Senin, Januari 25, 2016
Sabtu, Januari 23, 2016
We will have our new and biggest event in this month which is called Canvassing. In this event we invite some of high school in Semarang and it's surrounding. Firtst, we had an experience in Campus Expo in SMAN 1 Ungaran. Then, we had a presentation and Campus Expo in SMAN 10 Semarang. We done it very well.
In 30th of January 2016, we are going to have a canvassing in Aula SMAN 1 Semarang. We are here to have a socialization about IPB for high school students. How nervous we are as the day is getting closer. We have already prepare everything since we still in campus before our final examination. We got a budget from IPB and we will have an adorable speaker, he is Mr. Yusli.
Meanwhile when we were having a socialization, we were having fun. We ate and had chit chat there. As always, we had lot of laugh and it increases my happiness instead of my sadness because the steak is not really delicious and costly.
Usually some of us will go home together by train. We will go to Pasar Senin and will end in Poncol Statiun. Argh... you will know how bad are them when they fall asleep.
We had a plan to take a picture of all Patra 52 members, but some of us could not come at that time.
Senin, Januari 04, 2016
Assalamu'alaikum... 2016!!!
Bismillah :)
Wow, time run fast, it's already 2016 means that I'm getting older day by day. I wonder do I already do something usefull to others? Do my worship better? Do I learn well and get the benefit of it?
#by the time. Indeed, mankind is in loss. Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience. (Al-Asr: 1-3)
Last year was full of twist and turn, might be a happiness or sadness. It turns me become wiser than before, I hope :). Begin with an euforia become grade 12, doing UN along three days but it takes time to prepare by joining extra classes, try out etc. I also surprised by announcement that I accepted in IPB from SNMPTN. Then, I have amazing story in my graduation and my Prom Night. It 's not only going that way. Trust me that it is added by seasoning that I believe it always contains hikmah. Ehm..I also had fun trip in Bandung, visiting Kawah Putih and Danau Situ Patenggang also Cibaduyut. Here, I had quality times with my friends SCND or batch 2 in SA. Furthermore, my graduation was so touching. It full of tears as we realize that we will be separated soon. Don't talk about Lion, wkwk. We we're crying over and over when we we're in farewell party. However, as the time goes by, we still can meet but it's not happen to me. I'm still difficult to meet them all.
Yeah, I could have snorkeling and went to Lampung. Then, I enter my new livelihood in IPB dormitory. Wow, it shock me out as it 180° different from my previous one. In the period of 2015, I also have problem in family. I count it as a very serious problem but yeah, I should face it patiently. Ouch, I forgot to mention that I have a matriculation along Ramadhan. Next Is my long story in UTS and UAS session. The time that is filled by a joyfull with many new friends. This session that I'm in now is a time that teach me so much. I don't need to mention it one by one what are them. But I want to have reflection that I l learn many soft skills, how to be brave to take action, how to be grateful towards what we have now, not what they have, how to be strong in facing something unexpected, how to not riya', how to not be arrogant, how to be better, and many more. The thing is, it always teach us to be ikhlas in everything that happen to us because of Allah.
I hope this year, I can be better than previous year. I should do everything with spirit and good niat. I want year after 2015, I can reach my dreams one by one, and have benefit to others.
Selasa, Desember 29, 2015
I need the time to cry over and over but it will be useless. I think I must build new strategies in order to be effective in my study time. I must organize my study time, my rest time, my reading time, and my organization. I think if I good in time management, increase my worship and help people in consistent ways, I can handle all my pressure as like Lenka's song: Trouble is a friend ☺
Rabu, Desember 23, 2015
Menurutku, hari ibu adalah hari yang spesial. Walaupun aku sendiri sih gengsi mau ngucapin buat emakku. Satu hal yang aku maknai di hari ibu ini adalah di saat kesibukan kita, di sela-sela aktivitas kita, sudahkah kita membanggakan mereka? Untuk itu, di hari ibu ini dapat kita jadikan cerminan apakah selama setahun ini atau tahun-tahun sebelumnya dan yang akan datang, untuk memperbaiki sikap kita kepada ibu. Seseorang yang telah melahirkan. merawat, mengajari, dan seserang yang kita lihat pertama kali, sosok cinta pertama kita. Terkadang keegoisan kita mengalahkan segala kebaikan ibu yang telah beliau berikan hingga kita lupa bahwa beliau juga akan senang bila kita sayangi walaupun tidak secara langsung terucap dari mulutnya. Bagiku, ibu adalah seorang malaikat yang Allah ciptakan di dunia. Jadi ingat, dahulu aku yang nakal ini telah diasuh oleh ibu tersabar yang aku miliki. Sampai-sampai satu desa tahu kalau aku ini selalu merengek- rengek hingga ibuku repot. Tapi, orang-orang juga berkata kalau dirinya lah orang yang paling sabar menghadapi kenakalanku. Bayangkan saja, jika ibuku selesai mandi, aku akan merengek karena tidak melihatnya mandi dan menyuruhnya mengulangi. Kejadian tersebut berulang untuk belanja, pergi .. dan selalu saja aku merengek jika ibu berangkat bekerja. Mungkin aku kecil tidaklah mengerti bahwa beban yang harus dipikul ibu tidaklah mudah namun masih saja aku bersikap manja dana sering merengek. Selain itu, sosok ibu yang harus sabar merawatku adalah nenekku, yang merawatku selagi ibu bekerja.
Itu mungkin aku kecil yang tidak tahu apa-apa. Sekarang aku telah duduk di bangku kuliah. Aku yang sekarang tidak akan berada di perguruan tinggi ini tanpa kesabaran dari sosok ibu yang merawatku hingga dewasa. Sosok perempuan yang telah dianugerahi oleh Allah sebuah rahim, nama untuk sebuah kasih sayang. Ya, kasih sayang yang ibu berikan buat kita para anaknya. Dan satu lagi hal yang harus kita ingat, surga ada di telapak kaki ibu.
Selasa, Desember 22, 2015
Minggu, Oktober 25, 2015
"Ya Allah, aku menyesal atas dosa-dosa yang aku perbuat, tapi jangan biarkan aku takabbur atas nikmat-nikmat yang Engkau berikan. Sesungguhnya Jadikanlah semua yang aku lalui berkah dan mendapatkan ridho-Mu. Engkaulah yang aku tuju."