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Sabtu, September 03, 2016
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Senin, Juni 06, 2016
Rabu, April 27, 2016
Minggu, April 10, 2016
Sometimes I feel that time goes fast. I frequently face so much worry in my life. I strees something out in my mind even the thing that I'll face is not really matter. Why? Actually If I do it, then it will finish. The point is if I don't really get into it, then I jusy keep in my mind, and bump... All the things in my day will become bad even the smallest one.
I need the energy to build my strength, a strong believe that everything will be okay. I just need to do that work carefully, on time and with the best effort. If I put more effort in the work, I think I will not feel so much regret as I can soon improve the false one. I know now that typing in to do list what I want to do is the best answer for what happen to me.If I do that,then my energy to do the next work will increase, unless if I really in lazy condition, or 'PW'.
Somehow, I should make a change in my life, how I can be an agent of change if I can't change my self then?
Jumat, Februari 12, 2016
Sebelumnya, cerita ini bukanlah fiktif belaka, apabila anda yang merasa mempunyai pengalaman yang sama, mungkin andalah yang sudah saya wawancarai. Wkwk :D
Umrah? Bayangan kalian tentunya tentang sebuah negeri tempat para nabi berasal. Benar sekali. Pengalaman salah satu temanku kali ini sedikit berbeda karena dia pergi ke umrah plus tour ke Turki.
Awalnya aku yang pura-pura jadi reporter ini basa-basi nanya ke dia tentang umrah itu apaan sih? Dan inilah jawabannya.. Jawabannya adaalllaaahhhh..
Umrah itu merupakan ibadah umat islam. Dia pergi ke sana karena ajakan orang tuanya. Selama dua minggu ia dan ibunya pergi ke Turki serta Mekah dan Madinah. Pertama lokasi yang mereka tuju adalah Turki. Sebelumnya dari bandara pakaian yang harus mereka pakai adalah jas untuk musim dingin, karena di sana suhu akan langsung rendah. Perjalanan selama dua belas jam dari Jakarta ke Truki tersebut adalah tanpa transit, sehingga mereka langsung sampai ke tujuan. Naik pesawat selama dua belas jam? Gak apa-apalah, lawong aku aja naik bus lebih dari itu aku jabanin, apalagi naik pesawat, impianku selama ini. He..he..
Kamis, Februari 11, 2016
Bila aku beri tanda koma kalimat tersebut menjadi seperti ini, fasilitas umum, milik pemerintah? Akan menjadi sebuah pertanyaan bagi kita apakah fasilitas umum yang dibangun merupakan milik pemerintah, bukan kita. Jika pertanyaan tersebut yang terus-menerus bergulat di pikiran kita maka masyarakat akan cenderung tidak memperdulikan kelestarian fasilitas. Timbullah kerusakan dan berujung terhadap tidak optimalnya pengabungan fasilitas umum tersebut yang tentunya menghabiskan banyak uang.
Tahu gak sih uang yang digunakan demi kesejahteraan bersama itu milik kita bersama? Benar sekali, dari pajak. Pajak yang secara sadar kita bayar setiap kali gajian atau secara tidak sadar dari produk-produk yang kita beli di swalayan merupakan sumber utama untuk membangun fasilitas umum. Sayangnya, rasa memiliki,, cielah,, rasa memiliki fasilitas umum tidak semua punya. Sedikit dari kita yang menyadari pentingnya menjaga fasilitas tersebut. Oiya, sedari kita berbicara masalah fasilitas, sebenarnya fasilitas itu apa sih?
Fasilitas tersebut yang bisa kita lihat seperti halte, jalan raya, taman kota, dan tentunya wakil rakyat. Nah, setelah tahu apa dan sumber pendanaan fasililtas tersebut, sudah ada bayangan tidak di benak kalian sebenarnya fasilitas umum itu milik siapa? Yups, kesimpulan yang baik teman. Semuanya itu milik kita bersama. Sudah selayaknya kita semua tidak patut merusak sebuah bedna yang tidak hanya untuk kita sendiri, tetapi banyak orang yang akan menggunakannya. Ini ada sedikit obrolan dari temen-temenku mengenai apa yang sedang kita bahas sekarang.
1, Si Stroberi : Aduh, Indonesia bagaimana sih? Masa halte aja udah bagus-bagus dibangun seenaknya main dicoret-coret? Jadinya kan bagi orang-orang yang sedang menunggu bus tidak merasa nyaman karena pemandangannya yang tidak bagus karena coret-coret gak jelas itu.
