
Sabtu, Juli 29, 2017

Iseng: Going for Date?
Juli 29, 20170 Comments
Hai! I come with new things in my blog. I would like to write about "Iseng". Iseng is derived from Bahasa Indonesia, actually I don't know the truth but the meaning is activity that has no exact purpose that is done by the person.

Here is Iseng.

Going for a Date

👦: "After the party, where did you go?"
👧: "Home."
👦: "Just it? Why can't I find you?"
👧: "I felt alone, so I went home."
👦: "Maybe we should have a date. So, you will not feel alone. "
👧: "Are you going to invite me for dinner?"
👦: "Yeah, whatever it is. I just can't stand why a beauty girl feel alone in that party. I want to always in your side."
👧: "But, I have my phone. It can be my friend."
👦: "No deer. You say it accompanies you wherever you are. But I'm just not accompanying you. I love you."
👧: (Stuck) only smile  😊

Is that a creepy one? Haha.. instead you can use it to learn English. Happy Saturday!!

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Sabtu, Juli 22, 2017

The Up and Down of Staple Foods Prices
Juli 22, 20170 Comments
Agricultural sectors are very dependent with the condition of climate. The change of climate that affect the growth of the plants will significantly change the price of that plants. Meanwhile, there are still many conditions that can affect the price of the agricultural products. One of them is festivities. 
Indonesia is a resident for mostly Muslim. It is accorded that around 87 percent of total population are Muslim. Every year there will be a month of festivity, which is Ramadan. Ramadan is the month when Muslim have to do fasting. The demand of the agricultural sectors will highly increase in this month. The condition happens annually when the festivities come, one month or two week before Ramadan and will gradually back to normal one week before Eid al- Fitr. Nearly in the top of the celebration, Eid Al- Fitr the price will soaring high again. 
The increase of prices happen almost in every staple foods. The most dramatic increment will be the price of chicken and beef meet, with 20-30%. In other words, the demand of these meat are increasing in this holy month. There will be also increasing in the basic ingredients of Indonesian foods such as chili and egg.
If we look back to the past, this phenomenon always happen. The demand of the people will always increase significantly. It also happen in another festivities in Indonesia. Then, even the government has improved the law, there is no warranty that the price will stabile in that time. Back then, local farmer only feel the increment of the price do not benefit to them. They are tend to lost if there is bad climate that happen. 
From this, we need to be aware and always proud to our farmer! 

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Jumat, Juli 21, 2017

Slowly but Sure
Juli 21, 20170 Comments
Love doesn't talk
Indeed it touches

First, I came to notice
That you just like others who like to ride their motorbike

I came to know you that you are not 'that person'
You are awesome
More than I have ever thought

Slowly, I know that my heart are taken by
It is just simple
But matter

The story filling up my first year in college
The story begin slowly
It became the smooth story 'cause I can manage it well

I tried. But I know I can't hide
But I always tried

I became an actress
Pretending just like nothing happen
Nothing I feel
Nothing just as a friend

But I don't know what happen with my eyes
Do they speak the truth?

Slowly but sure
I begin to not notice about you
But just not much than before
I try my new life
Try to find somethin new

Slowly. I almost forgot about you. At least about my past feeling. Almost about everything.

Slowly but sure
You came to my life again
But I knew you were coming just as a friend
Nothing more.

Slowly but sure
You begun to ruin that again
You just almost touched my deepest heart.

Fortunately. Almost is never enough.

Slowly but sure
I knew I feel about you
But I just tried my best to keep it. To save it. Only for me.

Wasn't that beautiful?

That time
I feel that I was a special girl for you
Because you did it too
Even I just having time to lay on your shoulder
I close my eyes calmy
with warm smile come from your face

Slowly but sure. But I know I can't make it sure.

Let the time did

Reading Time:
Rumahku Istanaku
Juli 21, 20170 Comments
Bersemangat banget nih aku! Menggebu- gebu! Wkwk

Kenapa sih lho? 

Kebahagian merupakan sebuah anugrah bagi setiap insan. Secara fisiologi, fisiologi veteriner 😎, endorphin atau hormon kebahagiaan yg dikeluarkan oleh hipotalamus ini (eh bener ga sih ^^, correct me if I wrong) adalah sebuah sinyal diantara banyak sinyal di dunia yang menghantarkan orang memiliki kesan yang mendalam terhadap sesuatu. Kesan yang baik tentunya. 

