the reply? 
Did I talk too much?
Is he/she still activate the account? 

And eventually sending a letter with this worries. 

But feeling happy again if the notification arrives. 

""" Arriving in 15 hours """ 

That's make this app really special. 

When I read Slowly stories (from other users), they said this app give big impacts for their life. Some people did really inspiring or supporting each other, exchanging languages, their daily life, and cultures, even meet up each other, and many more. 

Even tough I was calculated as a new user, and still received only some letters, I'm sending my sincerest thanks to the developer and also my pen pals out there. 

'Thanks for making such a great app'
'Thanks for reading my random stories'
'Thanks for replying me back and send me your stories'

I like writing (for example this blog 😅), 

The feeling when I write my letter is like having a friend to talk with almost about anything. The difference compare when I write for my blog of course, I have somebody that will reply my stories, answer my questions, making a joke sometimes, and I could have wider perspectives from stranger that live in different part of the world and still anonymous (unless we both agreed to share personal information). 

We can travel across the world just by writing letters!!

Well, is a good apps worth a try. To be noticed, it's not a dating apps that you might be imagined, it's a place to find a virtual friendship in non-romantic ways (it's still possible if you could find one). 

Happy writing! 



Reading Time:

Sabtu, Agustus 27, 2022

25s Insecurities
Agustus 27, 20220 Comments

Quarter-life crisis they said, uh? 

Reaching the age of quarter centuries, branches of mind, stressful working condition, friends' successful stories, high standard of life from influencers, cultivating into one point, 

I N S E C U R I T I E S 

Nowadays, insecurities have become the most spoken topic, especially for youth generations. As it really happens in my surroundings, when exploring social media, you'll find some feed that would post about this topic.

Why do we feel insecure?

Well, I'm not gonna talk about somebody else's, I'm gonna talk about what I really feel. 

After struggling for formal education until I graduated and maintaining to get my job, here I am, talking nonsense in this blog. Actually I'm not good at discussing it, or I just haven't found a person to discuss it, no idea. But, it's really dancing in my mind, so I think it's the time to write about it, preventing it from exploding in my mind. hahaha. 

Well, they said that 'Privilege' matters. Some people do have this privilege for their life, some do not have such a thing. 

I do agree with that, to be precise we're having different beginning to achieve something. So that, different processes, and different finishes. You may not agree with that kind of 'privilege' thing, eh?

If we're talking about it, we should actually realize that, we're not defined by certain ages to be called a successful person, am I right?

Maybe when you're becoming one of the 'Sandwich Generation', that's still striving for earning money to pay your family's needs, you got the job, but you can't be such a decent person that is already married with their loved one, having their own houses, and business. They could make some other side jobs, travelling overseas, in contrast you're still busy with your own life. 

If it's counted and seen only from one perspective, then you could say that life is unfair, isn't it?

Then something called, insecurities will be the right term to define your mood. 

But, is that so?

  Also read Perfect with imperfections

I should admit that, sometimes I do feel insecurities strike my head. That would make myself become a loser, having low self-esteem. 

However, I choose to not feel that any longer

I do feel that, but I should see something from a different point of view (Still trying to do that). 

In my opinion, we should recognize our feelings, admit that, and accept that. If we already recognize ourselves better, we could take another step to get up. 

The key of all the things is we should be more grateful and loving ourselves. 

Stargazing a future :D

'' Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion and respect to your own journey.''  - S. Menutt

We want everything to be perfect, we have abundant willingness, high expectation on something, but how if 

We choose to embrace all that we have been and are with love, acceptance and tenderness?

By loving ourselves, we can take better care of ourselves. We then know how to begin to accept our true self, not blaming all the failures that we made. And we will gain more because we know how to improve ourselves with patience, compassion, and we know the best for ourselves because we have our own path, our own timing, our own journey. 

Taru wo shiru mono wa tomu. 

I am content with what I am.

Also read I am content with I am. 


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