2. Si Mangga: Sebenarnya untuk bersih itu mudah kan? Kebersihan juga bagus untuk kesehatan kita masing-masing. Selain itu, dengan menjaga kebersihan, keindahan sebuah tempat dan ruangan akan membuat kita menjadi nyaman. Kalau aku misalnya punya sampah, eh tempat sampahnya jauh, aku simpen dulu sampah itu. Aku merasa bersalah banget kalau harus membuang sampah sembarangan walaupun ga ada yang lihat. Apabila kita, terus pedagang-pedagang mau menjaga makanan dagangannya dengan baik, tentunya kesehatan juga dapat terjaga, sampah yang tempat timbulnya penyakit apabila dibuang di tempatnya juga ga ada. Enak kan? Tuh jalanan kotor, kumuh, bau. Males juga kan kalau lewat kesitu?
3. Si Apel: Keselamatan kan juga buat orang banyak kan, buat kita juga. Tapi kenapa mereka tidak memikirkannya? Liat tuh, jembatan tempat orang lewat diambilin besi-besinya. Terus udah tahu ada palang di rel kereta api, tapi masih aja main nyerobot. Padahal tuh ya, kalau di Jepang cuman ada tanda kalau kereta mau lewat tanpa ada palang penghalangnya, tetapi mereka patuh aturan tersebut. Mereka sadar kalau hal tersebut untuk keselamatannya sendiri.
4. Si Duren: Eh, di tempat aku ada tempat khusus buat jogging atau olahraga pagi. Di sana banyak orang yang suka karena tempatnya bagus. Eh, tiba-tiba ada sekelompok anak alay yang main pake motor sama pacarnya parkir di tempat alay itu. Jadinya sekarang kalau orang yang mau jogging atau olahraga di sana malah jadi dikatakan alay. Gimana coba, pembangunan tempat itu bisa memakan banyak waktu dan biaya tapi bisa seumur jagung dirusak sama alay-alay.
In 30th of January 2016, we held our biggest and first event in our organization, Patra Atlas Semarang. This event is a canvassing or socialization about our campus, Bogor Agricultural Universities to high school students. We, as youth generation of IPB from Semarang, held this event in Main Aula of SMAN 1 Semarang.
Preparation to make this event is not an easy job as we have to meet and discuss it regularly before we have our holiday. Furthermore, we also made a video that spent times. Some of our plans were not running well, but fortunately this video is well done with Vito as an editor, Anthony as a play director, Ilham as a Cameraman, Feni (me) as a reporter, Dhias, Jasmine, Mei, Anthony, Rasyid, and Ilham as informants. If you want to know more about the video, let’s check this out. (Will available later) This video is talking about dormitory, academic, club, organization, and many more.
Oh, yeah… as an Ungaran people, because I have to make some preparation in Semarang, I knew little bit about BRT or Trans Semarang, I knew where SMAN 10 is, we lost until harbor, I knew a way to Semarang, especially Governor office that is located in front of SMAN 1 Semarang. Moreover, I could enjoy how comfortable Santika Hotel is, even only in the lobby..he…he..
A day before the event, we were having a fun time in Taman KB. There, we prepared for the decoration, and we were drinking a mix ice , ‘traktiran’ from one of my friend, Ginsa. On that day, we didn’t have an effective way to prepare everything out. It made us spent more time but then, we did it and ready for tomorrow.
Well, in that day,I had an appointment with Mr. Yusli in Santika Hotel. One of my friends, Rasyid was accompanying me to that place. There, me, Rasyid, Mr. Yusli were discussing about the slide for the materials, the mechanism of the event, and little bit story from Mr. Yusli. Alright, I think I want to share little bit about Mr. Yusli’s stories. His name is Dr. Ir. Yusli Wardiatno, M.Sc. and he grown up in Jakarta. He studied in Nagasaki University for doctoral degree. He said that in Japan, people are very discipline. It is proved from their good habit to be on time, to not break the rule in the road. For example there is no crossbar between the road and railway, but then they will not across that railway if there is already a sign if the train will coming across that place. I think it is a good behavior to be our example. That habit will reduce the number of accident that happens in Indonesia. Next is they also support green transportation. People in Japan are not shy to walk even for long road. They also love to use public transportation.
I’m sorry, I’m going far. Okay, the day for IPB Goes to Semarang is coming. Sorry, it’s not ‘to Semarang’ but it is ‘IPB Goes to School 2016’. Yeay!!! In my deepest heart, I was really afraid if the participants were only small number of them. Alhamdulillah, even it was not fulfill our target but we got more than a hundred participants who came to our event. The opening was running as the schedule and the whole event ended before the schedule. We had an obstacle there, because the event is fast, and unfortunately the meal were not coming yet, we had to make the event still running. I really proud to master of ceremony, Ilham and Ginsa who did well and success to make the event end slowly. After all, the team work of all committees from Patra Atlas was good. This event end happily ever after. Wkwk. We got a lot of consumption ;D.
I think it’s a little bit creepy if I only share that story. I will add all the people behind the scene, let’s check it out!
I wanna be exist so I want to write my name first. WKwk.