Kebahagian. Apakah mahal?
Belum tentu. 

Rumahku, istanaku. Judul tersebut (kayak udah punya rumah aja) sengaja aku buat untuk post ku kali ini. Entah mengapa dari kemarin aku ingin sekali menuliskan tentangnya. Tentang orang di dalamnya yang selalu aku tuju dari perantauan. Tentang tempat dimana aku dilahirkan dan dibesarkan sejak kecil. Tentang saksi bisu cinta keluarga kami. 

Aku memiliki bukti bahwa kebahagian tidak harus dengan sesuatu yang mewah. Rumahku yanh tidak terlalu luas ini bisa saja jadi sumber ketidakbahagianku juga aku sandingkan dengan rumahmu. Namun, aku memilih bahagia. 

Hujan yang deras merupakan contoh kecil rintangan yang harus kami hadapi. Terkadang aku malah ketawa karena saat hujan yang sangat deras layaknya air memenuhi rumah kami. Beberapa genteng yang sudah lama tersebut memang bocor. Namun, aku malah geli kadang karena harus menyediakan banyak penampung air. 

Setitik kebahagian kami dapatkan di sini. Aku tidak tahu suasana rumah yang besar akan seperti apa. Yang aku tahu rumah kecilku ini terasa sangat ramai. Selain karena tetangga yang berdekatan, rumah kami cukup memiliki banyak pintu dan sering dibuka. Bahkan, malam pun terbuka. Mungkin nunggu jodoh kali ya. Hihi

Aku senang karena banyak orang yang datang ke rumah. Seperti sepupu, keponakan, pakde, budhe, om, bulek bahkan teman-teman kakak iparku juga sering berkunjung untuk sekedar ngobrol, mungkin sekedar mampir sebentar atau mengajak anak bayinya jalan-jalan. Keramah tamahan, mungkin kadang bergosip mewarnai hari- hari kami. 

Sekali lagi, aku berharap Ridho Allah diberikan kepada kami. Kepada rumah kami. Walaupun kecil, kami bahagia hidup di sini

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Kamis, Juli 13, 2017

Cerita Bule Tajikistan tentang Indonesia
Juli 13, 20170 Comments

Hi, I would like to announce to you a very good news. I had a chance to ask several questions to Husein. I knew him from his YouTube channel. 

Who is he? 

So, I was very interested with some of his vlog in YouTube. He’s one of the YouTuber. I also curious what he does in Indonesia also why he can speak bahasa. 

So here it is. It is a beautiful country in Central Asia which is surrounded by Afghanistan, China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. He knew Indonesia since 2013 when he almost graduate in his high school, as his friend suggest him to study in Indonesia. Otherwise he had another plans to study  in cuontries like Russia, Turki, England and other countries. He decided to choose Indonesia because he like the nice people and nice weather here. Then, his decision make him to study in one of public university in Bandung. 
Bahasa is known everywhere. It is also easy to understand and learn about it. Husein proved that Bahasa is easy to study. By the time, he can speak Indonesia fluently. He just learn it with his friend around his community. Moreover, Indonesia known as the best places for foodies. He told me that he ever tried strange food here also some spicy or another Indonesian foods. For him Rendang is the best one. I just again found that Rendang is worth to be the food in the world.  Give me some, please :)
 Indonesian people, we are lucky to be in Indonesia. His arguments strengthen that Indonesia has a lot of beautiful places that really nice to visit. He make me again, grateful that the combination of nice people with nice views can make Indonesia become very rich. 

As I said in the beginning that he is a YouTuber so just check this ss. With his video he want to spread kindness with his ways and easy to accept and understand by people. Like his motto on his ig bio : Let your actions talk for you! So inspiring!

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Senin, Juli 10, 2017

Sebongkah Energi dari Rita dan Tips Menghadapi Ujian Bagi Mahasiswa FKH
Juli 10, 20170 Comments
Kalo ada tugas atau laporan sesibuk apapun kita usahain kerjain di kosan/ kontrakan.
Hi, teman semua! Yang belum mampir di blog juga Hai semuanya! Hihi
Sepertinya masih suasana UAS nih ya. Soalnya sepi jalanan bara. Huhu. Eits.. hatinya sepi juga ga?
Ups! Gaboleh dong guys! Kita ramaikan dengan berkarya! Uala!

Hari ini aku mau berbagi ceritaku yang punya kesempatan ngewawancarai kembang  kelas  Ba-hagia. Seorang gadis asal Tangerang ini sering membuat seisi kelas tercengang dengan hasil ujiannya yang maksimal. Mau tau tipsnya?

