I want to introduce you with some of my best friend.
from left : Ririn, Feni (me), Mia, and Via |
from left : Ririn, Feni (me), Mia, and Via |
this is us in "Agoo" |
31st of January 2015.
counting day... and I got 18 if I eliminate it by 31st of January 1997. The day when I was born.
Yeah, a cute girl named feni ^^
is here. she's already 18. #Dasartua #masihjomblolagi upsss..
There are so many wishes from my families, teachers, best friends including Lion, I class,esp. Rinrin, Mia, Via, and many more. I will definitely miss all people here. I wish I can be mature and more polite. Yeah, cause I'll face battle in this near time, I wish I can do it well, for my UN, SNM, SBMPTN esp. ;)
Next, it's a super duper awesome unforgettable memories . I had such unbelievable surprising gifts from my friends. First, it's a little bit confusing because Liona 12 and M,V,R wanted to wake me up in 12 am. But then MVR was quicker than Liona. Oh, God. They sang "HBD" song for me. Thankyou guys.. I'll miss u so much. Thankyou so much for an envelope with many wishes inside it and my wall is having display: Happy sweet 18th Pencay. He..he. Then, it came from Liona. Ha...ha. I just laughing inside my heart that they could not be the first to wish me happy birthday. He..he.. But don't worry Liona. You have tried ur best and you'll always stay in my heart. Yeah, eventually with akward moment, cause you asked me to repeat the "shockness"..he..he.. You sang Happy Birthday song for me. Thankyou so much.. :* Thankyou for that sweet cakes. Ehmm.. What next? Yeah, he..he.. Alhamdulillah, I also got wishes from some friends in the road, "Mbak Feennn. Happy Birthday ya " Malahan. Ada juga yg nyanyi..lumayan banyak.. Hampir se-house. He..he.
Next is exactly Sci-I. Oh God little bit bullying here. He.he. Nopro - No Problem. ;) Then, M,V, n Joan, Rinrin was missing. Yah.. At first time, they asked me to find some fruits in Pegasus stable, ih...they pour me water #basahdeh #padahal mau ke melati makan, so I just having dinner with my condition #basahkuyup.
You know what ? It's not end yet.
It begun when I was fall asleep caused by Interstellar movie-it's about relativity, maybe I think it's quiet long time for me in this world which is 18 years old. However in another galaxy maybe I just live for an hour only. So, it's remaining me to not waste my time- cause life is preparation
to live in everlasting life. Well, I just fall asleep and I decided to lay my body off on bed. He..he.. Exactly at 9 p.m. Liona was waking me up by Mia and Via's help. Suddenly they grab me and tight my hands and covered my eyes. Oh God, they gave me lipstic on my face, then they led me walk in surrounding of my school. It's an emabarasting moment. They laugh at me and said :"mbak Pen 18 tahun menjomblo, sekarang mencari cinta" Oh no, I did'nt who were there but I know exactly that Saturday night is thee time for couple to have date. --it's called towaf in my school.
After one round, I open my eyes and I saw Lion sang "Happy Birthday Song and Hari Ini.." for me. It's not like that only, they also pour water and such powder, I don't know exactly.. Hi..hi.. It was so cool eh cold ^°^. Thankyou so much Lion for this unforgettable moment :-* he..he.. Thankyou also Jumi for giving me a chocolate. Yet, ehm.. It's amazing because there was someone, the last person who gave me birthday greeting. --Happy birthday, fen -- so sweet ^^
tapi Feni Rahmawati pengen tetep aksis.. he,,he,, |
sumber : blogdetik.com |
sumber : www.tribunnews.com |
sumber : remotivi.or.id |
boston.com |
Demi masa
Sesungguhnya manusia kerugian
Melainkan yang beriman dan yang beramal soleh
Gunakan kesempatan yang masih diberi
Semoga kita tak kan menyesal
Masa usia kita jangan disiakan
Karna ia tak kan kembali ya tak kan kembali
Ingat 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara
Sehat sebelum sakit
Muda sebelum tua
Kaya sebelum miskin
Lapang sebelum sempit
Hidup sebelum mati
wow.. merdu sekali suara mu nak.. 0,0 --> nunjuk Raisa Andriana, eh maksudnya Raihan..he..he..