1. Feni R. I was a committee of event who prepare the schedule and JUKLIS, who prepare the term of reference( TOR), who prepare the MC, the souvenir for speaker and participants.
2. Dhias M.F. she is one division with me. She also do sharing session about IPB.
3. Ilham D.F. He is actually one division with me but he become MC, also logstran who book the banner, his mother also the vendor for the catering. Little bit complicated actually.
4. Aginsa T.P. She is our beautiful and spectacular MC.
5. M.Rasyid S. He is the leader of this event or we say ‘Ketuplak’ who is really wise
6. Nindia P.N. She is our secretary, wow … from this event we bully her with our leader .wkwk
7. Ekolela F. She is our treasurer or we can say the one who keep our treasure. He..he..
8. Jasmine F.A. She is in consumption who give us foods.
9. Mei Lina. She is the one who book for the snack and consumption. Bravo for foooooddd!!
10. Vito R.I. He is amazing PDD who makes the design for the banner, the backdrop. He also edited the video and became an operator.
11. Intan K. She is the photographer
12. Ulya M.S.U. She is the one who took the video.
13. Pramitha C.S. She is our beautiful logstran who book the ‘plakat’, who move the table and chair, who buy the souvenir like Wingko Babat and Bandeng for our speaker
14. Alifa S.P. She is also strong woman in logstran like Pam pam.
15. Luthfan M. Indonesia. He is in diploma but he come to the event to help us. He has unique name btw.
16. Siddiq L. He is our senior but he want to help us in this event, he also contribute in sharing session with Dhias.
Senin, Januari 25, 2016

Sabtu, Januari 23, 2016
We will have our new and biggest event in this month which is called Canvassing. In this event we invite some of high school in Semarang and it's surrounding. Firtst, we had an experience in Campus Expo in SMAN 1 Ungaran. Then, we had a presentation and Campus Expo in SMAN 10 Semarang. We done it very well.
In 30th of January 2016, we are going to have a canvassing in Aula SMAN 1 Semarang. We are here to have a socialization about IPB for high school students. How nervous we are as the day is getting closer. We have already prepare everything since we still in campus before our final examination. We got a budget from IPB and we will have an adorable speaker, he is Mr. Yusli.
Meanwhile when we were having a socialization, we were having fun. We ate and had chit chat there. As always, we had lot of laugh and it increases my happiness instead of my sadness because the steak is not really delicious and costly.

Usually some of us will go home together by train. We will go to Pasar Senin and will end in Poncol Statiun. Argh... you will know how bad are them when they fall asleep.
We had a plan to take a picture of all Patra 52 members, but some of us could not come at that time.
Senin, Januari 04, 2016
Assalamu'alaikum... 2016!!!
Bismillah :)
Wow, time run fast, it's already 2016 means that I'm getting older day by day. I wonder do I already do something usefull to others? Do my worship better? Do I learn well and get the benefit of it?
#by the time. Indeed, mankind is in loss. Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience. (Al-Asr: 1-3)
Last year was full of twist and turn, might be a happiness or sadness. It turns me become wiser than before, I hope :). Begin with an euforia become grade 12, doing UN along three days but it takes time to prepare by joining extra classes, try out etc. I also surprised by announcement that I accepted in IPB from SNMPTN. Then, I have amazing story in my graduation and my Prom Night. It 's not only going that way. Trust me that it is added by seasoning that I believe it always contains hikmah. Ehm..I also had fun trip in Bandung, visiting Kawah Putih and Danau Situ Patenggang also Cibaduyut. Here, I had quality times with my friends SCND or batch 2 in SA. Furthermore, my graduation was so touching. It full of tears as we realize that we will be separated soon. Don't talk about Lion, wkwk. We we're crying over and over when we we're in farewell party. However, as the time goes by, we still can meet but it's not happen to me. I'm still difficult to meet them all.
Yeah, I could have snorkeling and went to Lampung. Then, I enter my new livelihood in IPB dormitory. Wow, it shock me out as it 180° different from my previous one. In the period of 2015, I also have problem in family. I count it as a very serious problem but yeah, I should face it patiently. Ouch, I forgot to mention that I have a matriculation along Ramadhan. Next Is my long story in UTS and UAS session. The time that is filled by a joyfull with many new friends. This session that I'm in now is a time that teach me so much. I don't need to mention it one by one what are them. But I want to have reflection that I l learn many soft skills, how to be brave to take action, how to be grateful towards what we have now, not what they have, how to be strong in facing something unexpected, how to not riya', how to not be arrogant, how to be better, and many more. The thing is, it always teach us to be ikhlas in everything that happen to us because of Allah.
I hope this year, I can be better than previous year. I should do everything with spirit and good niat. I want year after 2015, I can reach my dreams one by one, and have benefit to others.