Hai Rita cantik. Kesibukannya apanih sekarang?
Hai jugaa mbapenn.Sekarang mah kesibukannya kuliah aja nih.

Gimana sih Rit  bisa membuat kita tercengang dengan hasil ujian kamu yang bagus itu?
Kalo nilai ujian yaa alhamdulillah walaupun ga tinggi tinggi banget tapi masih sesuai standar aku hehe.

Boleh dong bagi sedikit tipsnya?
Tips dari aku sihh lakukan sesuatu pada tempatnya. Kalo ada tugas atau laporan sesibuk apapun kita usahain kerjain di kosan/ kontrakan. Soalnya pasti kalo ngerjain tugas pas lagi jam kuliah, kuliahnya ga didengerin kann hehe padahal beda loh kalo kita baca slide aja sama dengerin dosen itu ilmunya lebih gampang untuk dipahami itu ajaa sihh

Kata orang yang namanya Feni itu pelajaran di FKH cukup mengoras otak, nah kamu gimana nyikapinya? 
Nah kalo buat yang susah aku juga pasrah aja. Belajar sebisa aku aja walaupun emang gangerti kayak biokimia medis itu aku bener-bener ga paham maksudnya apa tapi ya tetep mau gamau harus dipelajarin.

Oh itu ya yang selama ini menjadi resep Rita. Btw, waktu itu pas umroh bagaimana perasannya? 
Perasaannya yang pasti ga nyangka gituu bisa pergi kesana, ngeliat kabah yang jadi arah kiblat kita pas solat itu rasanya luar biasa banget buat aku. Yang selama ini cuman bisa denger di pelajaran sejarah islam, jadi bisa ke tempatnya langsung.

Menurut Rita yang paling berkesan apa?
Kalo disana yang paling berkesan itu ada dua.  Pertama pas di madinah itu kan ada makam nabi muhammad sama abu bakar sama satu lagi aku lupa pokonya sahabat nabi juga. Nah itu buat perjuangan masuk kesananya luar biasa banget. Soalnya kan kalo perempuan dibatasi cuman bisa ziarah malam hari sama pagi hari. Nah kita disitu harus nunggu lama banget antri sama negara lain juga soalnya disana ziarahnya tuh dibagi kelompok kelompok gitu. Ada kelompok orang turki, ada kelompok orang berbahasa melayu termasuk kita indonesia juga ikut kelompok itu. Jadi sebenernya kita gabisa masuk ke makam tapi cuman bisa di tempat yang namanya raudah. Nah kalo ga salah raudah itu adalah tempat antara makam nabi dan mimbarnya. 

Menurut hadis, kalo kita solat dan berdoa di raudah doa kita terkabul. Aku masuk ke raudah itu dorong dorongan, trus cuman bisa disana 5 menit doang soalnya emang semua orang pingin kesitu jadi dibatasin waktunya. Trus yang paling kerasa perjuangannya sih pas solat di raudah itu sampe bergantian dipagarin banyak orang soalnya kalo ga begitu kita pasti keinjek injek. Sama yang kedua itu pas selesai tawaf itu rasanya seneng banget. Gabakal nyangka bisa ngelilingin kabah dengan orang sebanyak itu mikirnya sih bakal kepisah sama rombongan atau diinjek orang karena orang emang banyak banget kayak pusaran air. Tapi ternyata alhamdulillah ga kejadian, tawafnya lancar dan alhamdulillah juga bisa megang maqom (batu yang ada telapak kaki nabi ibrahim buat bangun kabah)

Reading Time:

Minggu, Juli 09, 2017

Bincang dengan Kelvin, Calon Dokter Hewan dan Pengusaha Muda!
Juli 09, 20170 Comments
Halo teman- teman semua! Sedikit cerita ya, sebagai mahasiswa kedokteran hewan waktu kita lumayan tersita di dalam kelas dan juga di luar kelas. Tapiiiii, hal tersebut tidak menjadi pembatas buat teman saya yang satu ini. 

Salah satu penghargaan yang ia dapat 

Di sela- sela kesibukannya sebagai mahasiswa kedokteran hewan ia juga berprestasi. Ia telah menyabet beberapa penghargaan di ajang yang berkaitan dengan hobinya mengoleksi ikan.Tidak hanya itu, ia juga menghasilkan omset yang besar dari usahanya lho! Simak wawancara saya dengan kawan saya satu ini guys!