Mau aja nge-post itu karena tau gak sih kalo liburanku yg dulu2 itu panjaaang banget tapi malah jadi gabutt behut.
Ih. Padahal kan kapan lagi punya liburan seperti itu. Tapi malah aku gak gunain waktuku untuk hal yg bermanafaat kayak acara amal atau apalah. Duh.. Padahal kalau di acara sekolah malah dikebut-kebut gitu. Ya Allah semoga nanti bisa bermanfaat , yeay. Aamiin.
Yeah, I've done my first semester in grade 12. Oh my God, I'll face my final examination, my SBMPTN/SNMPTN or UM test, prompt night and graduation? Huhh... my heart beat is getting faster. But, woles aja teman2 yang juga lagi menghadapi hal yang sama. He..he.. kan bentar lagi liburan. Ehm.. tapi aku masih terus beruasaha buat bisa cocok ke univ.. tapi tahu gak kamu obat peninggi badan? He..he.. Astaghfirullah.. bersyukur Fen!!!
Next I wanna tell ya bout my awesome class mates.
They are Ahmad Adi P. P. (Bojonegoro), Angel Dinaria K. (Madiun), Baiq Zilvia J. (Lombok), Dicha Fernaldi S. (Tangerang), Dwiki Taufik W. (Makasar), me (Semarang), Hafidh Arsyad S. ( Tangerang), Imroatul Maghfiroh (Ponorogo), Juleo Nobel (Padang), Maria Johana (Jakarta), Mia Rismalia (Palembang), Naufal Firdaus A. (Kediri), Rifa'i Dwi C.(Bojonegoro), Rima Budiarti (Blitar), Rinrin Nur I. (Cianjur), Shofa Ramadhina (Jakarta), Sitti Sarah D.C. (Aceh), Surya Dwi F. (Cimahi), Ulfa Rachmawati (Wonosobo), Vito Rizky I. ( Sleman), Wulandasari (Tangerang), Yogi Saputra (Indramayu). As the Student advisor, we have Ms. Istianah, graduated (Master) S2 Physics Education from UNNES.
Jadi, sedikit cerita nih.. kalau di kelas itu kita nyebutnya Mavia... atau nggak KAMI-Komplotan Anak Mafia Istianah. Katanya eh karena Ms. Isti ini guru Fisika sekaligus wali kelas kami, kami jadi cinta fisika.. :-P . Kalau di kelas kami masih remed entar jadinya dapat julukan JOMBLO. menurutku sendiri kalau misalnya aku remed lagi entar aku jadi jomblo sejati nih. :-( kata beliau mungkin seperti frekuensi harus beresonansi dulu agar dapat klop, sama juga kayak aku dan juga fisika yg notabennya jadi pelajaran yg menengangkan bagi kebanyakan orang harus bisa klop dulu. Ha..ha..
Pokokke seru banget ning kelas XI Sci I.
Blogging means something important to me and I'm happy to do it. Enjoying the peace of writing with limitless times, places, and mind. Reflecting the joy within the story of my life. Let's join my personal discoveries!
Personal Blogger || Japanese Learner 🇯🇵 || Vet || Acupuncture & Rehabilitation
"" I want to give you hints that I've gotten to live better because you are a precious friend. "" - favorite words from a friend
"" 『足るを知る者は富む』 : "'He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough."'"
""My heart want love, my mind want success, my soul want peace. Islam is my way of life""
桜梅桃李 Ou.bai.to.ri We may often wondering that some may have already achieved certain goals or reached significant milestones, while others ...
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