Wkwkk soksoan wawancara gitu ya.

Hi, Kelvin! Boleh tahu ngga sekarang kelvin kesibukannya apa? Oiya, asal kelvin dari mana sih?

Kesibukan sih yaa kuliah sambil bisnis sampingan, asalku dari Jakarta (re:Tapi tinggal di Bogor hehe)

Bisnis apa Vin?
Bisnis nyaa breed ikan

Usaha breed ikannya lokal/ mancanegara nih? Udah berapa lama menggeluti usaha ini?
Target kita itu mancanegara. Mulai suka udah dari tahun 2013, baru jalan nya itu tahun 2015.

Oiya emang ga sibuk ya kuliah sambil bisnis?Apalagi fkh loh?
 Sibuk dan lelahh ya cuma terlanjur udah jalan ya barengin aja sama kuliah.

Ide awal usaha ini dari mana?
Ide awal ituu gatauuu tiba-tiba aja ketemu breeder eh joinan. Terus jenis ikan yang aku jadiin usaha itu ikan Discus.

Boleh ga Vin bagi tipsnya buat kita-kita ini yang pengen kayak kamu?
Jangan takut buat gagal, setiap usaha pasti ada risikonya. Nikmatin aja kegagalannya pasti jadi pembelajaran buat kedepan. Sama satu lagi, perbanyak koneksi!

Jangan takut buat gagal, setiap usaha pasti ada risikonya. Nikmatin aja kegagalannya pasti jadi pembelajaran buat kedepan. Sama satu lagi, perbanyak koneksi!

Gimana teman? Menarik kan jika kita bisa jadikan kegemaran kita sebagai pundi- pundi uang? Apalagi usaha milik teman kita ini sudah menjarah di berbagai negara. Tidak terbayang kan berapa omset per bulannya? Seperti kata Kelvin, Jangan taku gagal karena setiap usaha pasti ada risikonya, Fighting!

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Sabtu, Mei 27, 2017

Ramadhan ini
Mei 27, 20170 Comments
Apa itu rasanya sepi jika ada Allah yg menemani

Apa itu rasanya gundah jika ada Allah yg disembah

Apa itu rasanya rapuh jika ada Allah tempat bersimpuh

Amarah tak kan terpatri jika tidak disulut api

Lalu mengapa kau masih resah? Lalu mengapa kau gundah?

Lalu mengapa kau masih kehilangan arah?


Dosa ..

Lagi dosa...

Aku tak lain hanyalah makhluk pendosa

Aku lalai bak kerikil tercerai berai

Aku sombong bak pengumpul harta berbondong-bondong

Aku tak ikhlas bak donatur peminta balas


Tak kan kubiarkan hati ini penuh dengan hitam

Aku ingin lembaran yang tersisa

Segera terisi dengan iba

Dengan pahala

Dengan penuh menghamba


Terima kasih aku masih bisa merasakan

Untuk menorehkan kebajikan


Terima kasih aku bisa belajar

Untuk bisa berlatih sabar


Terima kasih aku menjadi menghargai

Untuk mereka yang susah mencari sesuap nasi


Semoga hati menjadi fitri 
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Selasa, Mei 23, 2017

Mimpi dari Ketapang
Mei 23, 20170 Comments
Sekali-kali bahasanya formal ya ^^

Berasal dari sebuah desa yang jauh, bukan menjadi penghalang bagi seseorang untuk mendapatkan mimpinya. Seperti bincang- bincangku kali ini bersama temanku, Sandi. Ia telah membuktikan bahwa seorang pemuda yang berasal dari Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat juga berhak merajut mimpi di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB. Sandi, yang nama lengkapnya Sandi Putra merupakan sosok yang periang dan ramah. Ia bercerita bahwa kedatangannya ke Bogor merupakan sebuah perjuangan yang besar. Berasal dari bantuan pendidikan dari dinas setempat, dirinya nekat untuk menuntut ilmu di Bogor.

Desa tempat tinggal Sandi merupakan sebuah desa yang tentram dan nyaman untuk ditinggali. Namun, kondisi infrastrukturnya tidak begitu baik. Seperti saluran listrik yang terkadang terputus dan jalan akses desa yang jauh dari layak. Sejak sekolah menengah, ia telah berada jauh dari rumah untuk menempuh pendidikan di Kota Ketapang. Kota yang terletak di tengah- tengah hutan tersebut sudah memiliki akses infrastruktur yang bagus. Penduduknya sebagian besar bekerja di perkebunan sawit. Sebagian lainnya bekerja sebagai petani atau peternak. 

Awalnya Sandi hanya memiliki keinginan untuk menjadi seorang dokter, bukan spesifik sebagai dokter hewan. Takdir yang membawanya keluar dari Pulau Kalimantan menuju Pulau Jawa membuatnya menemukan apa yang seharusnya ia lakukan. 
Dari hati awalnya aku belum ada keinginan untuk jadi dokter hewan, hanya ingin untuk menjadi dokter saja. Tapi seiring berjalannya waktu aku menemukan apa yang harus aku lakukan, yaitu mengabdi. 
Pengabdiannya ingin ia dedikasikan ke tempat ia berasal. Kegiatannya di perkuliahan ia tambah dengan mengikuti organisasi Imakahi dan himpro ruminansia. Ia bercita- cita kelak mengembangkan potensi daerahnya di bidang peternakan dan kesehatan hewan. Ia sangat ingin menjadi aktivis, sebagai contoh seorang penyuluh bagi peternak- peternak di desanya. Katanya pun demikian, “Aku ingin mengembangkan desaku dalam sisi pertanian secara luas.” Jadi ingat awal- awal masuk IPB pikirku. Hehehe
Seperti yang dibilang Sandi, Kalimantan memiliki potensi sumber daya yang baik. Bahkan di sana ia sering menemui orang utan. Walaupun ia ingin fokus ke hewan ruminansia, namun sebagai calon dokter hewan yang baik, ia tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk menjadi dokter hewan orang utan. Ia juga sangat ingin teman- temannya yang ada di sini ikut turut mengembangkan potensi biodiversitas yang ada di Kalimantan.

Reading Time:

Selasa, Mei 09, 2017

Hey, you!
Mei 09, 20170 Comments
Hey, you!
Hey, you!
I don't want to get through
But i can't stop telling my self not to go far
Care about what you do
Curious what you are up to

Hey you!
Tell me that your silence
Is not the silence of hurt

Hey, you!
Tell me that it is nothing just kindness
Of what I'm feeling to you

Hey, you!
Start to give your world
Enough happiness to your own

Maybe I'm not polite
Push my self to enter that barrier

Maybe I'm not much help
Only starring in your silence

Hey, you!
Again, you!
Who are you?
What dare you do?
Make me worry about you!
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Jumat, Mei 05, 2017

We were Born to Support You!
Mei 05, 20170 Comments
I feel that the presence is more than anything.

Now, is a month of OMI. Olimpiade Mahasiswa IPB. It has started from twenty something in April. All athletes come as the contingent from their faculties. They practice in order to be best. To make their faculties proud.

I proud with my faculty even I do not directly contribute as the athletes in the arena. I just the one who only stand in the back giving support to thus who combat in the battle. Well then, honestly I also not the best supporter as I didn’t come to all the games where my faculty do.

No, I’m not gonna tell you about the strategic to become a masterpiece in the arena nor the best tips as a supporter to be noticed by the good players. Hahaha

Here I just wanna tell you that if we want to scream but no place to go, then we must go to OMI. To support our team, our friends. It is a crowded place where all people scream to be as load as lion. To be heard by others. To be noticed by the opponent that we are not weak. To give the spirit to thus who want to play. Just scream!! I promise you that it can be a cheap stress release. Imagine if you want to get refreshing but you have to spend a lot of money just for one movie. Well I admit that sometime we need it.

In the arena, all supporters team from every faculty give the name for it. Like in FKH, we have the name “Panzer Ungu”. At first sight in Opening ceremony of OMI, I really impressed by the way Panzer Ungu burn our spirit in the warmth air in Gymnasium. Panzer Ungu has succeeded us to sing our song synchronously. Nevertheless all the people in gymnasium. They really make it! I don’t know exactly but the opening ceremony is also used by the team to also celebrate the birth of Panzer Ungu. Around two days before the opening, the team gave us, all FKH students an invitation card to come to the ceremony. Not only that, the team also brought some flowers that were given to the important people and the committees. Surprisingly again, there were colorful light that were coming from flying toys. There were also another incredible things that different from other supporters. Really wonderful! 

  • Not only in the beginning, our spirit must last forever because we were born to support you. Caiyo!

Well, just that ehm. Thanks so much FKH and Panzer Ungu. You made it!

Reading Time:

Minggu, April 30, 2017

A Song of a Girl
April 30, 20170 Comments
a song of girl

it is a day
when you are all by my side
it is a day
when I'm with you

your smile your care
has raised my emotion
to take the star even it was a pain

thank you for lend me your hand
thank you for always make me laugh
nothing much to worry
if you right by my side

how will i know if I go
without you
how will i know if I live
without you

We come from different places
but we gather in one place
to share the day

You remind me when I'm wrong
You care to me when I'm down

just your present nothing much more
i can feel you
although my cry that I show to you
nothing but silence i give to you

seem you know it well

-25 april 2017
-for all my beloved friends
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Sabtu, April 29, 2017

Move the Heart beat please
April 29, 20170 Comments
Do I know you really? Deeply? No. I dont.
Do we speak? Maybe
Do you know me ? I dont think so
Do you? 

Nothing just as perfect rythm of soul of lover. It is fantastic. The endorphine that came after a signal from your nerve system directly will make you make your usual lips move into simple smile. 
This words maybe what I got after several time watching romantic movie, reading romantic novel, webtoon or hear your friends' story ._. 
I know that Ana has found her true love from her sister, Elsa. I know that the beauty and the beast, Prince Frog, Shrek, Cinderella and so on has found their own true love. 
Still, I'm thinking of what is it actually gonna be happen in our life, in reality. Im fact we can simply smile because of simple thing and vice versa we can get high temptation for what have people done to us.
Well, is it the best script?

Love, smile simply I can get from your warm and calm smile. It is a smile that may all people that see you can also get it. Simply my nerve push my heart to beat fast. To increase my blood pressure right away entire my body. To give vascularitation to my lip until it make me smile back to you. 

Then other signal in my body is disturbed by this respond until make me become nervous can't move my body correctly. Cant think, cant speak clearly. Cant even breath normally. 

Reading Time:
Four words
April 29, 20170 Comments
It is such a thing that make people will lift up and wake again. Sometime it makes oppositely.
Well, that word is easier to talk with the topic of love, to be loved, being a lover. All generation of love will be happy if there is positive feedbacks for the impuls they have given. Of course it happens to all people.

However, does it still call a love when it turns to be a bad memory?

It was.
Love is just like a fresh meat that have opportunity to become anything with various taste.

That's also my corncern to make a love as beautiful as its name. However people are just people.. we all make mistake.

Through love, I really care with my family. Through love we can work hard. We can achieve something when we are afraid of it. We can be more than murderer for what we love.

Actually I really dont have much idea about it. I just know that this word who make some artists with their poems, books, articles be popular. They can express their selves through this, love.

I love You Allah
I love you Rasullullah. 
Reading Time:

Minggu, April 23, 2017

A Letter from my Farmer Dad
April 23, 20170 Comments

It was my memory when I first entered my senior high school. Once upon a time, all parents are gathered in one place. Then, they were asked to write a letter for their students. The letter then will be kept by the teacher, and it was returned around exam week in year 3.

I was so motivated and touched by this letter even if the sentences which were written by my father was simple. In every words there are so much message that I can get from him.

Pae, yeah I call him Pae which is typically Javanese people also do that. My father is not a man who always work in the office and spending time in front of computer, but I know that he want the best education for me. My father is just a man who is rarely to speak but his pray is always uttered in his praying.

How can I not be touched every time I'm thinking about him? He is very spirit for his work. I proud to be your daughter, to be the daughter of the farmer. I know that sometime it is hard to ask some money  .. hahah.. just kidding. But I know that you've already try your best. Even if you already do the work for one plant,  especially paddy. But you are not like others. You also try to plant another plants such as cardamom, vegetables,  banana, "Sengon" or so on. It is not effective to only wait the result of paddy's harvest that's why you do it. Because you have to send money for your little girl in Bogor, and keep the life for your family.

I always love you,Pak. Hope that this little girl can make you proud.

I remember you, now in this midnight Pae. Thanks for everything. I have the best education now in IPB. I live in a rent house, not much but good. I can go to school by bicycle. I always attend in a class with AC in it. I use microscope by myself. I know what is it called by microbiology, physiology, anatomy and so on. I learn them. I learn with great people, lecturer and great environment. To you who always work in the field, thanks for hopping the best for me but sorry for anything and sorry for how I cant speak this romantic letter for you directly. Wait me in home this Ramadhan ^^ 
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